SEAL @213 (98.4%) on 21-feb-2011 [ 123456 ] using dubuque_regional_airport
CMC @503 (100.0%) on 05-feb-2012 [ PREFIX=ai PREFIX=reg LASTSUFFIX=rport LAST_WORD=airport LASTPREFIX=air LASTPREFIX=airpo ] using dubuque_regional_airport
CPL @1103 (92.4%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "passengers have paid between _" "commercial airport is _" "average price other passengers have paid between _" "hotel/inn/B&B/resort is near _" "Low Fare Tips Home > Flights from _" "Shuttle Service is available from _" "Fare Tips Home > Flights from _" "Tips Home > Flights from _" "> Flights from _" "passenger flight service to/from _" "trip ticket between _" "Other Pages about _" "round trip ticket between _" "Home > Flights from _" "other passengers have paid between _" "recent aerial photo of _" "more recent aerial photo of _" "commercial passenger flight service to/from _" "price other passengers have paid between _" "service to/from _" "flight service to/from _" ] using dubuque_regional_airport
CPL @1098 (94.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "passengers have paid between _" "commercial airport is _" "average price other passengers have paid between _" "hotel/inn/B&B/resort is near _" "Low Fare Tips Home > Flights from _" "Shuttle Service is available from _" "airport , see _" "Fare Tips Home > Flights from _" "Tips Home > Flights from _" "> Flights from _" "passenger flight service to/from _" "Flights from _" "trip ticket between _" "Other Pages about _" "round trip ticket between _" "Home > Flights from _" "other passengers have paid between _" "recent aerial photo of _" "more recent aerial photo of _" "ticket between _" "commercial passenger flight service to/from _" "Visitors flying into _" "price other passengers have paid between _" "travel direction from _" "service to/from _" "flight service to/from _" ] using dubuque_regional_airport
SEAL @186 (100.0%) on 10-jan-2011 [ 12345678910111213141516 ] using dubuque_regional_airport
CMC @193 (100.0%) on 28-jan-2011 [ PREFIX=ai 3.51100 PREFIX=airp 2.14322 LASTPREFIX=airp 2.12441 PREFIX=air 2.10465 LASTPREFIX=airpo 2.01401 PREFIX=airpo 1.95305 LASTPREFIX=air 1.90654 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.74335 CHARS -1.84567 WORDS -6.20790 ] using dubuque_regional_airport
CPL @1098 (86.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "passengers have paid between _" "commercial airport is _" "average price other passengers have paid between _" "hotel/inn/B&B/resort is near _" "Low Fare Tips Home > Flights from _" "Shuttle Service is available from _" "Fare Tips Home > Flights from _" "Tips Home > Flights from _" "> Flights from _" "passenger flight service to/from _" "trip ticket between _" "Other Pages about _" "round trip ticket between _" "Home > Flights from _" "other passengers have paid between _" "recent aerial photo of _" "more recent aerial photo of _" "commercial passenger flight service to/from _" "Visitors flying into _" "price other passengers have paid between _" "travel direction from _" "service to/from _" "flight service to/from _" ] using dubuque_regional_airport
CMC @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=ai 4.77137 LASTPREFIX=ai 3.53694 LASTSUFFIX=rt 3.06705 PREFIX=air 2.74434 SUFFIX=rt 2.18077 LASTPREFIX=air 2.15172 PREFIX=airp 2.00930 FULL_POS=JJ_JJ_NN -0.61863 WORDS -4.55132 CHARS -5.77188 ] using dubuque_regional_airport
CPL @1097 (87.2%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "fare quote for _" "passengers have paid between _" "commercial airport is _" "average price other passengers have paid between _" "hotel/inn/B&B/resort is near _" "Low Fare Tips Home > Flights from _" "Shuttle Service is available from _" "Fare Tips Home > Flights from _" "Tips Home > Flights from _" "> Flights from _" "passenger flight service to/from _" "trip ticket between _" "Other Pages about _" "round trip ticket between _" "Home > Flights from _" "other passengers have paid between _" "recent aerial photo of _" "more recent aerial photo of _" "ticket between _" "commercial passenger flight service to/from _" "price other passengers have paid between _" "travel direction from _" "service to/from _" "flight service to/from _" ] using dubuque_regional_airport
CMC @1116 (100.0%) on 05-sep-2018 [ SUFFIX=ort 7.28489 SUFFIX=rt 4.75130 CHARS 2.05048 LASTPREFIX=air 1.75749 PREFIX=air 1.72001 PREFIX=airpo 1.66704 LASTPREFIX=airp 1.66630 POS=JJ -1.11224 PREFIX=dub -1.22885 WORDS -5.89673 ] using dubuque_regional_airport
CPL @1097 (94.3%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "passengers have paid between _" "average price other passengers have paid between _" "Low Fare Tips Home > Flights from _" "Fare Tips Home > Flights from _" "Tips Home > Flights from _" "hotels in _" "> Flights from _" "trip ticket between _" "round trip ticket between _" "Home > Flights from _" "other passengers have paid between _" "price other passengers have paid between _" ] using dubuque_regional_airport
CMC @1107 (100.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=airpo 1.44482 LASTSUFFIX=rport 1.44482 LAST_WORD=airport 1.44482 LASTPREFIX=airp 1.44428 LASTSUFFIX=ort 1.43759 SUFFIX=ort 1.43051 PREFIX=airpo 1.38873 PREFIX=re -1.91700 CHARS -5.59465 WORDS -8.90374 ] using dubuque_regional_airport