CMC @1108 (100.0%) on 06-jun-2018 [ SUFFIX=fee 3.60579 SUFFIX=ffee 3.54725 PREFIX=cof 3.27196 SUFFIX=offee 3.05987 PREFIX=co 3.00774 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.74553 PREFIX=coff 2.59305 LAST_WORD=coffee -2.69082 WORDS -6.08064 CHARS -15.67765 ] using gourmet_coffee
CPL @1098 (91.1%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "delightful cup of _" "coffee , flavored _" "countless cups of _" "home sipping _" "freshest roasted _" "premium cup of _" "foods like _" "freshly brewed _" "premium roasted _" "fresh brewed cup of _" "great cup of _" "steaming cups of _" "leisurely cup of _" "great tasting cup of _" "ideal cup of _" "Cream flavored _" "simple cup of _" "good cup of _" "cups of black _" "fresh cup of _" "exceptional cup of _" "delicious cups of _" "fantastic cup of _" "single cup of _" "rich cup of _" "Enjoy freshly brewed _" "endless cups of _" "ultimate cup of _" "coffee , iced _" "decent cup of _" "gourmet coffee , flavored _" "bottomless cups of _" "fresh roasted _" "refreshing cup of _" "perfect pot of _" "superior cup of _" "strong cup of _" "cup of flavored _" "_ is freshly ground" "Freshly brewed _" "excellent cup of _" "quality cup of _" "cup of fresh-brewed _" "nice cup of warm _" "complimentary cup of _" "custom flavored _" "People have been drinking _" "lovely cup of _" "Fresh brewed _" "nice cup of _" "perfect cup of _" "fresh pot of _" "tasting cup of _" "outstanding cup of _" "fabulous cup of _" "better cup of _" "hot beverages like _" "expensive cut of _" "second cup of _" "wonderful cup of _" "quality flavored _" "Vanilla flavored _" "brewed cup of _" "fresh brewed _" ] using gourmet_coffee
CPL @1105 (94.3%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "delightful cup of _" "big cup of _" "few glasses of _" "coffee , flavored _" "tasting , fresh _" "countless cups of _" "cup of exquisite _" "different cups of _" "cake brushed with _" "possible cup of _" "premium cup of _" "large cup of _" "home brewed _" "trade organic _" "hot , freshly brewed _" "_ is roasted fresh" "premium roasted _" "cup of warm _" "fresh brew of _" "_ has become the drink" "fresh brewed cup of _" "sip of fresh _" "I love drinking _" "great cup of _" "cup of _" "we sip _" "drinks like _" "steaming cups of _" "sip of _" "_ roasted right" "leisurely cup of _" "own cup of _" "cup of fresh _" "shade grown _" "great tasting cup of _" "ideal cup of _" "simple cup of _" "new cup of _" "superb cup of _" "_ brewed in" "in-room coffee maker with _" "daily cup of _" "free cups of _" "cold filtered _" "own roasted _" "tea , hot _" "many cups of _" "Fresh roasted _" "good cup of _" "first mug of _" "Almond flavored _" "Starbucks sipping _" "long sip of _" "morning cup of _" "daily cups of _" "cups of black _" "awesome cup of _" "fresh cup of _" "exceptional cup of _" "delicious cups of _" "several cups of _" "fantastic cup of _" "single cup of _" "continental breakfast consisting of _" "hot cups of _" "rich cup of _" "beverage service , including _" "nice hot cup of _" "Enjoy freshly brewed _" "endless cups of _" "cup of hot _" "_ is a decadent delight" "ultimate cup of _" "average cup of _" "D-ounce cup of _" "coffee , iced _" "decent cup of _" "individual cup of _" "bottomless cups of _" "fresh roasted _" "first cup of _" "next cup of _" "cup of great _" "refreshing cup of _" "freshest cup of _" "perfect pot of _" "_ brewed by" "superior cup of _" "_ is roasted at" "strong cup of _" "enjoyable cup of _" "individual cups of _" "medium roasted _" "glass of fresh _" "cup of flavored _" "cup of excellent _" "cup of Colombian _" "bar serves fresh _" "_ is freshly ground" "glasses of fresh _" "Freshly brewed _" "excellent cup of _" "quality cup of _" "coffee known as _" "coffee , organic _" "cup of fresh-brewed _" "single cups of _" "different cup of _" "drinking cups of _" "occasional cup of _" "more glasses of _" "_ brewed on" "consistent cup of _" "cup of free _" "_ brewed at" "nice cup of warm _" "full pot of _" "complimentary cup of _" "cup of delicious _" "custom flavored _" "glass of fine _" "Beverages , including _" "People have been drinking _" "tasting glass of _" "lovely cup of _" "own perfect cup of _" "full-bodied cup of _" "cup of freshly-brewed _" "Fresh brewed _" "relaxing cup of _" "few cups of _" "caffeine intake from _" "freshly-brewed cup of _" "nice cup of _" "perfect cup of _" "fresh pot of _" "tasting cup of _" "beverages like _" "outstanding cup of _" "_ brewed from" "cozy cup of _" "fabulous cup of _" "delicious cup of _" "beverages including _" "better cup of _" "day , drinking _" "special cup of _" "hot beverages like _" "last cup of _" "regular brewed _" "second cup of _" "you drink _" "wonderful cup of _" "home roasted _" "expensive cup of _" "hot cup of _" "Vanilla flavored _" "couch , drinking _" "chairs , drinking _" "satisfying cup of _" "entire pot of _" "you enjoy drinking _" "warm cup of _" "adults drank _" "bottomless cup of _" "brewed cup of _" "coffeemakers with _" "steaming cup of _" "smooth cup of _" "favorite cup of _" "free cup of _" "mug of delicious _" "fresh brewed _" "coffee , hot _" "glass of _" "people even drink _" ] using gourmet_coffee
SEAL @134 (93.8%) on 24-jul-2010 [ 1234 ] using gourmet_coffee
CPL @1104 (89.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "delightful cup of _" "coffee , flavored _" "countless cups of _" "foods like _" "soup with _" "cup of warm _" "pound of fresh _" "leisurely cup of _" "_ served daily" "_ topped with" "can of _" "tea , hot _" "freshly roasted _" "first mug of _" "long sip of _" "delicious cups of _" "_ is served each morning" "continental breakfast consisting of _" "Enjoy freshly brewed _" "friends over for _" "endless cups of _" "_ is provided each morning" "D-ounce cup of _" "coffee , iced _" "glasses of fresh _" "Freshly brewed _" "cup of fresh-brewed _" "single cups of _" "complimentary cup of _" "custom flavored _" "_ are served daily" "full-bodied cup of _" "variety of flavored _" "neighbors over for _" "hot beverages like _" "cakes , fresh _" "recipes using _" "_ infused with" "_ is served at" "delicious pot of _" "_ producing countries" "you love fresh _" "flavor of fresh _" "coffee , hot _" ] using gourmet_coffee
CMC @1052 (100.0%) on 23-apr-2017 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 3.67698 SUFFIX=et 2.84093 LASTSUFFIX=offee 2.65654 LASTSUFFIX=ffee 2.64421 LASTSUFFIX=fee 2.62353 LASTPREFIX=coffe 2.28674 LAST_WORD=coffee 1.98160 SUFFIX=ee -1.76062 CHARS -7.80582 WORDS -11.19743 ] using gourmet_coffee
LE @1069 (59.2%) on 01-aug-2017
CPL @1096 (94.7%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "delightful cup of _" "countless cups of _" "premium cup of _" "foods like _" "cup of warm _" "fresh brewed cup of _" "great cup of _" "_ roasted right" "leisurely cup of _" "great tasting cup of _" "simple cup of _" "_ topped with" "good cup of _" "morning cup of _" "_ is served each morning" "fantastic cup of _" "rich cup of _" "Enjoy freshly brewed _" "friends over for _" "endless cups of _" "ultimate cup of _" "tablespoon of _" "D-ounce cup of _" "coffee , iced _" "decent cup of _" "bottomless cups of _" "strong cup of _" "cup of flavored _" "glasses of fresh _" "excellent cup of _" "quality cup of _" "single cups of _" "occasional cup of _" "nice cup of warm _" "complimentary cup of _" "People have been drinking _" "snacks , fresh _" "lovely cup of _" "full-bodied cup of _" "cup of freshly-brewed _" "Fresh brewed _" "nice cup of _" "neighbors over for _" "perfect cup of _" "tasting cup of _" "fabulous cup of _" "better cup of _" "hot beverages like _" "wonderful cup of _" "expensive cup of _" "_ is served at" "chairs , drinking _" "brewed cup of _" "_ producing countries" ] using gourmet_coffee
CPL @1116 (96.5%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "few glasses of _" "coffee , flavored _" "countless cups of _" "cup of warm _" "_ are made fresh" "_ served daily" "variety of fresh _" "_ topped with" "tea , hot _" "good cup of _" "morning cup of _" "_ is served each morning" "friends over for _" "endless cups of _" "cup of hot _" "tablespoon of _" "coffee , iced _" "decent cup of _" "selection of delicious _" "first cup of _" "_ are served at" "glass of fresh _" "taste of fresh _" "coffee , organic _" "more glasses of _" "complimentary cup of _" "constant supply of fresh _" "coffee , fresh _" "terrace with _" "_ are served daily" "nice cup of _" "I only drink _" "beverages including _" "restaurant serves _" "_ is served at" "selection of fresh _" "_ producing countries" "flavor of fresh _" "coffee , hot _" ] using gourmet_coffee
CMC @1105 (96.3%) on 25-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=co 2.46453 SUFFIX=ffee 2.05594 SUFFIX=fee 2.05594 PREFIX=coffe 2.00936 SUFFIX=offee 2.00233 PREFIX=coff 2.00009 PREFIX=cof 2.00009 POS=NN -1.85597 WORDS -9.47484 CHARS -16.11286 ] using gourmet_coffee
CPL @1104 (86.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "great pot of _" "coffee , flavored _" "cake brushed with _" "freshest roasted _" "possible cup of _" "premium cup of _" "trade organic _" "hot , freshly brewed _" "_ is roasted fresh" "premium roasted _" "good mug of _" "Coffee Fresh roasted _" "fresh brewed cup of _" "great cup of _" "roasted cup of _" "steaming cups of _" "_ roasted right" "leisurely cup of _" "cup of fresh _" "shade grown _" "great tasting cup of _" "Cream flavored _" "simple cup of _" "superb cup of _" "in-room coffee maker with _" "beans used for _" "Fresh roasted _" "_ is Arabica" "good cup of _" "first mug of _" "Almond flavored _" "Starbucks sipping _" "morning cup of _" "coffee such as _" "cups of black _" "aroma of freshly-brewed _" "fresh cup of _" "exceptional cup of _" "delicious cups of _" "brew fresh _" "several cups of _" "crema of _" "single cup of _" "rich cup of _" "Enjoy freshly brewed _" "shops , drinking _" "ultimate cup of _" "average cup of _" "decent cup of _" "individual cup of _" "fresh roasted _" "hot cup of delicious _" "first cup of _" "next cup of _" "cup of great _" "freshest cup of _" "superior cup of _" "_ is roasted before" "strong cup of _" "medium roasted _" "cup of flavored _" "cup of excellent _" "cup of Colombian _" "coffee-maker with _" "_ is freshly ground" "excellent cup of _" "juice , great _" "quality cup of _" "coffee known as _" "cups of delicious _" "coffee , organic _" "cup of fresh-brewed _" "single cups of _" "occasional cup of _" "great mug of _" "consistent cup of _" "cup of free _" "cup of delicious _" "mountain grown _" "cup of rich _" "full-bodied cup of _" "cup of freshly-brewed _" "Fresh brewed _" "true cup of _" "perfect cup of _" "tasting cup of _" "outstanding cup of _" "delicious cup of _" "better cup of _" "second cup of _" "wonderful cup of _" "expensive cup of _" "delicious cup of fresh _" "caffeine than _" "whole pot of _" "perfect mug of _" "satisfying cup of _" "fair trade organic _" "bottomless cup of _" "steaming cup of _" "smooth cup of _" "favorite cup of _" "free cup of _" "_ is roasted daily in" "fresh brewed _" ] using gourmet_coffee
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and eating chocolate arg1" "arg2 and fresh baked arg1" "arg2 or tea and arg1" ] using (pastries, gourmet_coffee)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and a freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and a chocolate chip arg1" "arg2 and a muffin or arg1" ] using (cookie, gourmet_coffee)