dried_beans (agriculturalproduct)
literal strings: dried-beans , Dried Beans , dried beans , dried_beans
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agriculturalproduct (100.0%)CPL @1098 (88.1%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "cup of cooked _" "seed , white _" "beans , fresh _" "cooker , cook _" "peas , mixed _" "can of cooked _" "one-half cup of cooked _" "_ contains fiber" ] using dried_beans SEAL @754 (66.0%) on 24-jul-2013 [ 1 2 ] using dried_beans CMC @1107 (100.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ SUFFIX=eans 2.96226 PREFIX=bean 2.73942 PREFIX=be 2.39064 LASTSUFFIX=eans 2.38923 LASTPREFIX=bean 2.15250 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.87544 SUFFIX=ed 1.75696 POS=VBN -0.52666 WORDS -4.48698 CHARS -8.19215 ] using dried_beans
visualizableobject (100.0%)CPL @1107 (94.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ are delicious" "cup of cooked _" "_ are high" "beans , fresh _" "nuts , cooked _" "peas , cooked _" "half cup of cooked _" ] using dried_beans CMC @1108 (100.0%) on 06-jun-2018 [ PREFIX=bean 3.56069 SUFFIX=eans 2.79170 PREFIX=dri 2.36609 LASTSUFFIX=eans 2.19262 LAST_WORD=beans 2.01374 LASTPREFIX=bean 1.89150 PREFIX=dr 1.81373 WORDS -1.60820 POS=VBN -1.93137 CHARS -3.69755 ] using dried_beans
food (100.0%)CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=eans 3.53044 PREFIX=bea 3.46112 LASTPREFIX=bean 3.18968 LAST_WORD=beans 3.13972 SUFFIX=eans 2.88780 PREFIX=bean 2.81027 LASTPREFIX=bea 2.40488 POS=VBN -1.76059 CHARS -4.13635 WORDS -5.44932 ] using dried_beans CPL @1103 (95.6%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "cup of cooked _" "nuts , cooked _" "_ have a nice flavor" "peas , mixed _" "peas , cooked _" "_ are tender" "_ including lentils" "_ contain enzyme inhibitors" ] using dried_beans
fruit (100.0%)CPL @1099 (65.2%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "apples , stewed _" "beans , cooked _" "cup of cooked _" "seed , white _" "beans , fresh _" "nuts , cooked _" "cooker , cook _" "_ have more antioxidants" "peas , cooked _" "one-half cup of cooked _" "flour made from _" "cocoa butter from _" "half cup of cooked _" "_ contain enzyme inhibitors" ] using dried_beans CMC @1100 (100.0%) on 30-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=bea 5.28226 SUFFIX=ed 3.47028 SUFFIX=eans 3.23196 LASTPREFIX=bea 3.01573 PREFIX=be 2.93641 SUFFIX=ans 2.44962 PREFIX=bean 2.42900 FULL_POS=VBN_NNS -1.55027 CHARS -4.03775 WORDS -8.86126 ] using dried_beans
legume (100.0%)SEAL @245 (50.0%) on 27-apr-2011 [ 1 ] using dried_beans CMC @254 (100.0%) on 18-may-2011 [ PREFIX=bea 3.76706 PREFIX=be 3.63278 LASTPREFIX=bea 2.62254 LASTPREFIX=be 2.29564 SUFFIX=eans 2.00965 PREFIX=bean 1.95294 SUFFIX=ans 1.91983 POS=VBN -0.59547 WORDS -5.76272 CHARS -12.64351 ] using dried_beans