CPL @1107 (99.2%) on 24-may-2018 [ "pan , add _" "notes of black _" "onions , black _" "mixture , add _" "cheese , black _" "spinach salad with _" "I used fresh _" "pudding with _" "rice , black _" "_ sautéed in" "beans , black _" "cooker , combine _" "peppers , black _" "coffee , black _" "heat , then add _" "plum , black _" "tomatoes , red _" "brown , add _" "recipe for black _" "condiments such as _" "crops such as _" "sprinkle with _" "crops include _" "rice , dried _" "pepper , red _" "slow cooker , combine _" "sun dried _" "species of native _" "pan with _" "tablespoonful of _" "bowl of fresh _" "cabbage , red _" "cinnamon , black _" "small bowl , combine _" "ginger , black _" "low heat until _" "saucepan with _" "pot , combine _" "small saucepan , combine _" "large saucepan , combine _" "large bowl , add _" "greens , sweet _" "recipe called for _" "pint of _" "blend of black _" "rice cooked with _" "recipe calls for _" "D/D cup of _" "pepper , sweet _" "blackberry , black _" "_ topped with" "bags of frozen _" "½ cup of _" "tea , black _" "_ tossed with" "heat until _" "handful of chopped _" "_ are tender" "bowl , add _" "_ sauteed in" "I cooked _" "peas , red _" "_ poached in" "corn , black _" "fruits , such as _" "pan add _" "scones with _" "stew with _" "simmer until _" "saucepan , add _" "flavors of black _" "pot , add _" "separate bowl , combine _" "you use fresh _" "ground beef with _" "water , red _" "aromas of white _" "saucepan , combine _" "oil , black _" "species of wild _" "cash crops such as _" "crops including _" "carrots , sweet _" "tablespoon of _" "bun with _" "pepper , black _" "aromas of black _" "olives , red _" "saucepan , bring _" "grapes such as _" "access to fresh _" "frying pan with _" "small saucepan , bring _" "_ grow under" "wine sauce with _" "chocolate covered _" "heat , stir in _" "half-cup of _" "mixing bowl , combine _" "seeds , red _" "bowl , combine _" "cup of black _" "blend of sweet _" "basil , red _" "green tea , black _" "garlic , black _" "heat , add _" "flour mixture to _" "gnocchi with _" "fruits like _" "fruits such as _" "crops like _" "I do n't eat _" "fruit such as _" "beans , dried _" "cake made with _" "one-half cup of _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "other ingredients except _" "apple pie with _" "principal crops are _" "flavors of white _" "flour , add _" "ingredients , except _" "ingredients , except for _" "recipes using fresh _" "mushrooms , red _" "hint of black _" "juice , black _" "ingredients except _" "tomatoes , black _" ] using currants
CPL @1096 (97.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "peaches , red _" "olives , sweet _" "pepper , dried _" "pork , dried _" "pan , add _" "notes of black _" "onions , black _" "balsamic vinegar over _" "melon , red _" "Fruits such as _" "D-D/D cups of _" "cheese , black _" "grapes , red _" "berries , wild _" "fruits , black _" "_ are high" "beets , red _" "new crops such as _" "olives , black _" "soft fruits like _" "rice , black _" "_ sautéed in" "beans , black _" "cooker , combine _" "peppers , black _" "fruit flavors of _" "coffee , black _" "soup with _" "powder , dried _" "plum , black _" "cranberries , red _" "aromas of ripe _" "tomatoes , red _" "celery , black _" "black pepper , red _" "Serve garnished with _" "potatoes , dried _" "cup of dried _" "rice , dried _" "pepper , red _" "aroma of ripe _" "hints of white _" "sprinkle with additional _" "slow cooker , combine _" "mango , red _" "sticky rice with _" "varieties of fresh _" "extra tablespoon of _" "_ are baked on" "salad with _" "apples , dried _" "cabbage , red _" "juice of red _" "tea , organic _" "cinnamon , black _" "vanilla , black _" "ginger , black _" "red peppers , black _" "blueberries , red _" "bell peppers , black _" "greens , sweet _" "potatoes , black _" "carrots , black _" "dish of mixed _" "strawberries , red _" "corn , dried _" "recipes using red _" "pepper , sweet _" "oak , sweet _" "blackberry , black _" "_ topped with" "bags of frozen _" "spinach , black _" "tea , black _" "apricots , dried _" "red cabbage , red _" "jar , combine _" "_ tossed with" "blackberries , black _" "handful of chopped _" "_ add crunch" "_ are soft" "seeds of red _" "fruit other than _" "_ sauteed in" "spice , black _" "peas , red _" "dough filled with _" "corn , black _" "grapefruit , white _" "avocado , black _" "_ are the main crop" "flavors of black _" "raspberries , red _" "lentils , black _" "aromas of white _" "cash crops such as _" "carrots , sweet _" "rice with red _" "It feeds mainly on _" "cucumbers , black _" "cherries , red _" "flavor of black _" "black cherry , black _" "berries , red _" "cherry , black _" "braised beef with _" "_ are de-stemmed" "pepper , black _" "aromas of black _" "olives , red _" "_ are delicious" "herbs , red _" "bacon , black _" "nuts , black _" "lamb cooked with _" "meat , black _" "vinegar , black _" "shallow bowl , combine _" "_ are turning color" "peppers , dried _" "raisins , dried _" "flakes , black _" "fruit flavours of _" "vegetables , black _" "watermelon , red _" "cherry , red _" "citrus , white _" "parsley , black _" "nuts , sweet _" "other fruits such as _" "beef , black _" "seeds , red _" "soft fruits such as _" "cabbage , black _" "notes of white _" "can of _" "pinch of _" "basil , red _" "green tea , black _" "garlic , black _" "flour mixture to _" "brussel sprouts with _" "apples , red _" "fruits like _" "fruits such as _" "kale , red _" "eggs , dried _" "vine leaves stuffed with _" "aroma of black _" "health benefits of black _" "broccoli , black _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "parsley , red _" "pastries filled with _" "cherries , black _" "principal crops are _" "flavors of white _" "_ infused with" "_ served with" "vanilla infused _" "eggs , black _" "¾ cup of _" "vinegar , red _" "foods such as _" "mushrooms , red _" "apricots , red _" "juice , black _" "tomatoes , black _" "pears , white _" "peas , black _" "foods like _" "flavors of ripe _" "anise , black _" ] using currants
CPL @1094 (81.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "peaches , red _" "olives , sweet _" "pepper , dried _" "pork , dried _" "pan , add _" "notes of black _" "onions , black _" "black pepper , black _" "I also used dried _" "chestnuts , black _" "cheese , black _" "major crops including _" "grapes , red _" "_ fill the nose" "oats , dried _" "tobacco , black _" "beets , red _" "peanuts , black _" "ingredients such as black _" "cherries , dried _" "olives , black _" "soft fruits like _" "strawberry , red _" "rice , black _" "berries , black _" "apricots , white _" "beans , black _" "cinnamon , red _" "cooker , combine _" "peppers , black _" "use on edible _" "coffee , black _" "sunflower seeds , dried _" "mint , red _" "basmati rice cooked with _" "notes of dried _" "_ dominate the flavor" "cranberries , red _" "aromas of ripe _" "tomatoes , red _" "huckleberries , wild _" "cassis , black _" "baskets of red _" "currants , black _" "celery , black _" "pudding topped with _" "mint , black _" "black pepper , red _" "cherries , golden _" "Serve garnished with _" "pears , dried _" "potatoes , dried _" "exports dried _" "hints of dried _" "cup of dried _" "dente , add _" "pepper , red _" "pork loin stuffed with _" "aroma of ripe _" "hints of white _" "blackberries , red _" "sprinkle with additional _" "slow cooker , combine _" "small fruits like _" "mango , red _" "sun dried _" "sticky rice with _" "scents of red _" "size of dried _" "herbs , black _" "pan with _" "smoke , dried _" "stand of wild _" "Recipes using fresh _" "spicy black _" "_ are a delicious accompaniment" "cabbage , red _" "juice of red _" "tomatoes , drained _" "_ picked fresh" "chips , dried _" "cinnamon , black _" "tablespoons dried _" "ginger , black _" "greens , black _" "small fruits such as _" "red peppers , black _" "pears , red _" "aromas of red _" "blueberries , red _" "bell peppers , black _" "blueberries , dried _" "red bell peppers , black _" "pint of fresh _" "place of dried _" "_ contain bioflavonoids" "uses for fresh _" "greens , sweet _" "potatoes , black _" "fruit plants such as _" "pumpkin seeds , dried _" "carrots , black _" "raisins , black _" "leaves stuffed with _" "eggplant , black _" "strawberries , red _" "nose of black _" "oranges , black _" "c dried _" "bananas , black _" "brown rice , dried _" "recipes using red _" "pepper , sweet _" "raspberry , black _" "blackberry , black _" "grapes , black _" "disease-resistant varieties of _" "mix of ripe _" "tea-cup of _" "sprouts , black _" "spinach , black _" "tea , black _" "foods such as black _" "fragrance of black _" "course , dried _" "red cabbage , red _" "jar , combine _" "brioche with _" "aromas of wild _" "bread salad with _" "salad with red _" "blackberries , black _" "_ are the main cash crops" "_ are soft" "raspberries , wild _" "stems off _" "peas , red _" "I used dried _" "corn , black _" "pan add _" "avocado , black _" "plums , black _" "chard , red _" "honey , dried _" "_ are the main crop" "sweet potatoes , black _" "bounty of fresh _" "flavors of black _" "_ are self-fertile" "nose I found _" "raspberries , red _" "lentils , black _" "cranberries , wild _" "black pepper , dried _" "artichokes , sweet _" "violets , black _" "pecans , red _" "loin stuffed with _" "aromas of white _" "currants , red _" "leaf , black _" "carrots , sweet _" "sprinkling of dried _" "spinach , dried _" "splendid crop of _" "cookies with dried _" "blueberries , black _" "cucumbers , black _" "cherries , red _" "handfuls of wild _" "flavor of black _" "walnuts , fresh _" "cherry , black _" "black tea , organic _" "buns filled with _" "peaches , white _" "bunches of dried _" "black cherries , black _" "pepper , black _" "aromas of black _" "meats , black _" "olives , red _" "nose of red _" "al dente , add _" "herbs , red _" "plums , wild _" "basket of red _" "bacon , black _" "nuts , black _" "vinegar , black _" "peppers , dried _" "red grapes , red _" "vegetables , black _" "sprinkle of dried _" "cherry , red _" "dish cooked with _" "spices except _" "strawberries , black _" "citrus , white _" "parsley , black _" "sugar then add _" "flavors of red _" "green peppers , black _" "bunches of red _" "nose of dark _" "beef , black _" "berries such as _" "soft fruits such as _" "soy , black _" "bouquet of red _" "cup of black _" "plums , red _" "plums , dried _" "crop of red _" "black tea , black _" "pinch of _" "paste , dried _" "basil , red _" "green tea , black _" "garlic , black _" "raspberries , black _" "flavours of black _" "spices , red _" "kale , red _" "vine leaves stuffed with _" "broth , dried _" "I added dried _" "blueberries , wild _" "broccoli , black _" "bushes , wild _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "ounce of dried _" "parsley , red _" "cakes with red _" "bouquet of dried _" "cherries , black _" "principal crops are _" "flavours of dried _" "_ are self fertile" "flavor of ripe _" "vanilla infused _" "fresh fruit such as _" "leaf disease of _" "clusters of bright red _" "recipes using fresh _" "vinegar , red _" "foods such as _" "_ fill the palate" "layer of whole _" "tomatoes , black _" "_ have large seeds" "red apples , red _" "peas , black _" "stock , dried _" "dried fruits such as _" "grape leaves stuffed with _" "foods like _" "flavors of ripe _" "anise , black _" ] using currants
MBL @1103 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of agriculturalproduct:currants agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct agriculturalproduct:pepper ]
SEAL @227 (87.5%) on 01-apr-2011 [ 123 ] using currants
CPL @1094 (97.5%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "blossom , white _" "peaches , red _" "olives , sweet _" "pepper , dried _" "pan , add _" "notes of black _" "onions , black _" "melon , red _" "Fruits such as _" "chestnuts , black _" "cheese , black _" "major crops including _" "cherries , sweet _" "dill , red _" "fruits , black _" "fruity flavors of _" "_ fill the nose" "oats , dried _" "tobacco , black _" "beets , red _" "flavors of dark _" "rice pudding with _" "ripe flavors of black _" "soft fruits like _" "taste of ripe _" "rice , black _" "_ sautéed in" "apricots , white _" "beans , black _" "cinnamon , red _" "_ are sautéed in" "peppers , black _" "aromas of dried _" "fruit flavors of _" "fruit notes of _" "coffee , black _" "sauteing until _" "sunflower seeds , dried _" "mint , red _" "plum , black _" "Stir in black _" "notes of dried _" "cranberries , red _" "aromas of ripe _" "tomatoes , red _" "sauce , topped with _" "cassis , black _" "currants , black _" "celery , black _" "mint , black _" "black pepper , red _" "cherries , golden _" "potatoes , dried _" "nuts such as _" "pepper , red _" "aroma of ripe _" "hints of white _" "berries , sweet _" "mango , red _" "figs , dried _" "herbs , black _" "salad with _" "stand of wild _" "apples , dried _" "almonds , dried _" "cabbage , red _" "juice of red _" "tomatoes , drained _" "cinnamon , black _" "vanilla , black _" "ginger , black _" "small fruits such as _" "red peppers , black _" "pears , red _" "aromas of red _" "blueberries , red _" "bell peppers , black _" "sauce of black _" "bread with red _" "greens , sweet _" "flavors of dried _" "potatoes , black _" "fruit plants such as _" "cedar , sweet _" "carrots , black _" "strawberries , red _" "nose of black _" "pepper , sweet _" "raspberry , black _" "oak , sweet _" "blackberry , black _" "disease-resistant varieties of _" "_ topped with" "nose of sweet _" "fruits , red _" "spinach , black _" "tea , black _" "foods such as black _" "bowl , crush _" "apricots , dried _" "sugar , dried _" "red cabbage , red _" "_ tossed with" "aromas of wild _" "ripe flavors of _" "salad with red _" "blackberries , black _" "handful of chopped _" "_ are tender" "raspberries , wild _" "seeds of red _" "_ contain anthocyanins" "stems off _" "spice , black _" "zest , black _" "sweet fruits like _" "peas , red _" "dough filled with _" "corn , black _" "grapefruit , white _" "green olives , red _" "lots of green _" "pan add _" "avocado , black _" "plums , black _" "dandelions , wild _" "_ completed the dish" "_ contain more vitamin C" "_ are the main crop" "sweet potatoes , black _" "bay leaf , black _" "_ dominate the palate" "flavors of black _" "greens , fresh _" "raspberries , red _" "lentils , black _" "cake , red _" "cranberries , wild _" "artichokes , sweet _" "ash , black _" "violets , black _" "aromas of sweet _" "pecans , red _" "fruit flavors like _" "aromas of white _" "cash crops such as _" "carrots , sweet _" "rice with red _" "tea , dried _" "blueberries , black _" "cherries , red _" "oranges , red _" "flavor of black _" "black cherry , black _" "walnuts , fresh _" "soft fruit like _" "berries , red _" "cherry , black _" "tablespoon of _" "_ are de-stemmed" "pepper , black _" "aromas of black _" "meats , black _" "olives , red _" "herbs , red _" "peel , black _" "bacon , black _" "melons , red _" "meat , black _" "vinegar , black _" "shallow bowl , combine _" "fruit flavours of _" "vegetables , black _" "watermelon , red _" "cherry , red _" "spices except _" "flavors of sweet _" "citrus , white _" "parsley , black _" "flavors of red _" "green peppers , black _" "citrus fruits , red _" "other fruits such as _" "beef , black _" "berries such as _" "orange peel , black _" "seeds , red _" "soft fruits such as _" "bowl , combine _" "oak , red _" "cabbage , black _" "cup of black _" "plums , red _" "notes of white _" "paste , dried _" "_ seasoned with" "basil , red _" "green tea , black _" "garlic , black _" "heat , add _" "raspberries , black _" "apples , red _" "fruits like _" "spices , red _" "fruits such as _" "kale , red _" "juice of white _" "jam , black _" "smooth , then stir in _" "vine leaves stuffed with _" "aromas of dark _" "broth , dried _" "strawberries , white _" "health benefits of black _" "blueberries , wild _" "broccoli , black _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "parsley , red _" "cola , black _" "cherries , black _" "principal crops are _" "flavors of white _" "fruit flavors such as _" "fruits including _" "flavor of ripe _" "vanilla infused _" "white pepper , red _" "couscous salad with _" "vinegar , red _" "foods such as _" "mushrooms , red _" "apricots , red _" "apples , white _" "_ fill the palate" "juice , black _" "ingredients except _" "tomatoes , black _" "subtle aromas of _" "red apples , red _" "pears , white _" "dried fruits such as _" "grape leaves stuffed with _" "foods like _" "flavors of ripe _" "anise , black _" ] using currants
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and cayenne arg1" "arg2 and some salt and arg1" "arg2 and crushed black arg1" "arg2 and salt and arg1" ] using (pepper, currants)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 over the dry arg1" "arg2 to the bowl of dry arg1" "arg2 and mix until the dry arg1" ] using (ingredients, currants)