garlic_juice (agriculturalproduct)
literal strings: Garlic juice, garlic juice
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- visualizablething(100.0%)
- visualizableobject(99.9%)
- food(99.9%)
- agriculturalproduct(99.9%)
- CPL @1107 (60.4%) on 24-may-2018 [ "teaspoon of fresh _" "fresh squeezed _" "few drops of fresh _" ] using garlic_juice
- CMC @1109 (99.7%) on 12-jun-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=ice 1.24839 PREFIX=juic 0.96254 PREFIX=jui 0.96088 SUFFIX=arlic 0.95660 SUFFIX=rlic 0.95660 PREFIX=garli 0.94150 PREFIX=garl 0.94031 POS=NN -0.76290 WORDS -1.97820 CHARS -4.24995 ] using garlic_juice
- beverage(99.9%)
- LE @1067 (60.8%) on 17-jul-2017
- CMC @1069 (99.6%) on 01-aug-2017 [ LASTPREFIX=juic 2.14006 LASTPREFIX=jui 2.13910 PREFIX=juic 2.09405 PREFIX=jui 2.09286 SUFFIX=uice 1.34950 LASTSUFFIX=uice 1.16621 LAST_WORD=juice 1.05904 SUFFIX=ic -0.97992 CHARS -1.65699 WORDS -3.73504 ] using garlic_juice