SEAL @2 (93.8%) on 12-jan-2010 [ 1234 ] using pronghorns
CPL @1095 (72.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "herbivores like _" "animals including _" "forage for _" "mammals include _" "_ are very curious animals" "_ ' natural habitat" "small herd of _" "entire herd of _" "_ roamed these lands" "animals , such as _" "sport hunting of _" "_ are great swimmers" "Large mammals include _" "occasional herd of _" "_ breed in" "_ grazing beside" "other animals including _" "Large herds of _" "herds of _" "large herds of _" "mammals such as _" "wildlife , such as _" "larger mammals such as _" "wildlife like _" "wildlife includes _" "wildlife such as _" "other wildlife like _" "huge herds of _" "_ are the only mammals" ] using pronghorns
CPL @1096 (77.1%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "herbivores like _" "mammals include _" "_ are very curious animals" "resident herd of _" "_ ' natural habitat" "_ form herds" "_ graze at" "small herd of _" "entire herd of _" "sport hunting of _" "small herds of _" "_ are great swimmers" "Large mammals include _" "occasional herd of _" "_ graze in" "_ grazing beside" "_ grazing in" "other animals including _" "herd of female _" "_ roamed the West" "herd of _" "_ ' habitat" "glassing for _" "_ roam in" "Large herds of _" "_ grazing among" "whole herd of _" "herds of _" "large herds of _" "mammals such as _" "_ roaming the property" "larger mammals such as _" "wildlife includes _" "huge herds of _" "_ are the only mammals" ] using pronghorns
CPL @1094 (81.1%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "herbivores like _" "animals including _" "flock of _" "_ are very curious animals" "_ ' natural habitat" "_ graze at" "small herd of _" "entire herd of _" "sport hunting of _" "critters , from _" "_ are great swimmers" "occasional herd of _" "_ often feed in" "_ breed in" "_ graze in" "migratory patterns of _" "other animals including _" "herd of female _" "herd of _" "world’s population of _" "Large herds of _" "hawks , to _" "herds of _" "large herds of _" "mammals such as _" "_ roaming the property" "wildlife , such as _" "_ ' mating season" "larger mammals such as _" "wildlife like _" "winter forage for _" "free ranging _" "wildlife includes _" "wildlife such as _" "other wildlife like _" "huge herds of _" "_ are the only mammals" ] using pronghorns
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of mule deer and arg2" "arg1 of bison and arg2" "arg1 of elk and arg2" "arg1 of buffalo and arg2" ] using (herds, pronghorns)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of mule deer and arg2" "arg1 of bison and arg2" "arg1 of elk and arg2" "arg1 of grazing arg2" "arg1 of buffalo and arg2" ] using (herds, pronghorns)