CPL @1097 (95.6%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "consumption of whole _" "_ are just tender" "stone ground whole _" "cooker , combine _" "cheese , cooked _" "hot cooked _" "medium saucepan , combine _" "soup with _" "_ served with" "buckwheat , whole _" "fiber , whole _" "fresh smoked _" "rye , whole _" "teaspoon of _" "starchy vegetables , such as _" "_ are almost cooked through" "foods like _" "_ are delicious" "slow cooker , combine _" "grain such as _" "flour , dried _" "_ are almost tender" "I sprout _" "_ are done cooking" "flour , organic _" "flour , whole _" "whole grains such as _" "cup of whole _" "barley , whole _" "bowl of whole _" "_ tossed with" "grains such as whole _" "I used whole _" "whole grains like _" "recipes using _" "lid , combine _" "ground whole _" "tight-fitting lid , combine _" "fiber in whole _" "brown rice , whole _" "you sprout _" "Pour dressing over _" "rice , whole _" "bread crumbs to _" "other grains such as _" "_ are soft" "foods such as _" "bowl of cooked _" "_ topped with" "nuts , whole _" "_ are heated through" "_ are high" "_ are al dente" "_ are cooked until" "cup of cooked _" "salad with _" "oats , whole _" "grain white _" ] using wheat_berries
CMC @800 (100.0%) on 28-dec-2013 [ SUFFIX=rries 6.42333 LASTSUFFIX=rries 6.28496 SUFFIX=heat 5.41083 PREFIX=wh 5.21937 PREFIX=whea 4.66347 PREFIX=whe 4.54746 LASTSUFFIX=ries 3.81181 PREFIX=ber -0.63825 CHARS -6.66328 WORDS -7.45072 ] using wheat_berries
CPL @1098 (63.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "bowl , gently toss _" "consumption of whole _" "_ are just tender" "grains including _" "grains , such as _" "beverage made from _" "cooker , combine _" "cheese , cooked _" "hot cooked _" "other whole grains such as _" "combine cooked _" "buckwheat , whole _" "_ are not berries" "rye , whole _" "teaspoon of _" "starchy vegetables , such as _" "DD-pound sacks of _" "raw sprouted _" "texture of whole _" "slow cooker , combine _" "grain such as _" "flour , dried _" "_ are almost tender" "simmer , stirring occasionally until _" "_ are wheat" "_ have a nutty flavor" "bran is removed from _" "endosperm of _" "whole grains such as _" "porridge made from _" "porridge made of _" "_ are slightly soft" "flour from whole _" "grains , including _" "bulk foods like _" "barley , whole _" "bowl of whole _" "grains such as whole _" "whole grains like _" "whole grains , including _" "lid , combine _" "ground whole _" "large bowl , gently toss _" "fiber in whole _" "grass grown from _" "beverage made of _" "Whole grains like _" "wheat , whole _" "whole grains include _" "brown rice , whole _" "agricultural products , like _" "grains , like _" "cooking cracked _" "you sprout _" "rice , whole _" "beef soup with _" "other grains such as _" "bowl of cooked _" "oats , red _" "nuts , whole _" "_ are heated through" "next day , drain _" "grains such as _" "_ are al dente" "combine drained _" "cup of cooked _" "grains like _" "beverage made from fermented _" "common grains such as _" "organic sprouted _" "Whole grains such as _" "oats , whole _" "oats , organic _" "grain , including _" "whole grains , such as _" "grain white _" ] using wheat_berries
CMC @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=wh 5.28639 SUFFIX=heat 4.38714 PREFIX=whe 3.89559 PREFIX=whea 3.81211 SUFFIX=rries 3.77836 LASTSUFFIX=rries 3.56038 SUFFIX=eat 2.89008 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.56293 WORDS -6.39380 CHARS -11.68472 ] using wheat_berries
CPL @1104 (72.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "consumption of whole _" "_ are just tender" "stone ground whole _" "cooker , combine _" "cheese , cooked _" "_ make a hearty" "popcorn , whole _" "buckwheat , whole _" "fiber , whole _" "rye , whole _" "_ are almost cooked through" "foods like _" "ingredient is whole _" "bag of whole _" "texture of whole _" "slow cooker , combine _" "benefits of red _" "flour , organic _" "flour , whole _" "I use whole _" "cup of whole _" "bulk foods like _" "barley , whole _" "bowl of whole _" "grains such as whole _" "I used whole _" "lid , combine _" "items such as whole _" "varieties of whole _" "grains like whole _" "ground whole _" "tight-fitting lid , combine _" "you use whole _" "fiber in whole _" "Whole grains like _" "whole wheat flour , whole _" "whole grain such as _" "brown rice , whole _" "agricultural products , like _" "wheat flour , whole _" "Pour dressing over _" "rice , whole _" "whole cooked _" "other grains such as _" "_ are soft" "foods such as _" "bowl of cooked _" "nuts , whole _" "_ are al dente" "cup of cooked _" "combine cooled _" "organic sprouted _" "Whole grains such as _" "oats , whole _" ] using wheat_berries
CPL @1100 (98.7%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "D/D cup of _" "bowl , combine _" "consumption of whole _" "_ are just tender" "grains including _" "grains , such as _" "cook until _" "cooker , combine _" "hot cooked _" "medium saucepan , combine _" "leftover cooked _" "medium , add _" "rye , whole _" "small bowl , combine _" "moisture content of _" "medium bowl combine _" "heat until _" "slow cooker , combine _" "large bowl , combine _" "grain such as _" "_ are almost tender" "saucepan , combine _" "bowl combine _" "_ are tender" "simmer until _" "flour , whole _" "I cooked _" "whole grains such as _" "pot , add _" "low heat until _" "grains , including _" "_ tossed with" "I used whole _" "whole grains like _" "_ contain carbohydrates" "pudding with _" "brown rice , whole _" "grains , like _" "Pour dressing over _" "vegetables , such as _" "rice , whole _" "ΒΌ cup of _" "D-D cups of _" "risotto with _" "large bowl with _" "_ topped with" "_ are heated through" "stew with _" "grains such as _" "large saucepan , combine _" "cup of cooked _" "grains like _" "chicken soup with _" "oats , whole _" "grain white _" ] using wheat_berries
CPL @1103 (66.7%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "consumption of whole _" "_ are just tender" "grains including _" "grains , such as _" "flour from hard _" "cooker , combine _" "hot cooked _" "medium saucepan , combine _" "cup cooked _" "other whole grains such as _" "_ makes flour" "porridge , made with _" "combine cooked _" "buckwheat , whole _" "fiber , whole _" "rye , whole _" "starchy vegetables , such as _" "day , drain _" "slow cooker , combine _" "grain such as _" "cups cooked _" "_ are almost tender" "saucepan , combine _" "quinoa , sprouted _" "bran is removed from _" "endosperm of _" "whole grains such as _" "porridge made from _" "porridge made of _" "flour from whole _" "grains , including _" "bushel of _" "bulk foods like _" "barley , whole _" "bowl of whole _" "grains such as whole _" "whole grains like _" "whole grains , including _" "varieties of whole _" "grains like whole _" "tight-fitting lid , combine _" "Flour is made from _" "whole grain like _" "grain like _" "rice , cracked _" "fiber in whole _" "beverage made of _" "whole rye , whole _" "Whole grains like _" "wheat , whole _" "whole grain such as _" "whole grains include _" "brown rice , whole _" "agricultural products , like _" "grains , like _" "cooking cracked _" "flavor , cook _" "vegetables , such as _" "rice , whole _" "beef soup with _" "other grains such as _" "grain , such as _" "bowl of cooked _" "oats , red _" "nuts , whole _" "large bowl combine cooked _" "chili with _" "next day , drain _" "grains such as _" "grain , like _" "_ are al dente" "cup of cooked _" "grains like _" "combine cooled _" "chicken soup with _" "common grains such as _" "organic grown _" "serving of cooked _" "organic sprouted _" "Whole grains such as _" "oats , whole _" "grain , including _" "bowl combine cooked _" "whole grains , such as _" "grain white _" "grains include _" "fermented beverage made from _" ] using wheat_berries
SEAL @211 (63.8%) on 17-feb-2011 [ 1 ] using wheat_berries
CMC @1104 (97.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=wh 3.71142 SUFFIX=heat 3.28996 SUFFIX=at 3.21354 PREFIX=whea 2.76534 SUFFIX=eat 2.64222 PREFIX=whe 2.63132 FIRST_WORD=wheat 1.48821 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.79953 WORDS -4.55794 CHARS -14.08955 ] using wheat_berries
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 like rye or arg2" "arg1 such as quinoa and arg2" "arg1 like brown rice and arg2" ] using (whole_grains, wheat_berries)