SEAL @622 (79.4%) on 07-aug-2012 [ 12345678 ] using otter
CPL @1109 (66.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "otter , black _" "many different breeds of _" "_ 's diet" "Other animals , including _" "_ 's nest" "amazing wildlife such as _" "creatures such as _" "carnivores such as _" "populations of giant _" "predators such as _" "Other animals , such as _" "_ are just a few species" "_ is primarily nocturnal" "fish , giant _" "protected species including _" "mammals include _" "mammals , such as _" "other carnivores such as _" "critters like _" "egg predation by _" "aquatic species like _" "hunter shot at _" "breeding of _" "smaller species , such as _" "predator such as _" "birds such as _" "small game such as _" "fauna such as _" "mammals like _" "turn eaten by _" "jaguar , giant _" "monkey , giant _" "deer , giant _" "swims like _" "beasties like _" "anteater , giant _" "monkeys , giant _" "_ swimming around" "smaller animals like _" "whiskers help _" "bear , giant _" "_ watching tour" "_ swimming up" "wildlife , such as _" "_ feeds almost entirely on" "aquatic mammals such as _" "_ named Duchess" "Animals such as _" "_ 's feces" "animals , such as _" "_ are very strong animals" "webbed feet of _" "tapir , giant _" "_ inhabit the lake" "wildlife such as _" "_ is an apex predator" "smaller mammals like _" "aquatic mammals like _" "species such as _" "dreamt he killed _" "wildlife like _" "crocodiles , giant _" "food source for _" "mammals , like _" "Animal species include _" "tapirs , giant _" "animals , including _" "species of giant _" "animals such as _" "mammals such as _" "native wildlife , such as _" "endangered species like _" "various animals such as _" "favorite animal was _" "numerous species such as _" "_ 's egg" "other mammals such as _" "breeds of _" "animals like _" "protected species such as _" "mammals , including _" "mammals including _" "dolphin , giant _" "_ 's flippers" "fishes like _" "_ roam the grasslands" "different breeds of _" "wildlife , including _" "smaller creatures such as _" "larger animals like _" "anteaters , giant _" "fish like _" "_ swam right by" "many species of _" "wildlife including _" "animals including _" "predators like _" "species including _" "population of giant _" "_ became a protected species" "caiman , giant _" "colony of giant _" "sabre toothed _" "animals here include _" "_ is called a 'pup" "small pests such as _" "_ feeds primarily on" "_ digs a burrow" "animals , like _" "prey like _" "predation by _" "rare species like _" "he was bit by _" "top predators such as _" "common species like _" "prey is small _" "marine animals including _" "sightings of giant _" "wildlife species such as _" "new species of giant _" "accidental capture of _" ] using otter
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1115 (52.3%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "otter , black _" "many different breeds of _" "Other animals , including _" "_ 's nest" "carnivores such as _" "populations of giant _" "predators such as _" "rare animals such as _" "fish , giant _" "_ swimming off" "other animals , such as _" "dozen species of _" "mammals , such as _" "other carnivores such as _" "critters like _" "breeding of _" "smaller species , such as _" "predator such as _" "birds such as _" "small game such as _" "species , including _" "mammals like _" "threatened species such as _" "monkey , giant _" "deer , giant _" "anteater , giant _" "monkeys , giant _" "smaller animals like _" "fishing for _" "bear , giant _" "_ watching tour" "wildlife , such as _" "_ are also frequent visitors" "aquatic mammals such as _" "Animals such as _" "_ swam toward" "_ are very strong animals" "webbed feet of _" "tapir , giant _" "_ inhabit the lake" "wildlife such as _" "_ is an apex predator" "smaller mammals like _" "animal species including _" "wild population of _" "flippers of _" "wildlife like _" "crocodiles , giant _" "mammals , like _" "Animal species include _" "tapirs , giant _" "species of giant _" "animals such as _" "mammals such as _" "native wildlife , such as _" "endangered species like _" "various animals such as _" "numerous species such as _" "_ are year-round residents" "_ have webbed feet" "_ 's egg" "other mammals such as _" "breeds of _" "animals like _" "protected species such as _" "mammals , including _" "_ eats a fish" "mammals including _" "dolphin , giant _" "_ 's flippers" "wild animals , such as _" "_ roam the grasslands" "playful antics of _" "different breeds of _" "wildlife , including _" "favorite animal is _" "fish eaten by _" "larger animals like _" "_ ' diet" "anteaters , giant _" "fish like _" "_ swam right by" "native species such as _" "wildlife including _" "animals including _" "predators like _" "_ named Clyde" "_ is a carnivorous animal" "population of giant _" "preferred food of _" "_ became a protected species" "prey items for _" "sabre toothed _" "aquatic life , including _" "animals here include _" "_ is called a 'pup" "territories from other _" "_ feeds primarily on" "favourite animal is _" "animals , like _" "rare species like _" "giant species of _" "top predators such as _" "breed of _" "animal species such as _" "endangered species , including _" "_ prefer fish" "marine animals including _" "sightings of giant _" "wildlife species such as _" "new species of giant _" "accidental capture of _" ] using otter