baby_carrots (agriculturalproduct)
literal strings: Baby Carrots , baby carrots , Baby carrots
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visualizablething (100.0%)CMC @829 (100.0%) on 06-apr-2014 [ PREFIX=ca 1.45912 LASTPREFIX=ca 1.35359 SUFFIX=by 0.97097 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 0.73044 FULL_POS=NN_NNS 0.70659 LASTPREFIX=car 0.62733 SUFFIX=ots 0.49311 PREFIX=car -0.33096 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.46971 CHARS -1.70355 ] using baby_carrots CPL @1095 (98.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "_ topped with" "saut ed _" "_ are tender" "sauce , served with _" "pan roasted _" "sautd with _" "potatoes , fresh _" "fruits like _" "saucepan , cook _" "bag of frozen _" "pan with _" "fresh steamed _" "beets , sweet _" "half-cup of _" "home , ate _" "foods , such as _" "spicy pickled _" "honey glazed _" "oven roasted _" "cheese such as _" "medium heat , add _" "maple glazed _" "chicken sauteed with _" "eggs , fresh _" "_ sauteed in" "potatoes , steamed _" "onions , sweet _" "heat , add _" "dip for raw _" "stew with _" "vegetables such as _" "vegetables like _" "potatoes , roasted _" "beans , whole _" "potatoes , sweet _" "sauce served with _" "cabbage , sweet _" "onions with _" "vegetables including _" "_ sauteed with" "I used whole _" "pot , add _" "recipe for glazed _" "cheese , grilled _" "we were eating _" "grits with _" "favorite foods are _" "vegetables , such as _" "bowl , combine _" "lots of raw _" "I love fresh _" "we ate _" "greens such as _" "veggies such as _" "cucumbers , sweet _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "lots of fresh _" "honey roasted _" "bun with _" "_ sautéed with" "_ tossed with" "carrots , sweet _" "crops , like _" "beauty of real _" "sauce with fresh _" "squash , sweet _" "mashed potatoes , sweet _" "orange glazed _" "corn , sweet _" "plenty of fresh _" "pan , add _" "beef stew with _" "_ recipe from" "beans , fresh _" "pan , combine _" ] using baby_carrots OE @1030 (85.6%) on 04-dec-2016 [ ] using baby_carrots
agriculturalproduct (100.0%)CMC @1109 (99.6%) on 12-jun-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=ca 1.48570 SUFFIX=ts 1.23899 POS=NNS 1.12772 LASTSUFFIX=ts 1.10549 SUFFIX=rrots 1.08429 SUFFIX=rots 1.08429 PREFIX=carro 1.07884 PREFIX=ba -0.60641 WORDS -2.96730 CHARS -6.37492 ] using baby_carrots CPL @1104 (80.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "oxtails with _" "red potatoes with _" "Fresh vegetables such as _" "cheese , raw _" "sautd with _" "potatoes , fresh _" "corn , raw _" "bag of pre-washed _" "onions , whole _" "raw vegetables such as _" "pan with _" "fresh steamed _" "beets , sweet _" "side of baked _" "potatoes , caramelized _" "carrots , fresh _" "foods like _" "fennel , roasted _" "celery , whole _" "raw peeled _" "potatoes , buttered _" "favorite vegetables are _" "fresh roasted _" "Toss cooked _" "grapes , raw _" "fresh home grown _" "fresh veggies like _" "bags of sweet _" "_ are soft" "potatoes , whole _" "potatoes , steamed _" "onions , sweet _" "peas , organic _" "I add fresh _" "vegetables such as _" "Vegetables like _" "vegetables like _" "celery , organic _" "fruit , raw _" "potatoes , roasted _" "radishes , sweet _" "beans , whole _" "seasonal vegetables like _" "natural sweetness of fresh _" "potatoes , sweet _" "oregano , fresh _" "cabbage , sweet _" "broccoli , raw _" "other vegetables , like _" "butternut squash , sweet _" "raw veggies like _" "side of sautéed _" "I used whole _" "greens , sliced _" "recipe for glazed _" "mushrooms , small _" "fresh veggies such as _" "green beans , cooked _" "raw vegetables , such as _" "I use whole _" "sweet roasted _" "recipes maple glazed _" "veggies – _" "onions , boiled _" "potatoes , sauteed _" "c sliced _" "chicken with fresh _" "favorite veggie is _" "fresh vegetables , such as _" "corn , whole _" "veggies , like _" "veggies such as _" "cucumbers , sweet _" "organic celery , organic _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "fresh vegetables , like _" "mushrooms , cooked _" "peas , fresh _" "potatoes , glazed _" "green tops of _" "foods such as _" "bag of pre-cut _" "fresh vegetables such as _" "fresh vegetables like _" "cheese , steamed _" "carrots , sweet _" "sauce with fresh _" "squash , sweet _" "mashed potatoes , sweet _" "leaves , sliced _" "veggies , such as _" "broccoli , whole _" "corn , sweet _" "leftover steamed _" "organic vegetables such as _" "pan , add _" "raw veggies such as _" "spring vegetables such as _" "cake recipe using _" "fresh peeled _" "bunches of sweet _" "beans , fresh _" "veggies , including _" "_ are a delicious accompaniment" "season vegetables like _" "certain vegetables like _" "raw vegetables like _" "slices , chopped _" ] using baby_carrots SEAL @710 (55.3%) on 11-mar-2013 [ 1 ] using baby_carrots
visualizableobject (99.8%)OE @1007 (85.3%) on 19-jul-2016 [ ] using baby_carrots CMC @1114 (100.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ FIRST_WORD=baby 2.19993 LASTPREFIX=ca 1.95608 PREFIX=ca 1.50065 LASTSUFFIX=ots 1.09210 PREFIX=carro 1.07531 SUFFIX=rots 0.90217 LASTPREFIX=carro 0.87862 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.32499 WORDS -0.99570 CHARS -2.49857 ] using baby_carrots CPL @1097 (94.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "_ topped with" "sweetness of fresh _" "Fresh vegetables such as _" "cheese , raw _" "pan roasted _" "package of frozen _" "sautd with _" "potatoes , fresh _" "fruits like _" "can of _" "par boiled _" "_ served with" "bag of frozen _" "roasting pan , combine _" "salad with _" "fresh steamed _" "home , ate _" "side of baked _" "ravioli with _" "potatoes , caramelized _" "carrots , fresh _" "foods like _" "raw peeled _" "potatoes , buttered _" "orzo with _" "finger foods like _" "grapes , raw _" "fresh home grown _" "_ are soft" "chicken sauteed with _" "eggs , fresh _" "side of steamed _" "peas , diced _" "_ sauteed in" "potatoes , steamed _" "onions , sweet _" "dip for raw _" "Vegetables like _" "fruit , raw _" "potatoes , roasted _" "radishes , sweet _" "beans , whole _" "potatoes , sweet _" "onions , cooked _" "eggs , organic _" "oregano , fresh _" "cabbage , sweet _" "other vegetables , like _" "butternut squash , sweet _" "apples , raw _" "pieces of sweet _" "I used whole _" "salad , fresh _" "toppings , such as _" "recipe for glazed _" "recipe using _" "cheese , grilled _" "we were eating _" "raw vegetables , such as _" "dishes like _" "mashed potatoes , fresh _" "onions , boiled _" "potatoes , sauteed _" "_ infused with" "fresh vegetables , such as _" "soup with _" "corn , whole _" "veggies , like _" "veggies such as _" "cucumbers , sweet _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "mushrooms , cooked _" "recipes using _" "peas , fresh _" "_ are delicious" "potatoes , glazed _" "foods such as _" "fresh vegetables like _" "_ sautéed with" "cheese , steamed _" "_ tossed with" "carrots , sweet _" "sauce with fresh _" "squash , sweet _" "mashed potatoes , sweet _" "lots of steamed _" "leaves , sliced _" "veggies , such as _" "mashed potatoes , steamed _" "dip with raw _" "corn , sweet _" "pan , add _" "fresh peeled _" "beans , fresh _" "pan , combine _" "certain vegetables like _" "raw vegetables like _" ] using baby_carrots
food (99.8%)CPL @1095 (94.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "_ topped with" "_ are tender" "Fresh vegetables such as _" "bunches of fresh _" "potatoes , fresh _" "potatoes , braised _" "fruits like _" "fresh fruit , raw _" "tender boiled _" "raw vegetables such as _" "roasting pan , combine _" "salad with _" "beets , sweet _" "foods , such as _" "side of baked _" "potatoes , caramelized _" "snack on fresh _" "foods like _" "fennel , roasted _" "sprouts , cooked _" "raw peeled _" "potatoes , buttered _" "vegetables , like _" "grapes , raw _" "fresh veggies like _" "chicken sauteed with _" "side of steamed _" "peas , diced _" "potatoes , steamed _" "onions , sweet _" "peas , organic _" "heat , add _" "dip for raw _" "vegetables such as _" "Vegetables like _" "celery , organic _" "radishes , sweet _" "beans , whole _" "seasonal vegetables like _" "potatoes , sweet _" "_ dressed with" "oregano , fresh _" "cabbage , sweet _" "broccoli , raw _" "other vegetables , like _" "butternut squash , sweet _" "raw veggies like _" "apples , raw _" "pieces of sweet _" "I used whole _" "salad , fresh _" "foods , like _" "foods , such as fresh _" "recipe for glazed _" "we were eating _" "fresh veggies such as _" "green beans , cooked _" "raw vegetables , such as _" "vegetables , such as _" "bowl , combine _" "mashed potatoes , fresh _" "onions , boiled _" "potatoes , sauteed _" "greens such as _" "egg , pickled _" "fresh vegetables , such as _" "veggies , like _" "veggies such as _" "cucumbers , sweet _" "organic celery , organic _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "fresh produce , such as _" "peas , fresh _" "_ glazed with" "foods such as _" "hungry , grab _" "fresh vegetables such as _" "cheese , steamed _" "_ seasoned with" "healthy snacks such as _" "rice with cold _" "_ tossed with" "carrots , sweet _" "squash , sweet _" "mashed potatoes , sweet _" "lots of steamed _" "_ were delicious" "veggies , such as _" "mashed potatoes , steamed _" "broccoli , whole _" "butter , sweet _" "dip with raw _" "corn , sweet _" "leftover steamed _" "pan , add _" "cabbage , sliced _" "_ simmered in" "cake recipe using _" "estate grown _" "season vegetables like _" "certain vegetables like _" "raw vegetables like _" ] using baby_carrots SEAL @658 (54.8%) on 06-nov-2012 [ 1 ] using baby_carrots
vegetable (99.6%)CMC @1108 (97.6%) on 06-jun-2018 [ PREFIX=carro 1.32537 PREFIX=carr 1.20549 LASTPREFIX=carro 1.19184 LASTPREFIX=ca 1.12074 LASTPREFIX=carr 1.06826 PREFIX=ca 1.05172 SUFFIX=aby 0.98574 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.78187 WORDS -5.70659 CHARS -7.90430 ] using baby_carrots CPL @1107 (59.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "saut ed _" "_ are tender" "sauce , steamed _" "pepper , sliced _" "red potatoes with _" "cheese , raw _" "bunches of fresh _" "I added sweet _" "package of frozen _" "sautd with _" "potatoes , fresh _" "crisp , raw _" "potatoes , braised _" "beef brisket with _" "fresh fruit , raw _" "saucepan , cook _" "small saucepan , cook _" "bag of pre-washed _" "bag of frozen _" "raw vegetables such as _" "fresh steamed _" "beets , sweet _" "side of baked _" "bag of sweet _" "potatoes , caramelized _" "carrots , fresh _" "spicy pickled _" "fish with fresh _" "handful of fresh _" "raw peeled _" "strips , fresh _" "potatoes , buttered _" "vegetables , like _" "grapes , raw _" "bags of sweet _" "chicken sauteed with _" "glaze served with _" "side of steamed _" "peas , diced _" "potatoes , steamed _" "onions , sweet _" "dip for raw _" "I add fresh _" "vegetables such as _" "rice , sautéed _" "Vegetables like _" "vegetables like _" "celery , organic _" "fruit , raw _" "potatoes , roasted _" "radishes , sweet _" "beans , whole _" "potatoes , sweet _" "bed of julienned _" "Raw vegetables such as _" "peas , frozen _" "oregano , fresh _" "cabbage , sweet _" "broccoli , raw _" "butternut squash , sweet _" "vegetables including _" "potatoes steamed _" "raw veggies like _" "seeds , served with _" "apples , raw _" "pieces of sweet _" "vegetables , including _" "cheese , grilled _" "raw vegetables , such as _" "vegetables , such as _" "recipes maple glazed _" "veggies like _" "mashed potatoes , fresh _" "vegetables include _" "gravy , buttered _" "potatoes , sauteed _" "vegetables other than _" "vegetable such as _" "vegetable , such as _" "greens such as _" "egg , pickled _" "fresh vegetables , such as _" "corn , whole _" "veggies , like _" "veggies such as _" "cucumbers , sweet _" "organic celery , organic _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "peas , fresh _" "potatoes , glazed _" "chicken with braised _" "green tops of _" "fresh vegetables such as _" "fresh vegetables like _" "mashed potatoes , roasted _" "cheese , steamed _" "carrots , sweet _" "crops , like _" "sesame seeds , served with _" "squash , sweet _" "mashed potatoes , sweet _" "beans , steamed _" "lots of steamed _" "leaves , sliced _" "_ are all vegetables" "veggies , such as _" "mashed potatoes , steamed _" "butter , sweet _" "dip with raw _" "celery , chopped _" "corn , sweet _" "cabbage , sliced _" "spring vegetables such as _" "cup frozen _" "I added sliced _" "house pickled _" "bunches of sweet _" "veggies , including _" "_ are a delicious accompaniment" "tomatoes , steamed _" "certain vegetables like _" "raw vegetables like _" ] using baby_carrots SEAL @740 (54.9%) on 09-jun-2013 [ 1 ] using baby_carrots
inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct oil (93.8%)CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 tossed in olive arg1" "arg2 in olive arg1" "arg2 sauteed with olive arg1" "arg2 tossed with olive arg1" ] using (oil, baby_carrots)
inverseofanimaleatfood chicken (93.8%)CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 breasts with arg2" "arg1 thighs with arg2" "arg1 breasts and arg2" "arg1 breast with arg2" ] using (chicken, baby_carrots)
inverseofanimaleatvegetable chicken (98.4%)CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 breast with steamed broccoli and arg2" "arg1 breasts with arg2" "arg1 thighs with arg2" "arg1 breasts and arg2" "arg1 breast with arg2" "arg1 supreme with arg2" ] using (chicken, baby_carrots)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct italian_parsley SEAL @527 (50.0%) on 08-mar-2012 [ 1 ] using (italian_parsley, baby_carrots)
peas CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 or sugar snap arg1" "arg2 and sugar snap arg1" ] using (peas, baby_carrots)
pepper CPL @1108 (75.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg2 and bell arg1" "arg2 and a little salt and arg1" ] using (pepper, baby_carrots)
potatoes SEAL @605 (50.0%) on 30-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using (potatoes, baby_carrots)
inverseofvegetablecanbeservedwithgrain corn CPL @1104 (50.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 syrup or arg2" ] using (corn, baby_carrots)