CPL @1108 (56.8%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "pound cake with fresh _" "flavors of ripe _" "mix of ripe _" "cucumbers , sweet _" "salad with fresh _" "salad , roasted _" "strawberries , sliced _" "measure , combine _" "seasonal fruits such as _" "vegetables such as _" "nectarines , white _" "veggies including _" "exotic fruits like _" "peaches , dried _" "reference Roasted _" "foods such as _" "tree crops such as _" "tree crops like _" "breasts stuffed with _" "berries such as _" "soft fruits such as _" "stone fruit such as _" "_ picked fresh" "peaches , sweet _" "apricots , white _" "I used sliced _" "aromas of ripe _" "medium bowl , toss _" "stone fruit like _" "I caramelized _" "soft fruits like _" "palate of ripe _" "corn , white _" "sun dried _" "_ growing countries" "juicy ripe _" "juicy , ripe _" "aroma of ripe _" "peaches , white _" "_ exhibit great nutritional benefits" "substitute chopped _" "tropical fruit like _" "favorite fruits are _" "punnet of _" "stone fruits such as _" "hints of ripe _" "heirloom tomatoes , sweet _" "flavours of dried _" "lettuce , sliced _" "bowl of sliced _" "bread , ripe _" "tomatoes , sweet _" "stone fruits like _" "flavours of ripe _" "_ are self-fertile" "refreshing salad of _" "_ are .DD/lb" "major nutrients found in _" "peppers , green _" "fresh fruits , such as _" "I added fresh _" "sweetness of ripe _" "salad of white _" "_ are soft" "bowl of marinated _" "veggies such as _" "_ are self-pollinating" "_ are fork-tender" "Spinach salad with _" "pan , add _" "summer fruits such as _" "tree ripened _" "summer fruits like _" "chicken breasts stuffed with _" "wine poached _" ] using nectarines
CPL @1108 (86.4%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ are self-pollinating" "_ are high" "_ are delicious" "_ stuffed with" "_ served with" "_ grown today" ] using nectarines
CPL @1103 (80.5%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "flavors of ripe _" "fruit aromas of _" "cake with caramelized _" "notes of white _" "_ simmered in" "cucumbers , sweet _" "cherries , fresh _" "nose of white _" "_ are tender" "fruits including _" "ingredients except _" "_ tossed with" "seasonal fruits such as _" "vegetables such as _" "heat , add _" "cheese , yellow _" "_ were delicious" "fruits like _" "foods such as _" "tree crops such as _" "breasts stuffed with _" "berries such as _" "layer of roasted _" "chicken , sweet _" "pears , white _" "soft fruits such as _" "medium saucepan combine _" "apricots , dried _" "apricots , white _" "aromas of ripe _" "Fruits such as _" "stone fruit like _" "chocolate tart with _" "soft fruits like _" "_ also contain phytochemicals" "avocado , grilled _" "brown rot of _" "aromas of fresh _" "juicy ripe _" "juicy , ripe _" "aroma of ripe _" "_ exhibit great nutritional benefits" "substitute chopped _" "_ marinated in" "fruit , white _" "favorite fruits are _" "punnet of _" "stone fruits such as _" "hints of ripe _" "heirloom tomatoes , sweet _" "bowl , combine _" "notes of ripe _" "lettuce , sliced _" "bowl of sliced _" "tomatoes , sweet _" "stone fruits like _" "fruit trees such as _" "brown rot on _" "fruits such as _" "flavours of ripe _" "flavors of white _" "strawberries , white _" "slices of fresh _" "refreshing salad of _" "major nutrients found in _" "peppers , green _" "mixing bowl , toss _" "bushel of fresh _" "fresh fruits , such as _" "sweetness of ripe _" "glass measure , combine _" "veggies such as _" "almonds , dried _" "grapes , fresh _" "_ topped with" "pan , add _" "summer fruits such as _" "tree ripened _" "salad with _" "cup of sliced _" "fruit trees like _" "summer fruits like _" "chicken breasts stuffed with _" "salad with white _" "plate , combine _" "wine poached _" ] using nectarines
SEAL @826 (54.6%) on 26-mar-2014 [ 1 ] using nectarines
CPL @1096 (73.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "deciduous trees such as _" "_ are grown mostly in" "_ are seasonal fruits" "_ are self-fertile" "_ are a wonderful fruit" "_ prefer well-drained" "_ are self-pollinating" "_ are commonly grown in" "_ are not fully ripe" "_ Poached in" "_ contain an antioxidant" "_ are heavily sprayed with" "he started growing _" "_ are self fertile" "_ are another fruit" "_ are grown primarily in" "Fruits Fresh _" "Trees , Growing _" "_ grown today" ] using nectarines
SEAL @869 (62.5%) on 03-sep-2014 [ 1 ] using nectarines
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey