CPL @1098 (65.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "_ is the main crop" "_ is planted from" "_ was the only crop" "_ is an important crop" "_ is a big crop" "_ is a warm-season crop" "_ is still grown in" "_ planted after" "_ picked fresh" "_ is grown mostly for" "_ is a popular crop" "_ is generally planted in" "roadside market with _" "_ grown today" "_ is grown every year" "_ is grown commercially in" "_ is the only crop" "_ is a popular vegetable" "_ is wind-pollinated" "_ is harvested before" "_ is not grown in" ] using sweet_corn
CMC @1054 (100.0%) on 29-apr-2017 [ SUFFIX=orn 3.89736 LASTSUFFIX=orn 2.75416 LAST_WORD=corn 2.68687 SUFFIX=rn 2.61568 PREFIX=cor 2.38982 LASTSUFFIX=rn 2.22406 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.92221 LASTPREFIX=co -0.82241 CHARS -6.24867 WORDS -7.96258 ] using sweet_corn
SEAL @682 (60.0%) on 11-jan-2013 [ 1 ] using sweet_corn
CPL @1094 (79.9%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "_ is a cool season vegetable" "_ is the main crop" "_ was the only crop" "_ is an important crop" "_ is a heavy feeder" "_ is a warm-season crop" "_ picked fresh" "_ is a popular crop" "_ is grown commercially in" "_ is the only crop" "_ is a popular vegetable" "_ is picked fresh" ] using sweet_corn
CMC @1107 (100.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ SUFFIX=orn 3.44713 LASTSUFFIX=orn 2.99123 SUFFIX=rn 2.19177 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.18801 FIRST_WORD=sweet 2.12156 LASTSUFFIX=rn 2.00392 PREFIX=cor 1.91735 FULL_POS=JJ_NN -0.54689 WORDS -5.60873 CHARS -9.30926 ] using sweet_corn
MBL @1103 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of agriculturalproduct:sweet_corn agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct agriculturalproduct:peppers ]
CPL @1097 (92.6%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "_ tossed with" "_ was the only crop" "_ is an important crop" "_ served with" "_ grown today" "_ is harvested before" ] using sweet_corn
CMC @1055 (100.0%) on 03-may-2017 [ SUFFIX=orn 3.70761 LASTSUFFIX=orn 2.51163 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.48978 LAST_WORD=corn 2.05886 PREFIX=swee 1.43044 SUFFIX=rn 1.22552 SUFFIX=et 1.21774 SUFFIX=eet -0.78484 WORDS -1.75462 CHARS -5.90049 ] using sweet_corn
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and red bell arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 and green bell arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" ] using (sweet_corn, peppers)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and red bell arg1" "arg2 and bell arg1" "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and green bell arg1" "arg2 and jalapeno arg1" ] using (peppers, sweet_corn)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 like soybean and arg2" "arg1 such as peas and arg2" "arg1 such as beans and arg2" "arg1 are grown including arg2" "arg1 like peas and arg2" "arg1 such as sugar cane and arg2" "arg1 like Bt arg2" "arg1 such as wheat or arg2" "arg1 such as sugarcane and arg2" ] using (crops, sweet_corn)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and red bell arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 and green bell arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" ] using (sweet_corn, peppers)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and red bell arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 and green bell arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" ] using (sweet_corn, peppers)