wheat_products (agriculturalproduct)
literal strings: wheat_products, wheat products
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- agriculturalproduct(100.0%)
- CMC @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=wh 2.40441 PREFIX=whe 1.75384 SUFFIX=heat 1.69898 PREFIX=whea 1.69383 FIRST_WORD=wheat 1.65203 SUFFIX=at 1.61743 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.61368 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.29081 WORDS -1.95873 CHARS -4.91836 ] using wheat_products
- CPL @1094 (87.1%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "ground , whole _" "peas , whole _" "carbs such as whole _" "gluten protein found in _" "dairy , whole _" "berries , whole _" "whole grains , such as whole _" "Switch to whole _" "green vegetables , whole _" "foods like _" "salads , whole _" "lean meats , whole _" "foods include whole _" "dairy products , whole _" "breakfast cereals , whole _" "green leafy vegetables , whole _" "wheat germ , whole _" "legumes , whole _" "meats , whole _" "complex carbohydrates like whole _" "I eat whole _" "leafy vegetables , whole _" "oil , whole _" "bread , whole _" "carbs like whole _" "oils , whole _" "lentils , whole _" "milk products , whole _" "germ , whole _" "veggies , whole _" "fruits , whole _" "taste of whole _" "sources include whole _" "consumption of whole _" "poultry , whole _" "organic sprouted _" "oranges , whole _" "bran , whole _" "you eat whole _" "milk , whole _" "sweet potatoes , whole _" "complex carbohydrates , such as whole _" "wheat bran , whole _" "common food allergies are to _" "foods such as whole _" "they are made with whole _" "peanuts , whole _" "_ contain an antioxidant" "nuts , whole _" "carbohydrates like whole _" "bananas , whole _" "olive oil , whole _" "fiber include whole _" "seeds , whole _" "foods like whole _" "potatoes , whole _" "onions , whole _" "oats , whole _" "protein , whole _" "vegetables , whole _" "beans , whole _" "stone ground whole _" "white bread , whole _" "oat bran , whole _" "products with whole _" "intake of whole _" "foods such as _" "seed , whole _" "carbohydrates , such as whole _" "meat , whole _" "millet , whole _" "wild rice , whole _" "ground whole _" "pasta , whole _" "chicken , whole _" "lean meat , whole _" "brown rice , whole _" "oatmeal , whole _" "tea , whole _" "gluten found in _" "grains , such as whole _" "_ containing melamine" "rice , whole _" ] using wheat_products
- visualizableobject(100.0%)
- CMC @1100 (100.0%) on 30-jan-2018 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.32279 PREFIX=whe 1.22055 PREFIX=wh 1.20889 SUFFIX=heat 0.94067 LAST_WORD=products 0.85156 SUFFIX=ducts 0.74591 SUFFIX=ucts 0.74452 PREFIX=pr -0.42466 WORDS -1.00277 CHARS -2.49563 ] using wheat_products
- CPL @1099 (94.7%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "peas , whole _" "other highly processed _" "carbohydrates from whole _" "foods , whole _" "sugar , processed _" "green vegetables , whole _" "foods like _" "foods include whole _" "dairy products , whole _" "gluten , found in _" "green leafy vegetables , whole _" "wheat germ , whole _" "legumes , whole _" "meats , whole _" "I eat whole _" "leafy vegetables , whole _" "oil , whole _" "bread , whole _" "carbs like whole _" "oils , whole _" "germ , whole _" "veggies , whole _" "fruits , whole _" "taste of whole _" "consumption of whole _" "poultry , whole _" "bran , whole _" "you eat whole _" "milk , whole _" "_ are high" "wheat bran , whole _" "foods such as whole _" "dairy products , refined _" "nuts , whole _" "carbohydrates like whole _" "olive oil , whole _" "seeds , whole _" "recipes using _" "consumption of refined _" "_ contain gluten" "oats , whole _" "products , processed _" "vegetables , whole _" "beans , whole _" "stone ground whole _" "cereals , whole _" "intake of whole _" "grain , whole _" "foods such as _" "carbohydrates , such as whole _" "meat , whole _" "alcohol , refined _" "cream of _" "ground whole _" "pasta , whole _" "intake of refined _" "brown rice , whole _" "lean protein , whole _" "oatmeal , whole _" "grains , such as whole _" "rice , whole _" ] using wheat_products
- food(100.0%)
- OE @838 (93.5%) on 16-may-2014 [ ] using wheat_products
- CPL @1095 (94.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "carbs such as whole _" "carbohydrates from whole _" "gluten protein found in _" "rich foods like _" "dairy , whole _" "foods , whole _" "whole grains , such as whole _" "drinks , refined _" "green vegetables , whole _" "foods like _" "lean meats , whole _" "foods include whole _" "basic foodstuffs like _" "dairy products , whole _" "breakfast cereals , whole _" "green leafy vegetables , whole _" "wheat germ , whole _" "legumes , whole _" "complex carbohydrates like whole _" "leafy vegetables , whole _" "carbs like whole _" "oils , whole _" "lentils , whole _" "foods , such as _" "germ , whole _" "_ contain oxalates" "veggies , whole _" "fruits , whole _" "taste of whole _" "sources include whole _" "consumption of whole _" "poultry , whole _" "organic sprouted _" "bran , whole _" "milk , whole _" "sweet potatoes , whole _" "complex carbohydrates , such as whole _" "wheat bran , whole _" "common food allergies are to _" "foods such as whole _" "peanuts , whole _" "_ contain an antioxidant" "dairy products , refined _" "products , refined _" "nuts , whole _" "carbohydrates like whole _" "_ contain carbs" "food , refined _" "fiber include whole _" "seeds , whole _" "consumption of refined _" "dark green leafy vegetables , whole _" "oats , whole _" "vegetables , whole _" "beans , whole _" "fiber found in whole _" "stone ground whole _" "cereals , whole _" "intake of whole _" "fiber is found in whole _" "foods such as _" "seed , whole _" "carbohydrates , such as whole _" "millet , whole _" "cream of _" "wild rice , whole _" "raisins , whole _" "lean meat , whole _" "intake of refined _" "brown rice , whole _" "lean protein , whole _" "oatmeal , whole _" "grains , such as whole _" "rice , whole _" ] using wheat_products
- visualizablething(100.0%)
- CPL @1098 (99.2%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "era of cheap _" "carbohydrates such as _" "rich foods like _" "fish , whole _" "sugar , processed _" "_ containing gluten" "plenty of whole _" "legumes , whole _" "meats , whole _" "carbohydrates like _" "foods , such as _" "veggies , whole _" "fruits , whole _" "consumption of whole _" "Gluten is found in _" "milk , whole _" "benefits of whole _" "I was eating _" "foods such as whole _" "sugar , refined _" "seeds , whole _" "foods like whole _" "consumption of refined _" "products , whole _" "allergens include _" "oats , whole _" "protein , whole _" "products , processed _" "vegetables , whole _" "beans , whole _" "intake of whole _" "meat , whole _" "variety of whole _" "other processed _" "gluten containing _" "intake of refined _" "brown rice , whole _" "I do n't eat _" "rice , whole _" ] using wheat_products
- fruit(99.9%)
- CMC @1097 (99.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=heat 1.71761 PREFIX=wh 1.66779 PREFIX=whe 1.53689 PREFIX=whea 1.45255 SUFFIX=eat 0.94107 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 0.93721 SUFFIX=at 0.88800 LASTPREFIX=pr -0.50576 CHARS -3.06306 WORDS -4.31435 ] using wheat_products
- CPL @1095 (88.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "sprouts , whole _" "ground , whole _" "peas , whole _" "carbs such as whole _" "grains include whole _" "gluten protein found in _" "food , whole _" "dairy , whole _" "foods , whole _" "fish , whole _" "sugar , processed _" "_ have more fiber" "fibrous foods such as _" "whole grains , such as whole _" "Switch to whole _" "green vegetables , whole _" "lean meats , whole _" "foods include whole _" "plenty of whole _" "basic foodstuffs like _" "dairy products , whole _" "breakfast cereals , whole _" "fiber rich foods like _" "gluten , found in _" "green leafy vegetables , whole _" "wheat germ , whole _" "legumes , whole _" "complex carbohydrates like whole _" "I eat whole _" "leafy vegetables , whole _" "bread , whole _" "carbs like whole _" "oils , whole _" "lentils , whole _" "milk products , whole _" "germ , whole _" "veggies , whole _" "fruits , whole _" "sources include whole _" "sugars derived from _" "consumption of whole _" "poultry , whole _" "fiber like whole _" "organic sprouted _" "oranges , whole _" "Gluten is found in _" "carbohydrates , whole _" "bran , whole _" "you eat whole _" "sweet potatoes , whole _" "complex carbohydrates , such as whole _" "wheat bran , whole _" "foods such as whole _" "peanuts , whole _" "_ contain an antioxidant" "dairy products , refined _" "_ contain lignans" "bran cereals , whole _" "nuts , whole _" "carbohydrates like whole _" "starches such as _" "whole grain , whole _" "fiber include whole _" "seeds , whole _" "consumption of refined _" "products , whole _" "dark green leafy vegetables , whole _" "vegetable oils , whole _" "oats , whole _" "I ate too many _" "vegetables , whole _" "noodles , whole _" "beans , whole _" "fiber found in whole _" "carbohydrates are found in whole _" "white bread , whole _" "cereals , whole _" "intake of whole _" "fiber is found in whole _" "seed , whole _" "carbohydrates , such as whole _" "breads with whole _" "millet , whole _" "alcohol , refined _" "green beans , whole _" "ground whole _" "pasta , whole _" "lean meat , whole _" "intake of refined _" "skins , whole _" "brown rice , whole _" "lean protein , whole _" "wide variety of whole _" "favor of whole _" "gluten found in _" "grains , such as whole _" "rice , whole _" "carbohydrates are whole _" ] using wheat_products
- grain(99.5%)
- CMC @1105 (96.3%) on 25-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=wh 1.48457 SUFFIX=heat 1.31599 SUFFIX=at 1.28542 PREFIX=whea 1.10614 SUFFIX=eat 1.05689 PREFIX=whe 1.05253 FIRST_WORD=wheat 0.59528 POS=NN -0.20260 WORDS -1.82317 CHARS -6.06935 ] using wheat_products
- CPL @1103 (87.6%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "lot of refined _" "sprouts , whole _" "proteins commonly found in _" "peas , whole _" "protein found in _" "Complex carbs like _" "carbs such as whole _" "carbohydrates from whole _" "grains include whole _" "gluten protein found in _" "dairy , whole _" "foods , whole _" "_ have more fiber" "fibrous foods such as _" "whole grains , such as whole _" "Switch to whole _" "green vegetables , whole _" "salads , whole _" "end-use quality of _" "lean meats , whole _" "foods include whole _" "insoluble fiber include whole _" "plenty of whole _" "people are intolerant to _" "dairy products , whole _" "fiber rich foods like _" "gluten , found in _" "green leafy vegetables , whole _" "grains , whole _" "wheat germ , whole _" "legumes , whole _" "complex carbohydrates like whole _" "whole grains , whole _" "leafy vegetables , whole _" "carbohydrates like _" "bread , whole _" "carbs like whole _" "oils , whole _" "lentils , whole _" "milk products , whole _" "germ , whole _" "veggies , whole _" "fruits , whole _" "taste of whole _" "sources include whole _" "diet laden with _" "consumption of whole _" "poultry , whole _" "fiber like whole _" "organic sprouted _" "Gluten is found in _" "carbohydrates , whole _" "bran , whole _" "you eat whole _" "_ contain dietary fiber" "switch to whole _" "nutritional value of whole _" "complex carbohydrates , such as whole _" "wheat bran , whole _" "foods such as whole _" "peanuts , whole _" "dairy products , refined _" "nuts , whole _" "carbohydrates like whole _" "diet was high in _" "many dogs are allergic to _" "starches such as _" "whole grain , whole _" "fiber include whole _" "seeds , whole _" "foods like whole _" "consumption of refined _" "products , whole _" "dark green leafy vegetables , whole _" "vegetable oils , whole _" "_ contain gluten" "onions , whole _" "oats , whole _" "protein , whole _" "vegetables , whole _" "noodles , whole _" "beans , whole _" "fiber found in whole _" "carbohydrates are found in whole _" "white bread , whole _" "cereals , whole _" "products with whole _" "intake of whole _" "grain , whole _" "fiber is found in whole _" "seed , whole _" "carbohydrates , such as whole _" "breads with whole _" "millet , whole _" "protein commonly found in _" "alcohol , refined _" "variety of whole _" "fiber content than _" "wild rice , whole _" "green beans , whole _" "pasta , whole _" "lean meat , whole _" "intake of refined _" "skins , whole _" "lots of whole _" "brown rice , whole _" "lean protein , whole _" "oatmeal , whole _" "wide variety of whole _" "tea , whole _" "favor of whole _" "gluten found in _" "grains , such as whole _" "rice , whole _" "carbohydrates are whole _" ] using wheat_products