CMC @613 (100.0%) on 17-jul-2012 [ PREFIX=ai 2.03910 CHARS 1.21232 LASTPREFIX=air 1.20556 SUFFIX=ort 1.19054 PREFIX=air 1.15111 LASTPREFIX=airpo 1.08789 LASTPREFIX=airp 1.06236 SUFFIX=omery -0.19592 SUFFIX=ry -0.36538 WORDS -1.97171 ] using montgomery_regional_airport
SEAL @213 (75.0%) on 21-feb-2011 [ 12 ] using montgomery_regional_airport
CPL @1094 (99.5%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "_ is the major airport" "service to/from _" "Report pages about _" "Hotel Map Hotel Driving Information From _" "jet service between _" "passenger flight service to/from _" "Hotel Driving Information From _" "maintenance hangar at _" "commercial passenger flight service to/from _" "flight service to/from _" "Driving Information From _" "Map Hotel Driving Information From _" ] using montgomery_regional_airport
SEAL @177 (87.5%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 123 ] using montgomery_regional_airport
CMC @560 (100.0%) on 02-may-2012 [ PREFIX=ai 2.34067 PREFIX=airp 1.42882 LASTPREFIX=airp 1.41627 PREFIX=air 1.40310 LASTPREFIX=airpo 1.34267 PREFIX=airpo 1.30203 LASTPREFIX=air 1.27103 SUFFIX=ry -0.38856 CHARS -1.38425 WORDS -4.13860 ] using montgomery_regional_airport
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "_ is the major airport" "Directions From _" "service to/from _" "Report pages about _" "Hotel Map Hotel Driving Information From _" "jet service between _" "passenger flight service to/from _" "Hotel Driving Information From _" "maintenance hangar at _" "_ is the main airport" "commercial airports are _" "_ is the preferred airport" "commercial passenger flight service to/from _" "flight service to/from _" "Driving Information From _" "main hub is _" "main airport is _" "nonstop jet service between _" "Map Hotel Driving Information From _" ] using montgomery_regional_airport
CPL @1105 (96.3%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "service to/from _" "Report pages about _" "Hotel Map Hotel Driving Information From _" "passenger flight service to/from _" "Hotel Driving Information From _" "commercial passenger flight service to/from _" "work at _" "flight service to/from _" "Driving Information From _" "Map Hotel Driving Information From _" ] using montgomery_regional_airport
CMC @1114 (100.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ PREFIX=ai 3.36231 LASTPREFIX=ai 2.25194 LASTPREFIX=air 1.84207 LASTSUFFIX=rt 1.73206 PREFIX=air 1.71196 SUFFIX=ional 1.42716 SUFFIX=ort 1.40915 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.58466 WORDS -3.27986 CHARS -5.37230 ] using montgomery_regional_airport
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "_ is the major airport" "service to/from _" "Report pages about _" "Hotel Map Hotel Driving Information From _" "passenger flight service to/from _" "Hotel Driving Information From _" "maintenance hangar at _" "_ is the main airport" "_ is the preferred airport" "commercial passenger flight service to/from _" "_ provides air services" "flight service to/from _" "Driving Information From _" "main hub is _" "main airport is _" "nonstop jet service between _" "brilliant accessibility to _" "Map Hotel Driving Information From _" ] using montgomery_regional_airport
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "_ is the major airport" "service to/from _" "Report pages about _" "Hotel Map Hotel Driving Information From _" "passenger flight service to/from _" "Hotel Driving Information From _" "_ is the main airport" "commercial airports are _" "_ is the preferred airport" "commercial passenger flight service to/from _" "_ provides air services" "flight service to/from _" "Driving Information From _" "main hub is _" "main airport is _" "nonstop jet service between _" "Map Hotel Driving Information From _" "fare quote for _" ] using montgomery_regional_airport