wheat_pasta (agriculturalproduct)
literal strings: Wheat pasta, Wheat Pasta, wheat_pasta, wheat pasta, WHEAT PASTA
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- visualizableobject(100.0%)
- OE @893 (100.0%) on 30-dec-2014 [ ] using wheat_pasta
- CMC @1045 (100.0%) on 27-mar-2017 [ POS=NN 4.62358 SUFFIX=at 2.82900 PREFIX=wh 2.54118 PREFIX=whe 2.38664 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.27102 PREFIX=pas 2.07305 LASTPREFIX=past 2.06280 PREFIX=pa -0.25490 CHARS -6.18180 WORDS -7.77675 ] using wheat_pasta
- CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "fruits , whole _" "fiber in whole _" "you eat whole _" "wheat bread , whole _" "white bread , white _" "peas , whole _" "I eat whole _" "serving of whole _" "_ stuffed with" "_ tossed with" "barley , whole _" "bowl of whole _" "beef , whole _" "cup of whole _" "cereals , whole _" "juice , whole _" "bran , whole _" "oil , whole _" "tomatoes , whole _" "olive oil , whole _" "rice , whole _" "flavor of whole _" "bread , whole _" "foods such as whole _" "foods such as _" "butter , whole _" "stone ground whole _" "_ sauteed in" "rye , whole _" "fiber from whole _" "complex carbohydrates such as whole _" "carbohydrates such as whole _" "legumes , whole _" "meats , whole _" "recipes with whole _" "_ are high" "milk , whole _" "nuts , whole _" "pasta , whole _" "fresh vegetables , whole _" "fiber foods such as _" "greens , whole _" "I used whole _" "grains such as whole _" "lean proteins , whole _" "grains , such as whole _" "_ topped with" "recipe for whole _" "cheese , whole _" "foods like _" "salad with _" "bread , white _" "dairy products , whole _" "seeds , whole _" "oats , whole _" "fiber , whole _" "produce , whole _" "brown rice , whole _" "beans , whole _" "sugar , whole _" "corn , whole _" "flour , whole _" "taste of whole _" "servings of whole _" "oatmeal , whole _" "vegetables , whole _" "veggies , whole _" "ground whole _" "carbs like whole _" "_ served with" "fruit , whole _" "I prefer whole _" "meat , whole _" "goodness of whole _" "proteins , whole _" "grain , whole _" "cream , whole _" ] using wheat_pasta
- food(100.0%)
- SEAL @797 (50.9%) on 15-dec-2013 [ 1 ] using wheat_pasta
- CMC @1045 (100.0%) on 27-mar-2017 [ SUFFIX=at 3.42856 SUFFIX=eat 2.91162 PREFIX=past 2.83559 PREFIX=pas 2.67576 LASTPREFIX=past 2.57417 LASTPREFIX=pas 2.35969 PREFIX=whea 2.27926 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.23036 CHARS -5.16384 WORDS -7.08991 ] using wheat_pasta
- CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "broccoli , whole _" "whole grain cereals , whole _" "peanut butter , whole _" "fruits , whole _" "fiber in whole _" "whole grain breads , whole _" "wheat , whole _" "wheat bread , whole _" "sources include whole _" "white bread , white _" "wild rice , whole _" "serving of whole _" "whole grain rice , whole _" "_ tossed with" "barley , whole _" "bowl of whole _" "sweet potatoes , whole _" "lentils , whole _" "whole grain bread , whole _" "whole wheat bread , whole _" "whole grains such as whole _" "whole grains like whole _" "cup of whole _" "cereals , whole _" "juice , whole _" "bran , whole _" "half whole _" "grain cereals , whole _" "_ smothered in" "rice , whole _" "cheese on whole _" "flavor of whole _" "peanuts , whole _" "sandwich with whole _" "foods such as whole _" "lean meat , whole _" "organic sprouted _" "foods such as _" "stone ground whole _" "rye , whole _" "fiber from whole _" "fiber found in whole _" "cheeses , whole _" "complex carbohydrates such as whole _" "carbohydrates such as whole _" "legumes , whole _" "milk , whole _" "cereal , whole _" "nuts , whole _" "fresh fruit , whole _" "fresh vegetables , whole _" "whole grains , such as whole _" "whole rye , whole _" "I used whole _" "grains such as whole _" "lean proteins , whole _" "grains , such as whole _" "_ topped with" "salt , whole _" "cheese , whole _" "_ tastes like" "foods like _" "salad with _" "bread , white _" "spinach , whole _" "dairy products , whole _" "seeds , whole _" "oats , whole _" "breakfast cereals , whole _" "fiber , whole _" "brown rice , whole _" "beans , whole _" "carbs such as whole _" "cup whole _" "dairy , whole _" "flour , whole _" "homemade whole _" "taste of whole _" "servings of whole _" "substitute for whole _" "sources such as whole _" "oatmeal , whole _" "vegetables , whole _" "breads , whole _" "veggies , whole _" "fiber are whole _" "ingredients such as whole _" "carbs like whole _" "fruit , whole _" "crackers , whole _" "flakes , whole _" "quinoa , whole _" "goodness of whole _" "foods , like _" "proteins , whole _" "Eat whole _" "grain breads , whole _" "complex carbs like whole _" "cups of whole _" "millet , whole _" ] using wheat_pasta
- OE @893 (100.0%) on 30-dec-2014 [ ] using wheat_pasta
- LE @1088 (81.5%) on 23-dec-2017
- fruit(100.0%)
- OE @893 (100.0%) on 30-dec-2014 [ ] using wheat_pasta
- CPL @1094 (87.8%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "broccoli , whole _" "vegetables along with whole _" "texture of whole _" "single serving of whole _" "home made whole _" "whole grain cereals , whole _" "fruits , whole _" "fiber in whole _" "whole grain breads , whole _" "you eat whole _" "wheat , whole _" "wheat bread , whole _" "sources include whole _" "white bread , white _" "peas , whole _" "whole grain , whole _" "I eat whole _" "whole wheat breads , whole _" "cheese with whole _" "serving of whole _" "whole grain rice , whole _" "barley , whole _" "bowl of whole _" "food such as whole _" "sweet potatoes , whole _" "lentils , whole _" "whole grain bread , whole _" "whole wheat bread , whole _" "stick to whole _" "whole grains such as whole _" "whole grain cereal , whole _" "cabbage , whole _" "cereals , whole _" "Whole Grains Whole _" "bran , whole _" "rice , whole _" "soup with whole _" "avocados , whole _" "Complex carbohydrates like whole _" "cheese on whole _" "healthy carbs like whole _" "toast whole _" "fresh veggies , whole _" "rice whole _" "bread , whole _" "fiber such as whole _" "peanuts , whole _" "sandwich with whole _" "grains include whole _" "foods such as whole _" "lean meat , whole _" "organic sprouted _" "muffins , whole _" "_ is chewier" "grain crackers , whole _" "examples are whole _" "healthy carbohydrates such as whole _" "almonds , whole _" "salad with whole _" "rye , whole _" "fiber from whole _" "grain products including _" "fiber found in whole _" "cheeses , whole _" "grains , such as _" "foods are whole _" "complex carbohydrates such as whole _" "carbohydrates such as whole _" "legumes , whole _" "Switch to whole _" "nuts , whole _" "fresh fruit , whole _" "diet such as whole _" "pasta , whole _" "fresh vegetables , whole _" "whole grains , such as whole _" "grits , whole _" "fiber foods such as _" "white bread , whole _" "greens , whole _" "meal of whole _" "peppers , whole _" "hearty whole _" "something like whole _" "whole grains , such as _" "grains such as whole _" "lean proteins , whole _" "rich foods like whole _" "grains , such as whole _" "health benefits of whole _" "food like whole _" "sauce over whole _" "sauce on whole _" "raw vegetables , whole _" "bread , white _" "plenty of whole _" "spinach , whole _" "dairy products , whole _" "seeds , whole _" "spices , whole _" "oats , whole _" "breakfast cereals , whole _" "fish , whole _" "produce , whole _" "brown rice , whole _" "beans , whole _" "diet , whole _" "carbs such as whole _" "corn , whole _" "complex carbohydrates like _" "dairy , whole _" "homemade whole _" "vegetables with whole _" "servings of whole _" "grain bread , whole _" "vegetables , whole _" "diet with whole _" "breads , whole _" "rye bread , whole _" "rolls , whole _" "veggies , whole _" "fiber are whole _" "soups , whole _" "ground whole _" "carbs like whole _" "fruit , whole _" "Grains Whole _" "_ has a nutty flavor" "crackers , whole _" "_ contain complex carbohydrates" "wheat breads , whole _" "quinoa , whole _" "fiber like whole _" "yogurt , whole _" "proteins , whole _" "grain rice , whole _" "Eat whole _" "products , whole _" "I only eat whole _" "I ate whole _" "grain breads , whole _" "complex carbs like whole _" "millet , whole _" ] using wheat_pasta
- CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=wh 4.54560 SUFFIX=heat 3.70091 PREFIX=whea 3.01623 PREFIX=whe 2.75802 SUFFIX=at 2.10421 LASTSUFFIX=ta 2.04161 SUFFIX=eat 1.86685 POS=NN -1.75695 CHARS -6.53865 WORDS -8.30525 ] using wheat_pasta
- agriculturalproduct(100.0%)
- CMC @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=wh 5.28639 SUFFIX=heat 4.38714 PREFIX=whe 3.89559 PREFIX=whea 3.81211 SUFFIX=eat 2.89008 SUFFIX=at 2.68556 FIRST_WORD=wheat 2.54325 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.36685 WORDS -6.39380 CHARS -9.88707 ] using wheat_pasta
- CPL @1104 (97.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "broccoli , whole _" "texture of whole _" "home made whole _" "apples , whole _" "peanut butter , whole _" "pasta with whole _" "fruits , whole _" "fiber in whole _" "bacon , whole _" "bag of whole _" "I use whole _" "tuna , whole _" "varieties of whole _" "whole grain breads , whole _" "brand of whole _" "foods like whole _" "you eat whole _" "wheat bread , whole _" "sources include whole _" "peas , whole _" "I eat whole _" "cheese with whole _" "foods , like whole _" "box of whole _" "wild rice , whole _" "serving of whole _" "turkey , whole _" "you are using whole _" "whole grain rice , whole _" "barley , whole _" "bowl of whole _" "sweet potatoes , whole _" "lentils , whole _" "whole grain bread , whole _" "whole wheat bread , whole _" "whole grains such as whole _" "whole wheat flour , whole _" "salmon , whole _" "whole grains like whole _" "beef , whole _" "whole grain cereal , whole _" "cup of whole _" "it is made with whole _" "wheat flour , whole _" "juice , whole _" "bags of whole _" "bran , whole _" "I love whole _" "half whole _" "oil , whole _" "tomatoes , whole _" "olive oil , whole _" "rice , whole _" "soup with whole _" "avocados , whole _" "cheese on whole _" "flavor of whole _" "handful of whole _" "popcorn , whole _" "bagels , whole _" "bread , whole _" "fiber such as whole _" "peanuts , whole _" "sandwich with whole _" "ingredients like whole _" "foods such as whole _" "brand whole _" "breakfast , whole _" "lean meat , whole _" "organic sprouted _" "muffins , whole _" "grain crackers , whole _" "foods such as _" "almonds , whole _" "butter , whole _" "stone ground whole _" "potatoes , whole _" "salad with whole _" "rye , whole _" "fiber from whole _" "pound of whole _" "protein , whole _" "grains like whole _" "cheeses , whole _" "sauce , whole _" "foods are whole _" "complex carbohydrates such as whole _" "carbohydrates such as whole _" "legumes , whole _" "meats , whole _" "recipes with whole _" "Switch to whole _" "milk , whole _" "cereal , whole _" "nuts , whole _" "fresh fruit , whole _" "ingredient is whole _" "pasta , whole _" "fresh vegetables , whole _" "Opt for whole _" "whole grains , such as whole _" "white bread , whole _" "tortillas , whole _" "I make whole _" "greens , whole _" "pizza with whole _" "recipe uses whole _" "recipe using whole _" "breast , whole _" "peppers , whole _" "items such as whole _" "I used whole _" "grains such as whole _" "bed of whole _" "plate of whole _" "grains , such as whole _" "salt , whole _" "cheese , whole _" "I usually use whole _" "Stir in whole _" "We used whole _" "health benefits of whole _" "grains , like whole _" "foods like _" "pulses , whole _" "grain cereal , whole _" "sauce over whole _" "sauce on whole _" "I substituted whole _" "I also use whole _" "I always use whole _" "salad , whole _" "spinach , whole _" "dairy products , whole _" "seeds , whole _" "spices , whole _" "oats , whole _" "% whole _" "I added whole _" "breakfast cereals , whole _" "fiber , whole _" "brown rice , whole _" "beans , whole _" "carbs such as whole _" "sugar , whole _" "dish with whole _" "corn , whole _" "cup whole _" "dairy , whole _" "tofu , whole _" "flour , whole _" "brands of whole _" "homemade whole _" "taste of whole _" "servings of whole _" "sources such as whole _" "potato , whole _" "mine with whole _" "hummus , whole _" "oatmeal , whole _" "vegetables , whole _" "_ adds fiber" "breads , whole _" "rolls , whole _" "veggies , whole _" "fiber are whole _" "soups , whole _" "ground whole _" "white rice , whole _" "ingredients such as whole _" "chicken , whole _" "items like whole _" "carbs like whole _" "fruit , whole _" "meat , whole _" "crackers , whole _" "sandwiches , whole _" "flakes , whole _" "quinoa , whole _" "goodness of whole _" "yogurt , whole _" "oat bran , whole _" "recipe with whole _" "berries , whole _" "grain rice , whole _" "yams , whole _" "you use whole _" "sauce with whole _" "I also used whole _" "grain breads , whole _" "Brown rice , whole _" "complex carbs like whole _" "cups of whole _" "cream , whole _" "millet , whole _" ] using wheat_pasta
- visualizablething(100.0%)
- OE @893 (100.0%) on 30-dec-2014 [ ] using wheat_pasta
- CMC @779 (100.0%) on 15-oct-2013 [ POS=NN 1.92943 SUFFIX=at 1.75547 WORDSHAPE=aaaaa 1.43093 SUFFIX=ta 1.29477 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.27381 LASTPREFIX=pa 1.20346 PREFIX=pa 1.11120 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.45997 WORDS -0.61513 CHARS -4.66173 ] using wheat_pasta
- CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "fruits , whole _" "foods like whole _" "white bread , white _" "_ tossed with" "benefits of whole _" "recipe whole _" "rice , whole _" "foods such as whole _" "butter , whole _" "_ sauteed in" "rye , whole _" "protein , whole _" "favorite foods are _" "grains , such as _" "legumes , whole _" "meats , whole _" "milk , whole _" "carbohydrates like _" "I used whole _" "lean proteins , whole _" "_ topped with" "recipe for whole _" "diet of whole _" "cheese , whole _" "bread , white _" "plenty of whole _" "recipe for homemade _" "seeds , whole _" "oats , whole _" "fish , whole _" "brown rice , whole _" "beans , whole _" "flour , whole _" "amounts of whole _" "servings of whole _" "vegetables , whole _" "veggies , whole _" "fruit , whole _" "meat , whole _" "_ are carbohydrates" "products , whole _" ] using wheat_pasta
- grain(100.0%)
- CPL @1104 (95.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "broccoli , whole _" "vegetables along with whole _" "home made whole _" "whole grain cereals , whole _" "pasta with whole _" "fruits , whole _" "fiber in whole _" "varieties of whole _" "whole grain breads , whole _" "foods like whole _" "you eat whole _" "wheat , whole _" "wheat bread , whole _" "sources include whole _" "white bread , white _" "peas , whole _" "whole grain , whole _" "cheese with whole _" "box of whole _" "wild rice , whole _" "serving of whole _" "whole grain rice , whole _" "grains , whole _" "barley , whole _" "bowl of whole _" "food such as whole _" "lentils , whole _" "whole grain bread , whole _" "whole wheat bread , whole _" "stick to whole _" "whole grains such as whole _" "whole grains like whole _" "whole grain cereal , whole _" "cabbage , whole _" "cereals , whole _" "whole grains , whole _" "Whole Grains Whole _" "top of whole _" "bran , whole _" "recipe whole _" "It tastes similar to _" "tomatoes , whole _" "packages of whole _" "grain cereals , whole _" "rice , whole _" "soup with whole _" "cheese on whole _" "flavor of whole _" "quality durum _" "handful of whole _" "rice whole _" "bagels , whole _" "bread , whole _" "fiber such as whole _" "peanuts , whole _" "sandwich with whole _" "grains include whole _" "foods such as whole _" "lean meat , whole _" "organic sprouted _" "muffins , whole _" "grain crackers , whole _" "avocado , whole _" "almonds , whole _" "rye , whole _" "fiber from whole _" "protein , whole _" "grains like whole _" "fiber found in whole _" "grains , such as _" "foods are whole _" "complex carbohydrates such as whole _" "carbohydrates such as whole _" "legumes , whole _" "Switch to whole _" "nuts , whole _" "fresh fruit , whole _" "carbohydrates like _" "diet such as whole _" "pasta , whole _" "fresh vegetables , whole _" "whole grains , such as whole _" "fiber foods such as _" "white bread , whole _" "whole rye , whole _" "greens , whole _" "pizza with whole _" "hearty whole _" "whole grains , such as _" "grains such as whole _" "lots of whole _" "lean proteins , whole _" "plate of whole _" "grains , such as whole _" "recipe for whole _" "diet of whole _" "good quality whole _" "health benefits of whole _" "pulses , whole _" "food like whole _" "raw vegetables , whole _" "calories than white _" "bread , white _" "plenty of whole _" "salad , whole _" "high fiber whole _" "spinach , whole _" "fiber whole _" "dairy products , whole _" "seeds , whole _" "spices , whole _" "opt for whole _" "oats , whole _" "% whole _" "fiber , whole _" "produce , whole _" "brown rice , whole _" "beans , whole _" "diet , whole _" "carbs such as whole _" "carbohydrates in whole _" "carbs , such as whole _" "corn , whole _" "complex carbohydrates like _" "dairy , whole _" "homemade whole _" "vegetables with whole _" "taste of whole _" "servings of whole _" "sources such as whole _" "switch to whole _" "grain bread , whole _" "oatmeal , whole _" "vegetables , whole _" "breads , whole _" "rolls , whole _" "veggies , whole _" "fiber are whole _" "soups , whole _" "simple meal of _" "fiber of whole _" "carbs like whole _" "fruit , whole _" "I prefer whole _" "Grains Whole _" "crackers , whole _" "_ contain complex carbohydrates" "quinoa , whole _" "goodness of whole _" "fiber like whole _" "proteins , whole _" "grain rice , whole _" "Eat whole _" "yams , whole _" "products , whole _" "pizza , whole _" "grain breads , whole _" "grain , whole _" "Brown rice , whole _" "complex carbs like whole _" "millet , whole _" ] using wheat_pasta
- CMC @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=wh 3.71142 SUFFIX=heat 3.28996 SUFFIX=at 3.21354 PREFIX=whea 2.76534 SUFFIX=eat 2.64222 PREFIX=whe 2.63132 FIRST_WORD=wheat 1.48821 POS=NN -1.01299 WORDS -4.55794 CHARS -11.92193 ] using wheat_pasta
- SEAL @631 (61.2%) on 07-sep-2012 [ 1 2 3 ] using wheat_pasta