CPL @1115 (53.5%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "Large flocks of _" "mixed flocks of _" "flocks of migrant _" "decent numbers of _" "spring migration of _" "birds called _" "birds other than _" "other species including _" "flocks of small _" "radio transmitters to _" "point for migratory _" "living relatives to _" "migration route for _" "migrants such as _" "_ chirping in" "numerous flocks of _" "species , including _" "flocks of migrating _" "birds such as _" "_ are still hunted for" "large numbers of migrating _" "breeding populations of _" "range of migratory _" "mortality of young _" "breeding of _" "numbers of migrating _" "winter flocks of _" "first flock of _" "smaller animals like _" "animals like _" "calls of migrating _" "mixed flock of _" "variety of migrating _" "vast flocks of _" "species of migrant _" "millions of migrating _" "flock of angry _" "_ breed in" "birds , such as _" "habitat for migratory _" "nice flock of _" "flock of _" "migratory birds , including _" "living relatives of _" "small birds such as _" "small flock of _" "hundreds of migrating _" "small flocks of _" "number of migratory _" "migrating flocks of _" "flock of small _" "flocks with other _" "site for migratory _" "nests of other _" ] using passerines
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and other migrant arg2" "arg1 and other migrating arg2" "arg1 and other woodland arg2" "arg1 and other insectivorous arg2" ] using (warblers, passerines)
OE @805 (100.0%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (warblers, passerines)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey