CPL @1096 (99.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "half-cup of _" "_ has less caffeine" "cup of olive _" "amounts of green _" "benefits of green _" "effects of green _" "benefits of whole _" "benefits of olive _" "types of green _" "polyphenols in green _" "properties of green _" "consumption of green _" "cup of hot _" "coffee , fresh _" "oil , olive _" "cup of black _" "blend of green _" "tea , herbal _" "oils , olive _" "I do not drink _" "_ marinated in" "fruits , whole _" "intake of green _" "cup of white _" "health benefits of green _" "large pot of _" "seeds , green _" "good cup of _" "water , green _" "compounds in green _" "cup of green _" "milk , fresh _" "cups of green _" "blend of fresh _" "use of olive _" "taste of green _" "tea , green _" "use of green _" ] using leaf_tea
CPL @1095 (81.7%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "box of whole _" "taste of whole _" "_ has less caffeine" "cup of olive _" "_ contains potent antioxidants" "polyphenols in green _" "cups of whole _" "consumption of green _" "beneficial effects of green _" "leaf tea , green _" "I love whole _" "_ is highly antiseptic" "oil , olive _" "cup of black _" "benefits of red _" "tea , herbal _" "_ is also a diuretic" "goodness of whole _" "coffee , strong _" "fruits , whole _" "flavor of whole _" "compound in green _" "intake of green _" "antioxidants than green _" "cocoa , green _" "freshest whole _" "tea , pure _" "health benefits of green _" "antioxidants , green _" "weight , green _" "coffee , whole _" "seeds , green _" "cup of whole _" "fresh brewed _" "bag of whole _" "tea , Indian _" "tea , flavored _" "good cup of _" "teaspoon of whole _" "present in green _" "compounds in green _" "tea , aromatic _" "chemicals in green _" "ingredients such as green _" "ingredients , such as green _" "cup of green _" "consumption of olive _" "tea , whole _" "ginger root , green _" "gallon of whole _" "cups of green _" "health benefits of red _" "cup of real _" "spices , whole _" "root , green _" "chocolate , fresh _" "tea , green _" "serving of whole _" ] using leaf_tea
CPL @1097 (96.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "taste of whole _" "_ has less caffeine" "cup of olive _" "benefits of olive _" "polyphenols in green _" "oil , olive _" "acid in green _" "powder , dried _" "oils , olive _" "goodness of whole _" "coffee , strong _" "chocolate , green _" "_ marinated in" "fruits , whole _" "I made blueberry _" "flavor of whole _" "intake of green _" "_ served with" "health benefits of green _" "olive oil , olive _" "antioxidants , green _" "seeds , green _" "cup of whole _" "green tea , green _" "quality loose _" "present in green _" "compounds in green _" "ingredients such as green _" "cup of green _" "consumption of olive _" "milk , fresh _" "ginger root , green _" "cups of green _" "use of olive _" "root , green _" "chocolate , fresh _" "tea , green _" "serving of whole _" ] using leaf_tea
CPL @1097 (88.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "taste of whole _" "_ has less caffeine" "cup of olive _" "plant as green _" "benefits of olive _" "polyphenols in green _" "cups of whole _" "leaf tea , green _" "oil , olive _" "cup of black _" "acid in green _" "oils , olive _" "goodness of whole _" "_ tastes like" "coffee , strong _" "cup of nettle _" "chocolate , green _" "_ marinated in" "fruits , whole _" "recipe for persimmon _" "I made blueberry _" "flavor of whole _" "intake of green _" "cocoa , green _" "health benefits of green _" "olive oil , olive _" "antioxidants , green _" "cup of whole _" "tea , Indian _" "green tea , green _" "good cup of _" "compounds in green _" "ingredients such as green _" "cup of green _" "consumption of olive _" "milk , fresh _" "amount of green _" "ginger root , green _" "cups of green _" "use of olive _" "root , green _" "chocolate , fresh _" "tea , green _" "serving of whole _" ] using leaf_tea
CMC @1055 (100.0%) on 03-may-2017 [ LAST_WORD=tea 3.95525 SUFFIX=af 3.47332 SUFFIX=eaf 2.90000 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.74380 SUFFIX=ea 2.69253 FIRST_WORD=leaf 1.78445 PREFIX=lea 1.77273 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.42401 CHARS -1.44155 WORDS -8.94805 ] using leaf_tea
SEAL @129 (55.4%) on 22-jun-2010 [ 1 ] using leaf_tea
CMC @1105 (99.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ LAST_WORD=tea 5.15093 LASTPREFIX=te 3.09570 PREFIX=te 2.23792 SUFFIX=af 2.12609 LASTSUFFIX=ea 2.05369 SUFFIX=ea 1.55884 SUFFIX=eaf 0.42194 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.83056 CHARS -1.36129 WORDS -4.71104 ] using leaf_tea
CPL @1109 (84.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "medicinal properties to _" "cup of fresh _" "_ has less caffeine" "benefits of green _" "selection of loose _" "effects of green _" "plant as green _" "_ drinking thing" "cup of blueberry _" "cup of _" "drinks like _" "quality of loose _" "polyphenols in green _" "properties of green _" "consumption of green _" "cup of hot _" "beneficial effects of green _" "leaf tea , green _" "cup of black _" "tea , herbal _" "benefits of loose _" "coffee , strong _" "cup of nettle _" "chocolate , green _" "_ has anti-oxidants" "cup of local _" "_ brewed in" "compound in green _" "intake of green _" "premium loose _" "antioxidants than green _" "_ is done steeping" "health benefits of green _" "proper pot of _" "varieties of loose _" "antioxidants , green _" "content in green _" "cup of whole _" "fresh brewed _" "tea , Indian _" "green tea , green _" "tea , flavored _" "cup of red _" "good cup of _" "present in green _" "compounds in green _" "tea , aromatic _" "chemicals in green _" "cup of loose _" "ingredients such as green _" "cup of green _" "gallon of whole _" "cups of green _" "health benefits of red _" "cup of free _" "cup of real _" "_ is a traditional drink" "root , green _" "gourmet loose _" "taste of green _" "tea , green _" ] using leaf_tea