CPL @1107 (58.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "winter vegetables like _" "chicken , stuffed _" "Primary crops include _" "baby red _" "strawberries , raw _" "sides of mashed _" "vegetable , such as _" "vegetable crops such as _" "winter vegetables such as _" "broccoli , green _" "spinach , Chinese _" "whole heads of _" "vegetables include _" "carrots , Chinese _" "leafy vegetables like _" "season crops such as _" "kale , red _" "leaves of red _" "plain boiled _" "vegetables , such as _" "zucchini , red _" "vegetables , like _" "tip burn in _" "_ are tender" "potatoes , red _" "peppers , red _" "veggies like _" "beans , Chinese _" "vegetables , including _" "winter crop of _" "herbs like _" "villages grow _" "greens like _" "other vegetables , such as _" "inhabitants grow _" "Green vegetables such as _" "raw vegetables such as _" "lettuce , purple _" "lettuce , red _" "_ make great salads" "pancakes made of _" "vegetables including _" "root vegetables such as _" "vegetables such as _" "peppers , purple _" "vegetables like _" "other cruciferous vegetables like _" "soup with green _" "green leafy vegetables like _" "field of ripe _" "crops such as _" "vegetables included _" "leaves of Chinese _" "red bell peppers , red _" "parsley , pickled _" "green leafy vegetables such as _" "_ contain powerful antioxidants" "late crop of _" "spices , sliced _" "beans , red _" "second planting of _" "leafy vegetables such as _" "crops like _" "cruciferous vegetables such as _" "important products are _" "leafy greens like _" "onions , red _" "outside leaves of _" "crops , like _" "strong odors , such as _" "Important crops include _" "field cultivation of _" "beets , green _" "fall crops of _" "corn following _" "carrots , fresh _" "certain proteins found in _" "cruciferous vegetables , such as _" "crops grown are _" "edible plants such as _" "duck with red _" "radishes , green _" "_ are a cool weather crop" "leaves , such as _" "Cruciferous vegetables like _" "fresh greens like _" "raw vegetables like _" "_ are the staple food" "main crops grown are _" "green vegetables such as _" "_ are delicious raw" "vegetables such as Chinese _" "lettuce , Chinese _" "it be growing _" "_ are pickled with" "large bowl , toss _" "_ grown last year" "bed of shredded _" "tender , add in _" "artichokes , red _" "major agricultural products include _" "slices , shredded _" "potatoes , Chinese _" "cabbage , green _" "oxalic acid , such as _" "carrots , red _" "large salad bowl , combine _" "villagers grow _" "broccoli , Chinese _" "leaves , Chinese _" "sweet potatoes , red _" "fresh vegetables such as _" "term crops such as _" "onions , Chinese _" "potatoes , green _" "salad bowl , combine _" "pumpkins , white _" "lots of shredded _" "crops include _" "principal crops are _" "salad of shredded _" "crops are _" "field planted with _" "bell peppers , red _" "cabbages , green _" "cash crops , such as _" "other vegetables such as _" "_ are germinated in" "green vegetables , such as _" "pepper , Chinese _" "corn , cooked _" "other plants such as _" "large bowl , toss together _" "outer leaves of _" "Vegetables like _" "other cooked _" "outside leaves from _" "companion planted with _" "such vegetables as _" "potatoes , white _" "broccoli , shredded _" "vegetable such as _" "cash crops such as _" "_ are biennial plants" "recipe of mixed _" "many vegetables , such as _" "_ are grown throughout" "vegetable like _" "greens , such as _" "greens such as _" "fresh greens such as _" "soup , stuffed _" "other vegetables like _" "tomatoes , leafy _" "veggies , like _" "crops included _" "Vegetables such as _" "Vegetables , like _" "tomatoes , mixed _" "cash crops like _" "broccoli , red _" "brassicas such as _" "cruciferous vegetables like _" "fields of green _" "outer leaves from _" ] using cabbages
SEAL @120 (50.0%) on 07-jun-2010 [ 1 ] using cabbages
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey