CPL @1097 (79.4%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "nice cup of _" "countless cups of _" "lovely cup of _" "rice with fresh _" "refreshing cup of _" "glass of iced _" "cup of strong _" ] using lemongrass_tea
CMC @533 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2012 [ LAST_WORD=tea 7.05175 LASTSUFFIX=ea 5.81355 LASTPREFIX=te 4.54315 SUFFIX=ea 4.04579 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.18871 PREFIX=te 1.97839 PREFIX=le 0.72864 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.07327 WORDS -5.10698 CHARS -9.24630 ] using lemongrass_tea
SEAL @532 (93.8%) on 15-mar-2012 [ 1234 ] using lemongrass_tea
CPL @1108 (97.9%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "glass of chilled _" "nice cup of _" "I started drinking _" "countless cups of _" "cup of warm _" "glass of iced _" "cup of strong _" "pan of hot _" "water , hot _" "nice glass of _" "chicken soup with _" ] using lemongrass_tea
CPL @1098 (95.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "glass of chilled _" "soup with _" "countless cups of _" "cup of warm _" "glass of iced _" "pan of hot _" ] using lemongrass_tea
CMC @1064 (100.0%) on 23-jun-2017 [ LAST_WORD=tea 6.12953 SUFFIX=ea 3.80240 SUFFIX=rass 3.01961 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.75083 PREFIX=lemo 2.19658 SUFFIX=grass 2.06600 PREFIX=lem 2.00132 SUFFIX=ss -1.24477 CHARS -5.37348 WORDS -6.94342 ] using lemongrass_tea
CPL @1096 (92.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "glass of chilled _" "nice cup of _" "countless cups of _" "lovely cup of _" "cup of warm _" "glass of iced _" "cup of strong _" "pan of hot _" ] using lemongrass_tea