CPL @1099 (95.1%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "parking lots not located at _" "parking reservation for _" "reliever airport for _" "_ is a smaller airport" "parking reservation at _" "regional airline based at _" "fleet of cheap _" "rates @ _" "flight paths into _" "term parking lots not located at _" "car rental rates at _" "enplanements at _" "commercial airport is _" "airline based at _" "commercial passenger flight service at _" "Agencies Serving _" "Car Rental Agencies Serving _" "airport shuttle service to _" "lots not located at _" "Driving Directions From _" "_ take I-DD East" "passenger flight service at _" "long term parking lots not located at _" "_ is a simple mouse-click" "airport car rentals at _" "Rental Agencies Serving _" "Taxi fare from _" "airport parking reservation for _" "new rates @ _" ] using dayton_international_airport
OE @811 (98.4%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using dayton_international_airport
CMC @256 (100.0%) on 19-may-2011 [ PREFIX=ai 2.34067 PREFIX=airp 1.42882 LASTPREFIX=airp 1.41627 PREFIX=air 1.40310 LASTPREFIX=airpo 1.34267 PREFIX=airpo 1.30203 LASTPREFIX=air 1.27103 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.37167 CHARS -1.43552 WORDS -4.13860 ] using dayton_international_airport
LE @1070 (58.9%) on 05-aug-2017
SEAL @177 (99.9%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 12345678910 ] using dayton_international_airport
CPL @1095 (90.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "parking lots not located at _" "parking reservation for _" "long term parking at _" "airline flying out of _" "reliever airport for _" "_ is a smaller airport" "parking reservation at _" "Directions From _" "regional airline based at _" "Ground transportation is available from _" "_ is the only commercial airport" "Passengers at _" "fleet of cheap _" "rates @ _" "flight paths into _" "term parking lots not located at _" "airlines operating at _" "car rental rates at _" "flight time from _" "enplanements at _" "major airlines serve _" "commercial airport is _" "airline based at _" "disaster drill at _" "commercial passenger flight service at _" "Agencies Serving _" "airlines fly into _" "Car Rental Agencies Serving _" "airport shuttle service to _" "complimentary shuttle from _" "major hub at _" "lots not located at _" "Driving Directions From _" "passenger flight service at _" "long term parking lots not located at _" "hub operation at _" "_ is a simple mouse-click" "airport car rentals at _" "flight service at _" "Rental Agencies Serving _" "annual air show at _" "Taxi fare from _" "term parking at _" "airport parking reservation for _" "complimentary airport shuttle to _" "new rates @ _" ] using dayton_international_airport
CPL @1098 (81.2%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "parking lots not located at _" "parking reservation for _" "reliever airport for _" "_ is a smaller airport" "transportation is available via _" "regional airline based at _" "_ is the only commercial airport" "fleet of cheap _" "rates @ _" "term parking lots not located at _" "_ has daily flights" "car rental rates at _" "enplanements at _" "commercial airport is _" "airline based at _" "commercial passenger flight service at _" "Agencies Serving _" "Car Rental Agencies Serving _" "airport shuttle service to _" "complimentary shuttle from _" "major hub at _" "lots not located at _" "Driving Directions From _" "passenger flight service at _" "long term parking lots not located at _" "hub operation at _" "_ is a simple mouse-click" "airport car rentals at _" "Rental Agencies Serving _" "Taxi fare from _" "airport parking reservation for _" "complimentary airport shuttle to _" "new rates @ _" ] using dayton_international_airport
CMC @1114 (100.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ PREFIX=ai 3.36231 LASTPREFIX=ai 2.25194 LASTPREFIX=air 1.84207 LASTSUFFIX=rt 1.73206 PREFIX=air 1.71196 SUFFIX=ional 1.42716 SUFFIX=ort 1.40915 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.58466 WORDS -3.27986 CHARS -5.57127 ] using dayton_international_airport
CMC @704 (100.0%) on 27-feb-2013 [ SUFFIX=ort SUFFIX=rt LASTSUFFIX=port SUFFIX=nal SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a PREFIX=ai ] using dayton_international_airport
LE @1070 (50.4%) on 05-aug-2017
CPL @1096 (85.1%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "porter service at _" "parking lots not located at _" "parking reservation for _" "long term parking at _" "reliever airport for _" "_ is a smaller airport" "regional airline based at _" "_ is the only commercial airport" "fleet of cheap _" "rates @ _" "freight hub at _" "term parking lots not located at _" "airlines flying out of _" "directions From _" "car rental rates at _" "flight time from _" "enplanements at _" "commercial airport is _" "airline based at _" "disaster drill at _" "commercial passenger flight service at _" "Agencies Serving _" "Car Rental Agencies Serving _" "airport shuttle service to _" "complimentary shuttle from _" "major hub at _" "lots not located at _" "Driving Directions From _" "passenger flight service at _" "long term parking lots not located at _" "hub operation at _" "_ is a simple mouse-click" "airport car rentals at _" "flight service at _" "Rental Agencies Serving _" "Taxi fare from _" "term parking at _" "airport parking reservation for _" "complimentary airport shuttle to _" "new rates @ _" ] using dayton_international_airport