SEAL @2 (96.9%) on 12-jan-2010 [ 12345 ] using parakeets
CPL @1098 (56.3%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "noisy flocks of _" "I have seen wild _" "important breeding site for _" "such birds as _" "premium food for _" "_ breed in" "small animals , such as _" "bird species such as _" "flock of beautiful _" "white eyed _" "egrets , black _" "species including _" "wild flocks of _" "exotic birds like _" "_ chirping in" "many species of _" "groups of wild _" "_ are intelligent birds" "smaller birds , such as _" "gardening , raising _" "colony of feral _" "small birds such as _" "noisy flock of _" "many breeds of _" "_ are sexually dimorphic" "household pets like _" "numerous birds including _" "smaller birds such as _" "_ are social birds" "small animals such as _" "parenting , raising _" "winter feeding of _" "larger birds like _" "wild colonies of _" "animals , such as _" "different breeds of _" "colony of wild _" "population of feral _" "_ do not need grit" "Small birds such as _" "wildlife including _" "household pets , such as _" "_ peck each other" "_ have roosted in" "_ inhabit tropical" "smaller birds like _" "many birds including _" "_ are common sightings" "nesting sites for _" "birds , like _" "mixed flock of _" "species such as _" "birds (eg _" "breeds of _" "animals like _" "Songbirds such as _" "Other birds include _" "_ care sheet" "animals , including _" "birds , such as _" "red breasted _" "huge flocks of _" "populations of wild _" "Birds , like _" "_ had built nests" "flock of wild _" "other birds , such as _" "animals including _" "parrots , such as _" "animals such as _" "toys specifically designed for _" "native birds , including _" "breeding of _" "Liver disease in _" "_ make fine pets" "other breeds of _" "_ are messy eaters" "Red breasted _" "tropical birds such as _" "other pets such as _" "_ chirp in" "birds such as _" "flocks of wild _" "squawking of _" "Smaller birds like _" "larger birds such as _" "ring necked _" "small birds like _" "colorful birds such as _" "several cages of _" "_ are very sociable birds" "_ are all common sights" "chirping of _" "flocks of colorful _" ] using parakeets
CPL @1107 (75.8%) on 24-may-2018 [ "noisy flocks of _" "I have seen wild _" "_ are raised in" "_ roam freely in" "_ have the instinct" "_ love apples" "humane treatment of _" "popular breeds of _" "I had pet _" "such birds as _" "creatures , such as _" "_ are cavity nesters" "premium food for _" "_ breed in" "_ ' cages" "small animals , such as _" "trap wild _" "bird species such as _" "flock of beautiful _" "toys made for _" "vast flocks of _" "_ ' beaks" "toys designed for _" "small birds , like _" "aviary full of _" "_ need greens" "white eyed _" "_ form flocks" "dozen species of _" "egrets , black _" "wild flocks of _" "exotic birds like _" "_ chirping in" "groups of wild _" "smaller birds , such as _" "gardening , raising _" "small flock of _" "_ are popular pets" "good toys for _" "parrots , like _" "several flocks of _" "resident flock of _" "colony of feral _" "small birds such as _" "pets such as _" "noisy flock of _" "_ have large eyes" "troupe of trained _" "big flocks of _" "birds other than _" "_ scratching around in" "many breeds of _" "_ are sexually dimorphic" "_ are social animals" "household pets like _" "numerous birds including _" "smaller birds such as _" "_ are social birds" "small animals such as _" "population of green _" "winter feeding of _" "larger birds like _" "_ eat worms" "_ make excellent pets" "different breeds of _" "colony of wild _" "finches , such as _" "foods are safe for _" "population of feral _" "populations of green _" "_ are not tame" "Small birds such as _" "wildlife including _" "household pets , such as _" "_ have roosted in" "smaller birds like _" "many birds including _" "_ are common sightings" "holistic medicine for _" "nesting sites for _" "birds , like _" "_ squawking on" "_ need companionship" "other birds such as _" "Breeds of _" "mixed flock of _" "birds (eg _" "breeds of _" "animals like _" "Other birds include _" "population of wild _" "cage for large _" "_ are not domestic animals" "bird species like _" "_ ' diet" "birds , such as _" "_ make great pets" "red breasted _" "_ foraged on" "huge flocks of _" "_ ' extinction" "flock of happy _" "flock of green _" "flock of wild _" "other birds , such as _" "_ needing new homes" "_ produce eggs" "animals including _" "animals such as _" "native birds , including _" "breeding of _" "Liver disease in _" "_ find irresistible" "_ are rescues" "_ make fine pets" "other breeds of _" "_ are messy eaters" "Species such as _" "_ have stripes" "Huge flocks of _" "Red breasted _" "tropical birds such as _" "species , including _" "other pets such as _" "flock of _" "flock of angry _" "_ chirp in" "_ romp on" "birds such as _" "small birds , such as _" "flocks of wild _" "breed of _" "squawking of _" "_ need fresh water" "family pets , including _" "Birds such as _" "Smaller birds like _" "larger birds such as _" "great flocks of _" "ring necked _" "small birds like _" "_ nesting along" "several cages of _" "_ are very sociable birds" "chirping of _" "flocks of colorful _" ] using parakeets
CPL @1098 (74.9%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "noisy flocks of _" "flocks of green _" "Several flocks of _" "monkeys , colorful _" "such birds as _" "birds , including _" "_ are cavity nesters" "huge flock of _" "parrots such as _" "_ need grit" "birds such _" "bird species such as _" "bird such as _" "flock of beautiful _" "sized birds such as _" "pet birds such as _" "_ have built nests" "_ squawked in" "_ serenade from" "vast flocks of _" "_ ' beaks" "small birds , like _" "aviary full of _" "_ ' nests" "small birds including _" "_ form flocks" "dozen species of _" "egrets , black _" "wild flocks of _" "flights of wild _" "exotic birds like _" "hand taming _" "many flocks of _" "red rumped _" "_ are intelligent birds" "smaller birds , such as _" "_ build nests" "feather structure of _" "Hand raised _" "small flock of _" "egg food for _" "bigger birds like _" "Birds , such as _" "parrots , like _" "Flocks of wild _" "several flocks of _" "birds include _" "budgies to _" "resident flock of _" "small birds such as _" "_ fly above" "aviary with other _" "Blue crowned _" "birds including _" "_ are tropical birds" "noisy flock of _" "native birds including _" "_ twittering in" "_ are small parrots" "_ perching on" "_ fly among" "_ are common birds" "big flocks of _" "_ screeching overhead" "birds other than _" "_ scratching around in" "_ are active birds" "numerous birds including _" "flock of colorful _" "smaller birds such as _" "smaller birds , like _" "_ are social birds" "_ are very social birds" "same flock of _" "mated pair of _" "birds like _" "Bird life includes _" "_ eat grass seeds" "_ are opportunistic breeders" "nest boxes for _" "larger birds like _" "_ are flocking birds" "_ eat worms" "_ form strong pair bonds" "_ are gorgeous birds" "finches , such as _" "finches to _" "tropical birds , including _" "_ do not need grit" "_ breed from" "flocks of other _" "Small birds such as _" "_ have been nesting on" "_ peck each other" "_ have roosted in" "birds , from _" "smaller birds like _" "_ squawking as" "massive flock of _" "many birds including _" "_ have feathers" "Lovebirds are small _" "birds , like _" "_ squawking on" "budgies are _" "other birds such as _" "orange cheeked _" "mixed flock of _" "birds (eg _" "talkers among _" "bird toy for _" "beautiful birds like _" "Songbirds such as _" "Other birds include _" "_ are not domestic animals" "bird species like _" "birds , ranging from _" "_ flying overhead in" "_ are monogamous" "warblers to _" "common species such as _" "bird species , including _" "Bird species such as _" "large flocks of _" "birds , such as _" "different birds like _" "red breasted _" "big flock of _" "birds ranging from _" "huge flocks of _" "_ are seed eaters" "flock of resident _" "flock of happy _" "birds except _" "flock of green _" "_ flew overhead as" "_ had built nests" "flock of wild _" "other birds , such as _" "_ prefer seeds" "blue crowned _" "parrots , such as _" "large colony of _" "cockatiels to _" "native birds , including _" "bourke s _" "_ make fine pets" "Other birds such as _" "flocks of _" "_ swooped from" "Species such as _" "Huge flocks of _" "Red breasted _" "tropical birds such as _" "_ are flock birds" "local flock of _" "flock of _" "flock of angry _" "flock of noisy _" "Smaller birds such as _" "entire flock of _" "breeding pair of _" "birds such as _" "little birds like _" "large flock of _" "_ originally nested in" "small birds , such as _" "flocks of wild _" "squawking of _" "Birds such as _" "Smaller birds like _" "larger birds such as _" "great flocks of _" "ring necked _" "small birds like _" "colorful birds such as _" "_ nesting along" "_ flitting above" "_ eat seeds" "_ are very sociable birds" "flocks of colorful _" ] using parakeets
CPL @1099 (99.2%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like parrots and arg1" "arg2 like finches and arg1" "arg2 such as finches and arg1" "arg2 such as albino arg1" "arg2 like canaries and arg1" "arg2 such as pigeons and arg1" "arg2 such as parrots and arg1" ] using (parakeets, birds)
CPL @1099 (99.2%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like parrots and arg1" "arg2 like finches and arg1" "arg2 such as finches and arg1" "arg2 such as albino arg1" "arg2 like canaries and arg1" "arg2 such as pigeons and arg1" "arg2 such as parrots and arg1" ] using (parakeets, birds)
CPL @1099 (99.2%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like parrots and arg1" "arg2 like finches and arg1" "arg2 such as finches and arg1" "arg2 such as albino arg1" "arg2 like canaries and arg1" "arg2 such as pigeons and arg1" "arg2 such as parrots and arg1" ] using (parakeets, birds)
CPL @1099 (99.2%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like parrots and arg1" "arg2 like finches and arg1" "arg2 such as finches and arg1" "arg2 such as albino arg1" "arg2 like canaries and arg1" "arg2 such as pigeons and arg1" "arg2 such as parrots and arg1" ] using (parakeets, birds)