CPL @1099 (94.5%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "pastries such as _" "carbohydrate foods like _" "_ have a high glycemic index" "D fortified _" "favorite treats are _" "Nutritional values in _" "flour , refined _" "plant foods such as _" "flours such as _" "_ are high" "products , processed _" "rice , sweet _" "eggs , hot _" "starchy foods such as _" "common foods like _" "cheeses , organic _" "ingredient in hot _" "meat , processed _" "goods , processed _" "great topping for _" "sugary processed _" "refined foods such as _" "_ have folic acid" "Other foods , like _" "salad , assorted _" "potatoes , sweet _" "potatoes , dry _" "foods , sugary _" "consumption of whole-grain _" "chips , baked _" "soy products , such as _" "foods , packaged _" "starchy foods like _" "basic foods like _" "eggs , fortified _" "rice , refined _" "basic food items such as _" "_ are another food" "vitamin D fortified _" "_ served with" "foods like _" "sugary , processed _" "grain products such as _" "foods such as _" "foods , cooked _" "staple foods such as _" "fortified foods such as _" "common foods such as _" ] using breakfast_cereals
CMC @1066 (100.0%) on 12-jul-2017 [ PREFIX=brea 2.17367 PREFIX=bre 1.54017 SUFFIX=kfast 1.45778 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.40760 SUFFIX=ast 1.36235 SUFFIX=fast 1.35925 PREFIX=cerea 1.13565 WORDS -0.45220 SUFFIX=st -1.43920 CHARS -5.87133 ] using breakfast_cereals
CPL @1099 (99.0%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "grains , including _" "D fortified _" "Nutritional values in _" "I do n't eat _" "carbohydrates like _" "products , processed _" "rice , sweet _" "grains such as _" "grains , such as _" "starchy foods such as _" "_ include bread" "beverages such as _" "potatoes , sweet _" "foods , sugary _" "dairy products , such as _" "starchy foods like _" "such foods as _" "carbs such as _" "sugar found in _" "vitamin D fortified _" "variety of healthy _" "foods , such as _" "_ are fortified with" "staple foods such as _" "carbohydrates such as _" "carbohydrates , such as _" "dairy products such as _" "commodities , including _" ] using breakfast_cereals
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and dairy arg1" "arg2 or low fat dairy arg1" "arg2 and cereal grain arg1" "arg2 and low fat dairy arg1" "arg2 and some grain arg1" "arg2 and some dairy arg1" "arg2 and other grain arg1" "arg2 and enriched grain arg1" "arg2 and most dairy arg1" "arg2 and other cereal arg1" ] using (products, breakfast_cereals)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey