CPL @1098 (86.6%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "major crops include _" "crop plants such as _" "root crops like _" "value crops such as _" "root crops such as _" "greenhouse grown _" "main agricultural products are _" "Other crops such as _" "area planted to _" "Weeds compete with _" ] using sugarbeets
CPL @1094 (95.0%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "major crops include _" "crop plants such as _" "root crops like _" "value crops such as _" "_ harvested late in" "root crops such as _" "Other crops such as _" "foliar disease of _" "area planted to _" "Weeds compete with _" "soil-borne diseases of _" "high value crops like _" "value crops like _" "root rot of _" ] using sugarbeets
CPL @1103 (98.6%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "late planted _" "root crops such as _" "crops including _" "crops include _" "crops like _" "other crops such as _" "crops , such as _" "crops other than _" "crops such as _" ] using sugarbeets
CPL @1094 (90.4%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "acreage planted to _" "major crops include _" "minor crops such as _" "nitrogen fertilization of _" "acres planted to _" "crop plants such as _" "agricultural products were _" "insect pest of _" "planting of Roundup Ready _" "quality crop of _" "price supports on _" "late planted _" "sugars derived from _" "value crops such as _" "_ harvested late in" "root crops such as _" "crops including _" "crops except _" "_ are grown primarily in" "_ are not grown in" "nitrogen recommendations for _" "crops include _" "broadleaf weeds in _" "_ awaiting harvest" "vigorous stand of _" "leaf spot on _" "main agricultural products are _" "important insect pests of _" "glyphosate resistant _" "Other crops such as _" "root development of _" "crop rotation of _" "other feedstocks such as _" "root diseases of _" "crops like _" "nematode on _" "foliar disease of _" "other crops such as _" "area planted to _" "Weeds compete with _" "_ now grown in" "broadleaf crops such as _" "deregulation of Roundup Ready _" "non-host crops such as _" "soil-borne diseases of _" "high value crops like _" "crops , such as _" "cultivated crops are _" "apples to _" "crops other than _" "value crops like _" "herbicides used on _" "root rot of _" "farmers growing _" "release of Roundup Ready _" "sugar extracted from _" "yield response of _" "crops such as _" "day harvesting _" "_ follow corn" "armyworms on _" "herbicide tolerant _" ] using sugarbeets
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1103 (82.4%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "acreage planted to _" "major crops include _" "resistant varieties of _" "nitrogen fertilization of _" "acres planted to _" "crop like _" "crop plants such as _" "agricultural products were _" "price supports on _" "late planted _" "agricultural products are _" "crops including _" "crops , including _" "crops except _" "crops include _" "vigorous stand of _" "main agricultural products are _" "Other crops such as _" "root diseases of _" "excellent stands of _" "crops like _" "foliar disease of _" "other crops such as _" "area planted to _" "Weeds compete with _" "feedstocks such as _" "crops are _" "crops , such as _" "cultivated crops are _" "crops other than _" "herbicides used on _" "root rot of _" "farmers growing _" "spring planted _" "yield response of _" "crops such as _" "herbicide tolerant _" ] using sugarbeets
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey