yams (agriculturalproduct)
literal strings: yams , Yams
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agriculturalproduct (97.5%)CPL @1107 (60.3%) on 24-may-2018 [ "fresh vegetables such as _" "sweet vegetables such as _" "dish of mashed _" "such foods are _" "_ became a staple food" "food crops , such as _" "_ are fork-tender" "side of mashed _" "recipe scalloped _" "primary crop is _" "layer of mashed _" "meantime , boil _" "Crops such as _" "yams , mashed _" "vegetables included _" "_ are crisp-tender" "_ are barely tender" "crops included _" "dishes like baked _" "staple crops are _" "_ are only grown in" "carrots , roasted _" "potatoes , roasted _" "layer of sliced _" "root vegetables such as _" "main food crops are _" "vegetables such as _" "jerk chicken with _" "other vegetables like _" "girl picking _" "Starchy vegetables such as _" "salad , baked _" "beets , sweet _" "potatoes lettuce _" "Root vegetables , such as _" "starchy vegetables such as _" "large bowl stir together _" "beans , diced _" "mound of mashed _" "major nutrients found in _" "portion of mashed _" "rice , canned _" "pie , mashed _" "stems of wild _" "main crop was _" "potatoes , purple _" "gravy , baked _" "oil , fresh _" "pan , add _" "food crops such as _" "pan with _" "Root vegetables such as _" "broccoli , baked _" "dish of steamed _" "several crops , including _" "cassava , sweet _" "green beans , yellow _" "glutinous rice with _" "cheese , roasted _" "pieces of cooked _" "plate of mashed _" "pan add _" "plant , related to _" "sprouts , Chinese _" "Drain water off _" "major crops are _" "carrots , sweet _" "carrots , organic _" "I made mashed _" "gravy , boiled _" "raw vegetables such as _" "potatoes , candied _" "pile of mashed _" "Root vegetables like _" "_ are a staple ingredient" "beans , yellow _" "root veggies like _" "squash , mashed _" "agricultural products , such as _" "brown rice , sweet _" "cherry tomatoes , sliced _" "onions , baked _" "rice , fresh _" "cranberries , sweet _" "corn , sweet _" "seasonal vegetables like _" "recipe for candied _" "other root vegetables such as _" "principal food crops are _" "turkey with mashed _" "intercrop with _" "major crops grown are _" "veggies , including _" "onion , roasted _" "layer sliced _" "butter , fresh _" "noodles , baked _" "vegetables like _" "I love baked _" "beans , sweet _" "bananas , fried _" "I love roasted _" "subsistence farming of _" "carrots , cooked _" "batch of mashed _" "recipes for candied _" "beef with fried _" "plain boiled _" "beans cooked with _" "food crops like _" "garlic mashed _" "_ are slightly tender" "vegetables , canned _" "dry beans , dry _" "peas , mashed _" "potatoes , sweet _" "potatoes , wild _" "root crops like _" "sweet potatoes , white _" "tomatoes , mashed _" "carrots , purple _" "Food crops include _" "bed of mashed _" "peas , boiled _" "potatoes , orange _" "recipe for mashed _" "_ are just fork tender" "large skillet , brown _" "potato salad , baked _" "foods like _" "dinner with mashed _" "top of cooked _" "Vegetables such as _" "principal crops are _" "pile of fried _" "other vegetables , such as _" "subsistence crops are _" "vegetables such as sweet _" "potatoes , glazed _" "_ are just tender" "root crops such as _" "major food crops are _" "Principal crops include _" "Other important crops include _" "ginger , fresh _" "potatoes , creamed _" "herbs , edible _" "beans , roasted _" "_ exhibit great nutritional benefits" "potatoes , mashed _" "different crops such as _" "tubers like _" "juice , mashed _" "many crops such as _" "ferns , wild _" "greens , baked _" "leaves , wild _" "green beans , diced _" "many crops , including _" "chops , baked _" "meal of mashed _" "mix mashed _" "rice , wild _" "starchy veggies like _" "leftover roasted _" "such vegetables as _" "good recipes using _" "veggies including _" "mashed potatoes , sweet _" "noodles made from _" "fruit , boiled _" "spinach , fresh _" "foods such as _" "squash , cooked _" "_ are fork tender" "bowl of cooked _" "chives , fresh _" "_ are a golden brown" "dinner with baked _" "squash , baked _" "other vegetables such as _" "place drained _" "cheese , baked _" "red onion , roasted _" "onions , sweet _" "egg , roasted _" "chicken , roasted _" "green beans , baked _" "_ are another vegetable" "veggies , such as _" "starchy vegetables like _" "green beans , sweet _" "_ are a nutritional powerhouse" "staple crops like _" "veggies such as _" "veggies , like _" "root crops , such as _" "major crops such as _" "organic carrots , organic _" "bowl of mashed _" "salad , mashed _" "root vegetables like _" "stuffing , baked _" "_ are an important crop" "_ are a superfood" "Vegetables , such as _" "hard vegetables like _" "carrots , mashed _" "farmers , growing _" "turkey , mashed _" "carrots , red _" "cultivated crops such as _" "market for fresh _" "root vegetables , like _" "D-cup serving of _" "field of sweet _" "mushrooms , baked _" "rice , sweet _" "traditional crops , such as _" "sweet vegetables like _" "_ are the staple crops" "_ are soft" "nematode damage to _" "rice , mashed _" "black beans , white _" "sauce , caramelized _" "bananas , cooked _" ] using yams SEAL @241 (93.8%) on 22-apr-2011 [ 1 2 3 4 ] using yams
visualizableobject (96.3%)CPL @1109 (84.3%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "soup with _" "carbohydrate foods such as _" "cranberry sauce , sweet _" "dish of mashed _" "_ are fork-tender" "side of mashed _" "recipe scalloped _" "rice , boiled _" "beans , canned _" "layer of mashed _" "new crops such as _" "meantime , boil _" "_ are almost tender" "_ are crisp-tender" "_ are important crops" "_ are barely tender" "crops included _" "cash crop is _" "Recipe grilled _" "dishes like baked _" "beans , wild _" "_ are cooked through" "carrots , roasted _" "potatoes , roasted _" "layer of sliced _" "main food crops are _" "_ are high" "starchy vegetables , such as _" "mixture of mashed _" "other vegetables like _" "dish of sweet _" "_ are slightly brown" "potatoes , canned _" "salad , baked _" "_ do not contain gluten" "beans , diced _" "mother was cooking _" "mound of mashed _" "leftover baked _" "portion of mashed _" "rice , canned _" "food plants such as _" "main crop was _" "gravy , baked _" "corn , canned _" "oil , fresh _" "pan , add _" "food crops such as _" "red onion , sweet _" "I use canned _" "Root vegetables such as _" "broccoli , baked _" "corn bread , sweet _" "squash , roasted _" "cassava , sweet _" "beans , baked _" "home , eat _" "green beans , yellow _" "food crops include _" "cheese , roasted _" "beans , white _" "pieces of cooked _" "plate of mashed _" "medium-sized bowl , combine _" "major crops are _" "ham , baked _" "carrots , sweet _" "carrots , organic _" "corn , baked _" "I made mashed _" "gravy , boiled _" "Place sliced _" "beans , yellow _" "brown rice , sweet _" "onions , baked _" "rice , fresh _" "cranberries , sweet _" "corn , sweet _" "mashed potatoes , baked _" "_ are delicious" "recipe for candied _" "life of canned _" "onion , roasted _" "layer sliced _" "butter , fresh _" "_ are the main crops" "_ are golden brown" "beans , sweet _" "hot roasted _" "grains , baked _" "soups , baked _" "I love roasted _" "carrots , cooked _" "potatoes , white _" "beef with fried _" "plain boiled _" "relatives of cultivated _" "mix , canned _" "goat cheese , roasted _" "garlic mashed _" "_ are slightly tender" "vegetables , canned _" "dry beans , dry _" "peas , mashed _" "onion , sweet _" "potatoes , sweet _" "potatoes , wild _" "staple foods like _" "important crops include _" "soup , baked _" "skillet , brown _" "root crops like _" "sweet potatoes , white _" "_ stuffed with" "Simmer uncovered until _" "crop plants such as _" "They also grew _" "_ recipe software" "carrots , purple _" "bed of mashed _" "moderate heat , add _" "butter mixture to _" "recipes using _" "potatoes , orange _" "recipe for mashed _" "chicken , fried _" "spinach , roasted _" "cup of diced _" "large skillet , brown _" "potato salad , baked _" "whole foods such as _" "foods like _" "_ keep well for" "recipe using _" "milk , fresh _" "staple foods such as _" "spice mixture to _" "sauce , roasted _" "principal crops are _" "pile of fried _" "other vegetables , such as _" "slotted spoon , transfer _" "huge can of _" "potatoes , glazed _" "rice , fried _" "_ are just tender" "root crops such as _" "stuffing , sweet _" "cash crops are _" "bowl , combine chopped _" "_ served with" "Principal crops include _" "Other important crops include _" "you are using canned _" "ginger , fresh _" "_ recipe free" "potatoes , creamed _" "dish with fresh _" "beans , roasted _" "fruits like _" "_ exhibit great nutritional benefits" "potatoes , mashed _" "tubers like _" "many crops such as _" "bread , sweet _" "tender , then add _" "fruits such as _" "main crops are _" "_ infused with" "green beans , diced _" "chops , baked _" "rice , roasted _" "rice , wild _" "leftover roasted _" "such vegetables as _" "carrots , white _" "good recipes using _" "mashed potatoes , sweet _" "noodles made from _" "can of _" "spinach , fresh _" "Place cooked _" "foods such as _" "_ are fork tender" "bowl of cooked _" "dishes like _" "sauce , sweet _" "_ sauteed in" "recipes whipped _" "cheese , baked _" "red onion , roasted _" "onions , sweet _" "green beans , baked _" "bowl of hot _" "pork , baked _" "_ topped with" "breakfast of fried _" "veggies , such as _" "starchy vegetables like _" "green beans , sweet _" "staple crops like _" "veggies such as _" "veggies , like _" "root crops , such as _" "large bowl , toss _" "fried chicken , fried _" "major crops such as _" "organic carrots , organic _" "bowl of mashed _" "salad , mashed _" "root vegetables like _" "plant foods such as _" "soups , canned _" "food staples like _" "_ are an important crop" "_ are heated through" "_ are well-cooked" "Vegetables , such as _" "carrots , mashed _" "farmers , growing _" "turkey , mashed _" "carrots , red _" "meal of baked _" "cultivated crops such as _" "potatoes , baked _" "peas , cooked _" "field of sweet _" "salmon , roasted _" "_ tossed with" "mushrooms , baked _" "rice , sweet _" "ginger , sweet _" "traditional crops , such as _" "horseradish mashed _" "vegetables , sweet _" "sweet vegetables like _" "_ are soft" "rice , mashed _" "place sliced _" "black beans , white _" "sauce , caramelized _" ] using yams
food (92.5%)CPL @1103 (82.1%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "green beans cooked with _" "gravy , sweet _" "fresh vegetables such as _" "sweet vegetables such as _" "carbohydrate foods such as _" "cranberry sauce , sweet _" "dish of mashed _" "food crops , such as _" "fried steak with _" "side of mashed _" "recipe scalloped _" "tofu , roasted _" "layer of mashed _" "Crops such as _" "_ are almost tender" "_ are crisp-tender" "_ are important crops" "_ are barely tender" "cash crop is _" "I eat mostly _" "beans , wild _" "carrots , roasted _" "_ were delicious" "root vegetables such as _" "main food crops are _" "vegetables such as _" "starchy vegetables , such as _" "jerk chicken with _" "milk , mashed _" "dish of sweet _" "Starchy vegetables such as _" "salad , baked _" "beets , sweet _" "potatoes lettuce _" "GI foods include _" "Root vegetables , such as _" "red onions , sweet _" "starchy vegetables such as _" "large bowl stir together _" "staple crops such as _" "beans , diced _" "mother was cooking _" "mound of mashed _" "major nutrients found in _" "portion of mashed _" "food plants such as _" "main crop was _" "collard greens , baked _" "sugar mixture over _" "potatoes , purple _" "brown sugar baked _" "gravy , baked _" "oil , fresh _" "pan , add _" "plant sources , such as _" "food crops such as _" "crops grown are _" "red onion , sweet _" "rice with sweet _" "Root vegetables such as _" "broccoli , baked _" "corn bread , sweet _" "squash , roasted _" "_ smothered in" "cassava , sweet _" "home , eat _" "dressing , baked _" "foods , including _" "green beans , yellow _" "food crops include _" "cheese , roasted _" "beans , white _" "plate of mashed _" "pan add _" "sprouts , Chinese _" "Drain water off _" "carrots , sweet _" "carrots , organic _" "corn , baked _" "I made mashed _" "raw vegetables such as _" "pile of mashed _" "Root vegetables like _" "beans , yellow _" "sweet potatoes , orange _" "brown rice , sweet _" "cranberries , sweet _" "corn , sweet _" "mashed potatoes , baked _" "such crops as _" "seasonal vegetables like _" "_ glazed with" "recipe for candied _" "other root vegetables such as _" "principal food crops are _" "veggies , sweet _" "turkey with mashed _" "major crops grown are _" "staple foods , such as _" "sweet potatoes , roasted _" "cheese , sweet _" "onion , roasted _" "layer sliced _" "butter , fresh _" "_ are the main crops" "noodles , baked _" "tubers such as _" "beans , sweet _" "grains , baked _" "I love roasted _" "carrots , cooked _" "carrots , baked _" "batch of mashed _" "potatoes , white _" "beef with fried _" "plain boiled _" "relatives of cultivated _" "apples , candied _" "foods , such as _" "goat cheese , roasted _" "food crops like _" "garlic mashed _" "_ are slightly tender" "sharp knife , peel _" "dry beans , dry _" "peas , mashed _" "onion , sweet _" "potatoes , sweet _" "foods , like _" "different cultivars of _" "spiciness from _" "staple foods like _" "important crops include _" "root crops like _" "sweet potatoes , white _" "crop plants such as _" "carrots , purple _" "Food crops include _" "bed of mashed _" "bowl , combine _" "potatoes , orange _" "recipe for mashed _" "spinach , roasted _" "large skillet , brown _" "potato salad , baked _" "foods like _" "_ keep well for" "dinner with mashed _" "milk , fresh _" "Vegetables such as _" "principal crops are _" "other vegetables , such as _" "sauce from fresh _" "subsistence crops are _" "huge can of _" "_ are just tender" "root crops such as _" "stuffing , sweet _" "_ seasoned with" "bowl , combine chopped _" "Principal crops include _" "Other important crops include _" "ginger , fresh _" "potatoes , creamed _" "vegetables , like _" "ingredients except _" "fruits like _" "_ exhibit great nutritional benefits" "potatoes , mashed _" "different crops such as _" "dishes such as _" "tubers like _" "many crops such as _" "bread , sweet _" "fruits such as _" "heat , add _" "sugar baked _" "greens , baked _" "main crops are _" "salmon with mashed _" "green beans , diced _" "vegetables , such as _" "starchy veggies like _" "such vegetables as _" "good recipes using _" "mashed potatoes , sweet _" "fruit , boiled _" "cheese , candied _" "spinach , fresh _" "Place cooked _" "foods such as _" "toast , cooked _" "squash , cooked _" "_ are tender" "cook fresh _" "dinner with baked _" "squash , baked _" "sauce , sweet _" "other vegetables such as _" "place drained _" "recipes whipped _" "chicken with white _" "onions , sweet _" "green beans , baked _" "bowl of hot _" "pork , baked _" "_ topped with" "veggies , such as _" "starchy vegetables like _" "green beans , sweet _" "_ are the main food crops" "complex carbs such as _" "staple crops like _" "veggies such as _" "veggies , like _" "root crops , such as _" "major crops such as _" "organic carrots , organic _" "recipes scalloped _" "muffins , baked _" "bowl of mashed _" "such foods as _" "salad , mashed _" "root vegetables like _" "plant foods such as _" "_ are an important crop" "Vegetables , such as _" "hard vegetables like _" "carrots , mashed _" "_ are the primary crops" "turkey , mashed _" "carrots , red _" "meal of baked _" "cultivated crops such as _" "potatoes , baked _" "root vegetables , like _" "Other foods like _" "peas , cooked _" "field of sweet _" "beans , Chinese _" "_ tossed with" "duck wrapped _" "bowl beat together _" "rice , sweet _" "traditional crops , such as _" "horseradish mashed _" "vegetables , sweet _" "sweet vegetables like _" "cottage fried _" "carbohydrates include _" "_ are the staple crops" "knife , peel _" "mashed potatoes , mashed _" "nematode damage to _" "rice , mashed _" "black beans , white _" "bananas , cooked _" ] using yams SEAL @841 (58.2%) on 25-may-2014 [ 1 ] using yams
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey vegetable SEAL @700 (67.7%) on 20-feb-2013 [ 1 ] using yams
inverseofagriculturalproductincludingagriculturalproduct crops (99.2%)CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 like cassava and arg2" "arg1 like rice and arg2" "arg1 such as cassava and arg2" "arg1 such as corn and arg2" "arg1 such as sweet potato and arg2" "arg1 such as millet and arg2" "arg1 such as beans and arg2" ] using (crops, yams)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct water SEAL @587 (50.0%) on 05-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using (water, yams)
oil CPL @1098 (75.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 fried in olive arg1" "arg2 drizzled with olive arg1" ] using (oil, yams)
celery SEAL @571 (50.0%) on 17-may-2012 [ 1 ] using (celery, yams)
pepper CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 with salt and arg1" "arg2 and bell arg1" ] using (pepper, yams)
peppers CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and bell arg1" "arg2 and red bell arg1" ] using (peppers, yams)
potatoes CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 instead of mashed arg1" "arg2 mashed arg1" ] using (potatoes, yams)
inverseofagriculturalproductincludingagriculturalproduct plants CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 such as soy and arg2" "arg1 like soy and arg2" ] using (plants, yams)
root_crops CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 like cassava and arg2" "arg1 such as cassava and arg2" ] using (root_crops, yams)
inverseofanimaleatvegetable goat CPL @1113 (50.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg1 stew served with arg2" ] using (goat, yams)
inverseofagriculturalproductincludingagriculturalproduct carbohydrates CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 such as brown rice and arg2" "arg1 like cassava and arg2" ] using (carbohydrates, yams)