potato_milk (agriculturalproduct)
literal strings: potato milk
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If they are or ever were, click thumbs-up. Otherwise, click thumbs-down.
- visualizableobject(98.7%)
- CPL @1104 (90.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "instant mashed _" "soup with _" "milk , powdered _" "peas , sweet _" ] using potato_milk
- agriculturalproduct(98.6%)
- CPL @1105 (69.6%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "milk , powdered _" "peas , sweet _" ] using potato_milk
- CMC @1115 (95.3%) on 26-aug-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=ilk 1.13912 SUFFIX=ilk 1.09883 LASTSUFFIX=lk 0.92250 SUFFIX=lk 0.90947 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 0.73022 PREFIX=potat 0.52733 PREFIX=mil 0.51970 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.24550 CHARS -1.68696 WORDS -2.16959 ] using potato_milk
- food(97.4%)
- CPL @1105 (83.3%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "instant mashed _" "milk , powdered _" "peas , sweet _" ] using potato_milk
- LE @1046 (84.6%) on 31-mar-2017
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
- grain
- CPL @1108 (56.6%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "milk , powdered _" "peas , sweet _" ] using potato_milk
- fruit
- CPL @1108 (56.6%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "milk , powdered _" "peas , sweet _" ] using potato_milk