CPL @1108 (98.2%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ garnished with" "sauce , sweet _" "saucepan , add _" "chocolate covered _" "cabbage , green _" "stir fry with _" "recipes for white _" "saucepan combine _" "sauce made of _" "garlic , green _" "blend of fresh _" "crops such as _" "bowl , mix _" "stir fried _" "ingredients , except for _" "medium heat , add _" "chicken cooked with _" "ginger , green _" "_ enchilada recipe" "bowl of hot _" "large bowl with _" "foods , such as _" "seeds , red _" "fry till _" "friends over for _" "pan , then add _" "vegetables like _" "slice of fresh _" "risotto with _" "_ based sauce" "broccoli , sweet _" "cheese , fresh _" "bowl , combine _" "salt , red _" "pot of hot _" "chicken , green _" "onion , red _" "stir fried with _" "tomatoes , sweet _" "stew with _" "tomato , red _" "oil , fresh _" "I do n't eat _" "other crops such as _" "large pot of _" "_ topped with" "peppers , green _" "pepper , red _" "plenty of fresh _" "onions , sliced _" "peanuts , sweet _" "I 'm cooking _" "heat , stir in _" "bowl combine _" "spices such as _" "drizzle over _" "celery , red _" "corn , green _" "slices of raw _" "cabbage , red _" "slices of fresh _" "slices of red _" "pot o _" "bowl of fresh _" "large saucepan , add _" "large pan , add _" "peas , green _" "I was eating _" "chicken , red _" "potatoes , green _" "heat , combine _" "crops , such as _" "_ based dishes" "_ are fried in" "_ rubbed into" "chicken in hot _" "beans , red _" "pints of _" "mixing bowl , add _" "_ recipe from" "crispy fried _" "fresh diced _" "frying pan , add _" "bag of green _" "recipe red _" "D/D cup of _" "fire roasted _" "brown , add _" "small bowl , combine _" "red wine with _" "milk , fresh _" "oil , green _" "pepper , green _" "drizzle with _" "hot add _" "_ producing states" "other crops like _" "oil , chopped _" "pan add _" "peppers stuffed with _" "heat until _" "handful of chopped _" "spinach , red _" "rice , red _" "use of natural _" "thin strips of _" "amount of hot _" "sauce served with _" "spicy fried _" "onions , sweet _" "sautd with _" "sauce , fresh _" "ground beef with _" "spices like _" "sprinkle with _" "stir-fry with _" "recipe for mexican _" "drops of hot _" "saucepan with _" "sauce , red _" "flour , add _" "garlic , fresh _" "home cooked _" "good pinch of _" "cucumber , green _" "olives , fresh _" "fruits such as _" "I cooked _" "condiments such as _" "foodstuffs such as _" "cash crops such as _" "_ dipping sauce" "_ sauteed in" "pepper , sweet _" "cheese , chopped _" "bit of fresh _" "water , red _" "_ is heated through" "plenty of hot _" "tender , add _" "spaghetti with _" "bit of chopped _" "cilantro , green _" "_ recipe Recipe" "oven roasted _" "red pepper , green _" "peas , red _" "_ was served at" "meats such as _" "squash , red _" "cash crops like _" "crops like _" "olive oil , fresh _" "green pepper , red _" "beans , fresh _" "basil , fresh _" "bottle of hot _" "cheese , green _" "scones with _" "hot , add _" "carrot , green _" "heat add _" "fry until _" "cauliflower , green _" "dash of hot _" "sauce , green _" "soft , then add _" "spoonfuls of _" "mushrooms , red _" "_ recipe software" "soft , add _" "small amount of hot _" "_ wrapped shrimp" "medium heat , combine _" "seeds , green _" "beans , green _" "_ battered fish" "crop such as _" "onions , green _" "good cup of _" "few spoonfuls of _" "blend of sweet _" "basil , red _" "beef , fresh _" "sauce , hot _" "sun dried _" "sauce , roasted _" "onion , sweet _" "heat , add _" "herbs such as _" "lots of fresh _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "wok with _" "rice noodles with _" "large saucepan with _" "sauce , add _" "we cooked _" "_ drizzled on" "garlic , chopped _" "garlic , red _" "we ate _" "oil , add _" "onions , fresh _" "ingredients except _" "garlic , hot _" "cucumber , red _" "vegetables such as green _" "tomatoes , black _" "Eat lots of _" "frying pan with _" "pepper , hot _" "onion , fresh _" "diet low in _" "pan , add _" "onion , sliced _" "medium heat until _" "mixture , add _" "mushrooms , fresh _" "ground red _" "carrots , green _" "stir until _" "vegetables , dried _" "restaurants serving _" "drizzle of _" "fresh chopped _" "carrot , red _" "cucumbers , red _" "chicken served with _" "bowl , add _" "pan with _" "spoon , remove _" "sauce with fresh _" "tomatoes , green _" "_ dipping sauce recipe" "_ are cooked through" "onions , red _" "wok , add _" "commodities like _" "types of fresh _" "_ sauteed with" "juice , hot _" "juice , green _" "recipe calls for _" "tablespoons of _" "onions , diced _" "amounts of hot _" "tomatoes , chopped _" "slow roasted _" "chicken soup with _" "eggs , green _" "family over for _" "minutes , add _" "onion , green _" "beef stew with _" "tablespoon of _" "_ based soups" "_ eating contest" "_ tossed with" "cream , green _" "water , fresh _" "fruits , green _" "rice , green _" "tomato , green _" "tomatoes , red _" "_ recipe in" "sprinkle with chopped _" "_ catered by" "_ marinated in" "potato , green _" "recipe for sweet _" "onions , chopped _" ] using chilli
CPL @1108 (55.8%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ growing contest" "pungent foods like _" "bit of sliced _" "cabbage , green _" "rice with fresh _" "strawberry , sweet _" "mortar , pound _" "mustard , green _" "soup with roasted _" "pinch of dried _" "garlic , green _" "ginger , chopped _" "seasonings like _" "salt , chopped _" "leaves , finely chopped _" "eggplant with green _" "dash of crushed _" "crops such as _" "tatties with _" "rice , dry _" "side of sweet _" "radish , green _" "Spices such as _" "Japanese pickled _" "chicken dish with _" "duck , sweet _" "ginger , green _" "green papaya with _" "fishcakes with _" "olive oil , dried _" "olive oil infused with _" "fennel , fresh _" "yogurt , green _" "seeds , red _" "fresh crushed _" "hearts , green _" "fish with fresh _" "_ 's spiciness" "squid salad with _" "sprinkle of dried _" "mixed seafood with _" "I added minced _" "Other crops are _" "ginger green _" "vegetables like _" "_ is the staple diet" "_ based sauce" "masala , red _" "crushed garlic , chopped _" "broccoli , sweet _" "salt , red _" "chicken , green _" "red pepper , red _" "onion , red _" "spices other than _" "spices , such as _" "fennel , red _" "mix with green _" "tomatoes , sweet _" "lentils , green _" "tomato , red _" "olive oil , green _" "coconut , green _" "chicken with green _" "green pepper , green _" "I was chopping _" "other crops such as _" "lemon juice , green _" "lime juice , green _" "recipe with sweet _" "pepper , fresh _" "peppers , green _" "pepper , red _" "minor crops such as _" "lemon juice , chopped _" "pork , sweet _" "potatoes seasoned with _" "peanuts , sweet _" "_ infused olive oil" "cumin , red _" "beef with fresh _" "salad with green _" "rice with green _" "taco shells with _" "spices such as _" "almonds , green _" "herbs , chopped _" "chicken grilled with _" "celery , red _" "corn , green _" "slices red _" "cabbage , red _" "cabbage red _" "pieces , green _" "sprouts , shredded _" "slices of red _" "raisins , green _" "pinch of fresh _" "large saucepan , add _" "kidney beans , green _" "large pan , add _" "garlic cloves , green _" "peas , green _" "peppers , chopped _" "nuts , sweet _" "lime juice , chopped _" "oil , finely chopped _" "chicken , red _" "potatoes , green _" "beans , sliced _" "grass , sweet _" "dates , red _" "chilli powder , green _" "cumin seeds , chopped _" "crops are _" "salt , fresh _" "oil infused with _" "sauce , garnished with fresh _" "potato , red _" "pepper , crushed _" "beans , red _" "teaspoon of chopped _" "handful of dried _" "mint , red _" "other plants such as _" "powder , dried _" "sauce , sliced _" "dogs topped with _" "paprika , chopped _" "pork , chopped _" "pinch of red _" "salt , green _" "steamed fish with _" "oil , green _" "onion , chopped green _" "pepper , green _" "tofu marinated in _" "dry roasted _" "tofu , roasted _" "sprinkle with fresh _" "leaves , fresh _" "chicken stir fried with _" "other crops like _" "oil , chopped _" "avocado , green _" "potatoes roasted with _" "lemon juice , chopped fresh _" "mussels steamed in _" "olives , pickled _" "parsley , fresh _" "leaves , sweet _" "garlic , powdered _" "handful of chopped _" "spinach , red _" "rice , red _" "slice of red _" "vinegar , chopped _" "chopped onions , green _" "butter , sweet _" "dish of green _" "sesame seeds , green _" "sprinkle of red _" "fresh ginger , fresh _" "onions , sweet _" "people also grow _" "onion , dried _" "sautd with _" "sauce with minced _" "kick of fresh _" "onion , diced _" "black pepper , green _" "egg , green _" "chilli , fresh _" "basil , green _" "teaspoons of chopped _" "spices like _" "peanuts , green _" "red onions , sweet _" "pepper , extra _" "coriander , green _" "garlic , fresh _" "garlic , sliced _" "cumin seeds , green _" "cucumber , green _" "finely chopped red _" "_ ,curry leaves" "minced garlic , minced _" "olive oil , chopped _" "onions , dry _" "ginger , dried _" "dash of red _" "chickpeas , green _" "balls with sweet _" "chops with red _" "pita bread topped with _" "paste , green _" "sauce , chopped _" "garlic , shredded _" "chicken with sweet _" "chillies , fresh _" "garlic , dried _" "jar of green _" "julienne of _" "cash crops such as _" "_ infused oil" "juice , chopped _" "spices , including _" "pepper , sweet _" "herbs , such as _" "juice , minced _" "Red Snapper with _" "cheese , chopped _" "sauce seasoned with _" "sprinkling of chopped _" "spring onion , green _" "garlic , jalapeno _" "powder , red _" "bit of chopped _" "aflatoxin contamination in _" "cilantro , green _" "mixture of dried _" "lentils , red _" "resistant varieties of _" "red pepper , green _" "peas , red _" "coconut milk , sweet _" "sprinkling of fresh _" "steak marinated in _" "potatoes with green _" "squash , red _" "seeds , dried _" "steaming plates of _" "cash crops like _" "crops like _" "products such as sweet _" "chopped onion , chopped _" "different crops such as _" "slivers of fresh _" "stir fried with fresh _" "garlic paste , green _" "green pepper , red _" "ginger , finely chopped _" "ginger , sweet _" "ginger , fresh _" "bits , green _" "cash crops , such as _" "fry sliced _" "sauce with green _" "little fresh chopped _" "mozzarella , fresh _" "cheese , green _" "cumin seeds , red _" "chilli until _" "garlic , chopped green _" "fresh mint , fresh _" "carrot , green _" "cumin , fresh _" "cauliflower , green _" "chopped garlic , chopped _" "sauce , green _" "crop of red _" "cloves , dried _" "broth served with _" "peppercorns , dried _" "bit of finely chopped _" "mushrooms , red _" "black pepper , red _" "Mussels steamed with _" "slices of green _" "seeds , green _" "I use sweet _" "beans , green _" "mozzarella , red _" "deep-fried chicken with _" "spices , like _" "sauce with chopped _" "oil , fry _" "oil , then sprinkle with _" "other spices like _" "sliced onion , green _" "other chopped _" "onions , green _" "basil , red _" "sugar , sweet _" "salt , finely chopped _" "use as green _" "bay leaf , dried _" "oregano , dried _" "lamb with green _" "sauce , roasted _" "vegies like _" "other flavours such as _" "mustard seeds , add _" "onion , sweet _" "pepper , crushed red _" "sardines , green _" "shallots , green _" "sauce flavoured with _" "lime juice , red _" "pepper , finely chopped _" "herbs such as _" "bay leaves , dried _" "pot of white _" "parsley , red _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "few slices of raw _" "spices including _" "style served with _" "chopped tomatoes , green _" "mint , green _" "meat with chopped _" "paprika , dried _" "finely diced _" "winter crops like _" "tomatoes with chopped _" "seasonings such as _" "I also used fresh _" "curry with fresh _" "candy , raw _" "various spices such as _" "bean , sweet _" "garlic , chopped _" "heat oil add _" "green salad of _" "garlic , red _" "Indian spices like _" "onions , fresh _" "red onion , fresh _" "parsley , dried _" "lime juice , minced _" "tomatoes with green _" "cucumber , red _" "chestnuts , sweet _" "vegetables such as green _" "tobacco , dry _" "ginger , red _" "garlic , dry _" "tomatoes , black _" "spice like _" "amounts of sweet _" "powder , green _" "shallot , green _" "onion , fresh _" "chicken fried with _" "Next , chop _" "blight disease of _" "touch of dried _" "pineapple , sweet _" "scallions , fresh _" "king prawn with _" "potato , dried _" "ground red _" "garam masala , red _" "carrots , green _" "lemon grass , red _" "grilled calamari with _" "tomato sauce with fresh _" "white wine , fresh _" "bean sprouts , shredded _" "seed , dried _" "shallots , red _" "spinach soup with _" "extra serving of _" "fresh chopped _" "carrot , red _" "cumin , minced _" "garlic , chop _" "cucumbers , red _" "beef cooked with _" "oil flavoured with _" "spices included _" "onion green _" "capers , green _" "tomatoes , green _" "finely chopped fresh _" "I did n't have fresh _" "seeds , sliced _" "_ dipping sauce recipe" "_ is a versatile vegetable" "onions , red _" "pineapple , red _" "coriander , fresh _" "vegetables like green _" "chillies , red _" "other spices such as _" "salt , dried _" "flour , green _" "tofu , fresh _" "coconut , red _" "lemon , dried _" "lamb cooked with _" "bag of sweet _" "balsamic vinegar , chopped _" "peas , dried _" "salad , sweet _" "lime juice , fresh _" "juice , green _" "juice , chopped fresh _" "octopus with _" "slivers of red _" "shoots , sweet _" "red onion , green _" "mustard , red _" "sprinkle with green _" "cultivation of hybrid _" "tomatoes , chopped _" "eggs , green _" "tomato , sweet _" "tomatoes , dried _" "onions , dried _" "onion , green _" "_ recipe pages" "contract farming of _" "_ 's pungency" "cod topped with _" "_ based gravy" "rice , chopped _" "cream , green _" "fennel , green _" "flakes , green _" "extra chopped _" "fruits , green _" "rice , green _" "garlic , sweet _" "tomato , green _" "tomatoes , red _" "shreds of red _" "slice green _" "sprinkle with chopped _" "tomatoes , chopped green _" "_ leaves inoculated with" "potato , green _" "hummus , green _" "green onions , green _" ] using chilli
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and sea arg2" "arg1 flakes and sea arg2" "arg1 and a good pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and black arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, salt)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and crushed red arg1" "arg2 and hot red arg1" "arg2 and green or red arg1" "arg2 and salt and arg1" "arg2 and jalapeno arg1" ] using (chilli, garlic)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and sweet bell arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 or cayenne arg2" "arg1 and piquillo arg2" "arg1 and red bell arg2" "arg1 and a dash of cayenne arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" ] using (chilli, peppers)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and lots of cracked arg2" "arg1 and some freshly milled arg2" "arg1 flakes and ground arg2" "arg1 and a few grinds of arg2" ] using (chilli, black_pepper)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and salt and arg2" "arg1 and just a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, sugar)
CPL @1100 (99.6%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and sweet bell arg1" "arg2 and bell arg1" "arg2 and cayenne arg1" "arg2 or cayenne arg1" "arg2 and piquillo arg1" "arg2 and red bell arg1" "arg2 and a dash of cayenne arg1" "arg2 and jalapeno arg1" ] using (peppers, chilli)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 infused olive arg1" "arg2 cooked in olive arg1" "arg2 and extra virgin olive arg1" "arg2 flakes and garlic arg1" "arg2 in some olive arg1" "arg2 in olive arg1" "arg2 and garlic in a little arg1" "arg2 sauce and olive arg1" "arg2 powder and olive arg1" "arg2 in a bit of olive arg1" "arg2 pepper and olive arg1" "arg2 sauce and sesame arg1" "arg2 in a little olive arg1" "arg2 or olive arg1" "arg2 oil and sesame arg1" "arg2 and good olive arg1" ] using (oil, chilli)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and crushed red arg2" "arg1 and hot red arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and green or red arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" "arg1 and a good pinch of arg2" ] using (garlic, chilli)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and lots of cracked arg1" "arg2 and some freshly milled arg1" "arg2 flakes and freshly ground arg1" "arg2 flakes and ground arg1" "arg2 and a few grinds of arg1" ] using (black_pepper, chilli)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 powder and salt and arg1" "arg2 powder salt and arg1" "arg2 flakes and salt and arg1" "arg2 and salt and arg1" ] using (mix, chilli)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 and crushed red arg2" "arg1 and powdered red arg2" "arg1 and ground red arg2" ] using (salt, chilli)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and lots of cracked arg2" "arg1 and some freshly milled arg2" "arg1 flakes and ground arg2" "arg1 and a few grinds of arg2" ] using (chilli, black_pepper)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and sea arg2" "arg1 flakes and sea arg2" "arg1 and a good pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and black arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, salt)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and salt and arg2" "arg1 and just a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, sugar)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and crushed red arg1" "arg2 and hot red arg1" "arg2 and green or red arg1" "arg2 and salt and arg1" "arg2 and jalapeno arg1" ] using (chilli, garlic)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and sea arg2" "arg1 flakes and sea arg2" "arg1 and a good pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and black arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, salt)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and salt and arg2" "arg1 and just a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, sugar)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and salt and arg2" "arg1 and just a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, sugar)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and lots of cracked arg2" "arg1 and some freshly milled arg2" "arg1 flakes and ground arg2" "arg1 and a few grinds of arg2" ] using (chilli, black_pepper)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and crushed red arg1" "arg2 and hot red arg1" "arg2 and green or red arg1" "arg2 and salt and arg1" "arg2 and jalapeno arg1" ] using (chilli, garlic)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and sea arg2" "arg1 flakes and sea arg2" "arg1 and a good pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and black arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, salt)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and sweet bell arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 or cayenne arg2" "arg1 and piquillo arg2" "arg1 and red bell arg2" "arg1 and a dash of cayenne arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" ] using (chilli, peppers)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and lots of cracked arg2" "arg1 and some freshly milled arg2" "arg1 flakes and ground arg2" "arg1 and a few grinds of arg2" ] using (chilli, black_pepper)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and sweet bell arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 or cayenne arg2" "arg1 and piquillo arg2" "arg1 and red bell arg2" "arg1 and a dash of cayenne arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" ] using (chilli, peppers)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and salt and arg2" "arg1 and just a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, sugar)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and salt and arg2" "arg1 and just a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, sugar)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and crushed red arg1" "arg2 and hot red arg1" "arg2 and green or red arg1" "arg2 and salt and arg1" "arg2 and jalapeno arg1" ] using (chilli, garlic)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and sea arg2" "arg1 flakes and sea arg2" "arg1 and a good pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and black arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, salt)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and salt and arg2" "arg1 and just a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, sugar)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and salt and arg2" "arg1 and just a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, sugar)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and lots of cracked arg2" "arg1 and some freshly milled arg2" "arg1 flakes and ground arg2" "arg1 and a few grinds of arg2" ] using (chilli, black_pepper)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and sea arg2" "arg1 flakes and sea arg2" "arg1 and a good pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and black arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, salt)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and sea arg2" "arg1 flakes and sea arg2" "arg1 and a good pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and black arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, salt)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and crushed red arg1" "arg2 and hot red arg1" "arg2 and green or red arg1" "arg2 and salt and arg1" "arg2 and jalapeno arg1" ] using (chilli, garlic)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and crushed red arg1" "arg2 and hot red arg1" "arg2 and green or red arg1" "arg2 and salt and arg1" "arg2 and jalapeno arg1" ] using (chilli, garlic)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and sea arg2" "arg1 flakes and sea arg2" "arg1 and a good pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and black arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, salt)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and salt and arg2" "arg1 and just a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, sugar)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and salt and arg2" "arg1 and just a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 powder and little arg2" ] using (chilli, sugar)