grain_noodles (agriculturalproduct)
literal strings: grain noodles
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- agriculturalproduct(99.1%)
- CMC @1112 (95.7%) on 19-jul-2018 [ PREFIX=grai 1.19379 PREFIX=gr 1.03938 FIRST_WORD=grain 0.98681 PREFIX=gra 0.84005 SUFFIX=rain 0.71303 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 0.66275 SUFFIX=in 0.65841 POS=NN -0.12141 WORDS -2.08776 CHARS -3.10018 ] using grain_noodles
- CPL @1104 (99.1%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "sauce over whole _" "rice , whole _" "Switch to whole _" "beans , whole _" "dish with whole _" "brown rice , whole _" "sauce on whole _" "sauce , whole _" "I also used whole _" "oatmeal , whole _" "soup with whole _" "protein , whole _" "you use whole _" "rolls , whole _" "cup of whole _" "pasta with whole _" "Brown rice , whole _" ] using grain_noodles
- visualizableobject(97.9%)
- food(97.9%)
- fruit(97.9%)
- CPL @1098 (64.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "sauce over whole _" "rice , whole _" "Switch to whole _" "beans , whole _" "brown rice , whole _" "sauce on whole _" "soup with whole _" "rolls , whole _" ] using grain_noodles
- grain(95.7%)
- CPL @1103 (95.7%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "rice , whole _" "Switch to whole _" "beans , whole _" "fiber of whole _" "brown rice , whole _" "switch to whole _" "oatmeal , whole _" "soup with whole _" "protein , whole _" "rolls , whole _" "pasta with whole _" "whole grains , whole _" "grains , whole _" "Brown rice , whole _" ] using grain_noodles