MBL @1094 (93.8%) on 02-jan-2018 [ Promotion of artery:capillaries bodypartcontainsbodypart bodypart:system ]
CPL @1104 (86.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "spots , broken _" "blood flow in _" "blood passes to _" "_ supplying the muscles" "blood leaving _" "_ supply the blood" "pump blood through _" "such tissues as _" "richly supplied with _" "organs like _" "_ carry oxygenated blood" "disorders of _" "cuts , broken _" "conditions such as broken _" "blood moves into _" "endothelial cells forming _" "blood sugar damages _" "_ surrounding the macula" "new blood vessels from pre-existing _" "_ leak fluids" "vessels leading from _" "blood vessels in _" "cell layer of _" "thick lining of _" "treatment for broken _" "_ supplying the brain" "skin , broken _" "number of perfused _" "blood flow though _" "nerves in _" "blood flow through _" "occlusion of _" "Blood Flow to _" "_ bringing blood" "blood then passes through _" "channels called _" "blood circulation towards _" "vessels from pre-existing _" "_ are distended with" "injury , broken _" "fluid moves from _" "function , strengthen _" "blood travels through _" "blood pressure , strengthens _" "arterial side of _" "blood pressure weakens _" "aorta than in _" "glucose uptake from _" "blood escapes from _" "blood vessels called _" "blood supply to _" "High blood pressure damages _" "rupture of small _" "blood leaves _" "Abnormal development of _" "oxygen delivered to _" "_ called lacteals" "high blood pressure damages _" "tiny blood vessels called _" "_ called telangiectasias" "_ carry lymph" "blood rushing into _" "_ surrounding the anus" "muscle walls of _" "blood clots in _" "blood pressure , strengthen _" "paralysis of _" "_ remain dilated" "blood pressure , dilates _" "It also constricts _" "vascular wall of _" "pressure damages _" "nerve endings in _" "patients with clogged _" "small vessels called _" "arterial blood to _" "pressure , strengthen _" "blood returns to _" "blood is contained in _" "_ supplying blood" "_ supplying the tumor" "I had burst _" "_ thereby increasing blood flow" "blood is forced out of _" "blood leaking out of _" "_ dilate more" "feed blood to _" "systemic circulation via _" "veins are enlarged _" "vascular plexus of _" "smaller vessels called _" "_ improving blood supply" "drain blood from _" "endothelial lining of _" "fluid in _" "oxygen rich blood to _" "oxygen-poor blood from _" "_ contain red blood cells" "_ are the blood vessels" "_ carry blood" "pulmonary artery to _" "membranes of _" "blood flowing through _" "_ supplying blood flow" "fluid pressure inside _" "nose , broken _" "progressive dilation of _" "cells moving through _" "connective tissue around _" "de-oxygenated blood from _" "_ surrounding the alveoli" "anatomical connections of _" "_ are small blood vessels" "hair , broken _" "blocks blood flow in _" "congenital abnormalities of _" "increased permeability of _" "heat dilates _" "blood circulation to _" "blood moves from _" "blood cells flowing through _" "blood vessels , lymphatic _" "more blood flows through _" "_ leak fluid" "particles lodge in _" "_ deliver the blood" "veins , broken _" "blood being pumped through _" "astringent effect on _" "blood flow within _" "arterial end of _" "Blood flow through _" "face broken _" "vasodilatory effect on _" "poor blood circulation in _" "tiny tubes called _" "vessels , lymphatic _" "venous end of _" "body constricts _" "clots in _" "blood cells moving through _" "uric acid crystals in _" "blood system through _" "alcohol dilates _" "women with broken _" "less blood flows to _" "lymphatic fluid through _" "inflammation of _" "_ are small vessels" "blood flow from _" "sudden dilation of _" "signs of broken _" "blood is flowing through _" "blood vessel called _" "it dilates _" "_ are tiny blood vessels" "stagnant blood in _" "oxygenated blood flow to _" "blood is pushed through _" "block blood flow in _" "_ supplying the heart" "hardening of _" "arteries called _" "venules to _" "_ delivering blood" "_ carrying oxygenated blood" "proliferation of small _" "endothelium lining _" "foot , broken _" "_ leaking fluid" "Endothelial cells lining _" "small arteries to _" "redness , broken _" "blood goes from _" "damage to retinal _" "blood then flows through _" "treatment of broken _" "sun damage , broken _" "nutrient-rich blood from _" "_ are small veins" "small blood clots in _" "muscles of _" "_ distribute blood" "It also dilates _" "blood enters _" "blood through tiny _" "_ delivers blood" "abnormalities of _" "smoking constricts _" "system of lymphatic _" "Blood passes through _" "pulmonary veins into _" "_ carrying blood" "herb dilates _" "muscle called _" "blood exits _" "bloodflow through _" "tiny vessels called _" "plexuses of _" "abnormal tangle of _" "damage , broken _" "membrane of _" "_ supplying nutrition" "vessels are known as _" "malformation of _" "network of microscopic _" "fluid leaks out of _" "_ leak blood" "_ feeding tumors" "blood vessels , like _" "bruises , broken _" "blood vessels from pre-existing _" "_ bring blood" "_ carrying deoxygenated blood" "irritation of _" "blood bypasses _" "redness , visible _" "cause blood vessels in _" "blood supplying _" "abnormal growth of new _" "distention of _" "blood out from _" "blood vessels of _" "blood vessels , including _" "blood flow in small _" "dilation of superficial _" "bloodstream , via _" "blood passing through _" "venous side of _" "fluid drains into _" "small blood vessels called _" "circulation in small _" "endothelial wall of _" "blood circulation , strengthening _" "_ supplying the retina" "joints , strengthens _" "blood passes from _" "_ feeding the brain" "veins into _" "blood flow to _" "blood pressure damages _" "_ called the glomerulus" "permeability of small _" "pressure , dilates _" "_ supply blood" "smooth muscle walls of _" "small incisions in _" "surgery for broken _" "endothelial cells lining _" "malformations of _" "narrowing of coronary _" "carry blood to _" "deoxygenated blood in _" "face , broken _" "blood moves through _" "blood pressure inside _" "blood does not flow through _" "cholesterol , strengthen _" "Endothelial cells of _" "blood flows along _" "fibers lining _" ] using capillaries
OE @803 (99.1%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using capillaries
MBL @489 (93.6%) on 19-jan-2012 [ Promotion of artery:capillaries arterycalledartery artery:cells ]
CPL @1094 (90.9%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "lumenal surface of _" "cells passing through _" "spots , broken _" "age spots , broken _" "arteries , into _" "_ disperse heat" "vessels , known as _" "blood passes to _" "_ were occluded with" "_ supplying the muscles" "extrinsic compression of _" "_ supply the blood" "tissue , containing _" "dermis contains _" "richly supplied with _" "_ carry oxygenated blood" "_ allow protein" "closing pressure of _" "cells in small _" "dilator of _" "endothelial cells forming _" "branching system of _" "blood gets through _" "blood sugar damages _" "arterioles are _" "_ surrounding the macula" "new blood vessels from pre-existing _" "interstitial fluid into _" "networks of tiny _" "extracts strengthen _" "_ leak fluids" "system of tiny _" "_ carry lymph fluid" "problems , clogged _" "rapid flow through _" "thromboses of _" "thrombi within _" "treatment for broken _" "_ supplying the brain" "_ regenerate within" "skin , broken _" "number of perfused _" "vessels are called _" "_ is freely permeable" "blood vessel , such as _" "branches into many _" "blood passes into _" "_ makes the blood pressure" "blemishes , broken _" "branches are called _" "dye leaks out of _" "occlusion of _" "flow to small _" "veins , called _" "_ bringing blood" "_ become narrow" "tissue engineered _" "vasodilatation of _" "walls of tiny _" "veins are called _" "sprouting of new _" "lack of lymphatic _" "blood then passes through _" "wall of small _" "vessels from pre-existing _" "_ are distended with" "blood clotting within _" "vessels known as _" "vasodilation of _" "_ reducing blood flow" "aorta than in _" "lumen of _" "lining of new _" "_ limits the spatial resolution" "external compression of _" "blood vessels called _" "bronchial tubes to _" "High blood pressure damages _" "vascular structures such as _" "_ rupture during" "novo formation of _" "luminal side of _" "redness , dilated _" "fluid is collected in _" "vasculitis involving _" "rupture of small _" "partial occlusion of _" "flow in small _" "blood vessels , called _" "expression in cerebral _" "_ feeding blood" "_ are blood vessels" "normal relaxation of _" "risk of ruptured _" "_ called lymph vessels" "_ called lacteals" "high blood pressure damages _" "antigen-antibody complexes in _" "_ supply the muscles" "complex deposition in _" "clotting within _" "tiny blood vessels called _" "spots , dilated _" "sugar damages _" "_ bring oxygen" "_ carry lymph" "_ carries blood" "_ (tiny blood vessels" "persistent contraction of _" "muscle walls of _" "dye fills _" "blood vessels , in particular _" "_ remain dilated" "blood pressure , dilates _" "It also constricts _" "vascular wall of _" "vessels , small _" "pressure damages _" "miles of tiny _" "patches , broken _" "patients with clogged _" "small vessels called _" "_ surround the alveoli" "constriction of _" "blood is contained in _" "_ supplying blood" "bundle of tiny _" "breakdown of small _" "arteries branch into _" "basement membrane of _" "_ were occluded by" "_ supplying the tumor" "blood vessels , known as _" "I had burst _" "_ thereby increasing blood flow" "blood leaking out of _" "red cells through _" "_ dilate more" "_ determine responsiveness" "tissue is rich in _" "systemic circulation via _" "cells flowing through _" "_ give the lungs" "veins are tiny _" "smaller vessels called _" "_ improving blood supply" "eg red _" "endothelial lining of _" "vessels called _" "muscle fibres are _" "_ feeding the muscle" "_ contain red blood cells" "_ are the blood vessels" "_ bring blood flow" "sacs surrounded by _" "_ carry blood" "pulmonary artery to _" "vessels , called _" "muscle cells around _" "anastomoses between _" "_ supplying blood flow" "luminal surface of _" "sudden constriction of _" "deoxygenated hemoglobin in _" "outgrowth of new _" "arteries become _" "basement membrane surrounding _" "capillaries , making _" "progressive dilation of _" "chemicals pass from _" "connective tissue around _" "_ surrounding the alveoli" "epinephrine causes _" "_ are small blood vessels" "_ are constricted due" "hair , broken _" "blocks blood flow in _" "arterioles to _" "hot water opens _" "growth of lymphatic _" "increased permeability of _" "heat dilates _" "inhaled air to _" "dilating of _" "_ have very thin walls" "smooth muscle of _" "blood vessels , lymphatic _" "bone was broken _" "thin tubes called _" "microscopic evaluations of _" "_ leak fluid" "particles lodge in _" "_ containing red blood cells" "_ deliver the blood" "veins , broken _" "stains , broken _" "vessels , in particular _" "blood leaks from _" "arterial end of _" "small vessels such as _" "they dilate _" "perfusion through _" "face broken _" "vasodilatory effect on _" "walls of normal _" "skin , dilated _" "network of delicate _" "_ dilate in" "tiny tubes called _" "vessels , lymphatic _" "walls of cerebral _" "venous end of _" "_ connect arteries" "blood supply through _" "canals contain _" "columns / _" "blockages in _" "cells lining _" "tubes called _" "blood in small _" "alcohol dilates _" "it constricts _" "dilation of _" "_ ramify into" "lining of small _" "mean blood pressure in _" "small tubes called _" "abnormal dilatation of _" "loss from damaged _" "kinking of _" "_ are the vessels" "_ degenerate after" "_ bringing oxygen" "fluid passes from _" "ingrowth of new _" "_ ' elasticity" "_ linking the body" "_ increasing permeability" "_ regulate the blood flow" "_ are small vessels" "blood vessels other than _" "arteries are called _" "aorta to _" "_ constrict in" "sudden dilation of _" "pressure collapses _" "blood is flowing through _" "blood vessel called _" "scars , broken _" "it dilates _" "_ are tiny blood vessels" "_ form a membrane" "_ called the glomeruli" "_ allowing blood" "_ supplying the skin" "_ is called blood pressure" "plates go through _" "appearance of broken _" "blood is pushed through _" "_ supplying the heart" "hardening of _" "_ lining the alveoli" "_ causing hemorrhages" "_ become clogged by" "arteries called _" "pigmentation , broken _" "_ containing erythrocytes" "_ called lymphatic vessels" "_ delivering blood" "_ carrying oxygenated blood" "endothelium lining _" "inflammatory cells around _" "tubes , similar to _" "fluid outside of _" "small blood vessels , called _" "vessels other than _" "cells become trapped in _" "tortuosity of _" "K strengthens _" "tissues supplied by _" "redness , broken _" "proliferation of abnormal _" "Diabetic retinopathy affects _" "_ continue growing into" "arteries , such as _" "damage to retinal _" "blood then flows through _" "cells encircling _" "Dilation of _" "blood supply from _" "treatment of broken _" "sun damage , broken _" "_ are the small blood vessels" "_ become leaky" "macular degeneration , new _" "_ are small veins" "clots within _" "function of cerebral _" "endothelium of _" "distensibility of _" "canals called _" "stagnant blood from _" "_ distribute blood" "It also dilates _" "air sacs into _" "proliferation of retinal _" "_ are tiny vessels" "blood through tiny _" "degeneration , new _" "healthy blood flow through _" "inner walls of _" "interstitial fluid surrounding _" "nephron consists of _" "smoking constricts _" "dilation of tiny _" "system of lymphatic _" "fluid leaking out of _" "fluid leaks from _" "failure of pulmonary _" "Blood passes through _" "fragility of small _" "formation new _" "formation of lymphatic _" "synaptic activity to _" "skin , visible _" "smaller tubes called _" "_ carrying blood" "herb dilates _" "endothelial cells of _" "basal laminae of _" "_ supplying oxygen" "tiny vessels called _" "_ is the bulbous" "blood flow via _" "I burst _" "furring of _" "erythrocytes within _" "abnormal tangle of _" "damage to small _" "dilations of _" "blood through small _" "damage , broken _" "cells escape from _" "lungs via _" "_ carry more blood" "growth of fragile _" "function of lymphatic _" "fluid is forced out of _" "narrowing of _" "lodge in small _" "forces blood through _" "blood vessels are _" "_ supplying nutrition" "vessels are known as _" "network of microscopic _" "fluid leaks out of _" "clogging of _" "_ leak blood" "_ feeding tumors" "_ are endothelial cells" "blood vessels , like _" "bruises , broken _" "appearance of dilated _" "endothelial cells of small _" "dilatation of _" "blood vessels from pre-existing _" "aorta through _" "_ bring blood" "abnormal collection of _" "_ carrying deoxygenated blood" "circulatory system via _" "blood clots within _" "blood bypasses _" "cause broken _" "redness , visible _" "remedies for broken _" "cause blood vessels in _" "_ resemble veins" "abnormal growth of new _" "pulmonary arteries to _" "problems with broken _" "_ allowing increased blood flow" "protective network of _" "blood vessels such as _" "blood vessels are called _" "bundles of tiny _" "_ called glomeruli" "alveoli to _" "abnormal cluster of _" "thrombosis of _" "vasoconstriction of _" "blood vessels , including _" "blood flow in small _" "abnormal growth of _" "dilation of superficial _" "bloodstream , via _" "_ providing blood" "Confocal images of _" "Alcohol dilates _" "fluid outside _" "_ are perfused by" "small blood vessels called _" "circulation in small _" "edema fluid from _" "endothelial wall of _" "smaller vessels like _" "cell phoned _" "_ supplying the retina" "basal membranes of _" "vessels , broken _" "_ permit blood" "treatment of clogged _" "_ feeding the brain" "discoloration , broken _" "neutrophils within _" "network of lymphatic _" "connective tissue surrounding _" "flow , dilates _" "vessels are dilated _" "tiny network of _" "ventricle to _" "vast network of tiny _" "blood from ruptured _" "blood pressure damages _" "_ take the carbon dioxide" "_ called sinusoids" "alveoli into _" "_ called the glomerulus" "blood vessels like _" "blood vessels including _" "hydrostatic pressure inside _" "_ called a glomerulus" "basement membranes of _" "_ cour" ] using capillaries
SEAL @623 (100.0%) on 10-aug-2012 [ 123456 ] using capillaries
CMC @1108 (99.8%) on 06-jun-2018 [ SUFFIX=ries 2.12152 PREFIX=capil 2.07754 PREFIX=cap 1.73096 PREFIX=capi 1.72182 LASTSUFFIX=ries 1.64753 LASTPREFIX=capil 1.61142 SUFFIX=aries 1.35276 CHARS -1.31228 FULL_POS=NNS -1.62631 WORDS -4.55487 ] using capillaries
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and tiny blood arg2" "arg1 are tiny blood arg2" "arg1 are the blood arg2" "arg1 are the smallest blood arg2" "arg1 or small blood arg2" "arg1 and small blood arg2" "arg1 and larger blood arg2" ] using (capillaries, vessels)
CPL @1100 (93.8%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 through the arteries and arg2" "arg1 is pumping blood to arg2" "arg1 through arteries and arg2" "arg1 are tiny blood arg2" ] using (heart, capillaries)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 that bring blood to arg1" "arg2 that supply blood to arg1" "arg2 that provide blood to arg1" "arg2 supplying blood to arg1" "arg2 supply blood to arg1" "arg2 supplying blood flow to arg1" ] using (eyes, capillaries)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 as well as nervous arg1" "arg2 make up the circulatory arg1" "arg2 lining the respiratory arg1" "arg2 and the cardiovascular arg1" "arg2 and the nervous arg1" ] using (system, capillaries)
OE @823 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (vessels, capillaries)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 rang arg2" "arg1 telephoned arg2" "arg1 cell phoned arg2" "arg1 in the lungs known as arg2" ] using (vessels, capillaries)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 that supply blood to arg1" "arg2 that supply your arg1" "arg2 that feed blood to arg1" ] using (muscles, capillaries)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 that line blood arg1" "arg2 lining the blood arg1" "arg2 lining of blood arg1" ] using (capillaries, endothelial_cells)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 that line blood arg1" "arg2 lining the blood arg1" "arg2 lining of blood arg1" ] using (capillaries, endothelial_cells)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and tiny blood arg2" "arg1 are tiny blood arg2" "arg1 are the blood arg2" "arg1 are the smallest blood arg2" "arg1 or small blood arg2" "arg1 and small blood arg2" "arg1 and larger blood arg2" ] using (capillaries, vessels)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and tiny blood arg2" "arg1 are tiny blood arg2" "arg1 are the blood arg2" "arg1 are the smallest blood arg2" "arg1 or small blood arg2" "arg1 and small blood arg2" "arg1 and larger blood arg2" ] using (capillaries, vessels)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and tiny blood arg2" "arg1 are tiny blood arg2" "arg1 are the blood arg2" "arg1 are the smallest blood arg2" "arg1 or small blood arg2" "arg1 and small blood arg2" "arg1 and larger blood arg2" ] using (capillaries, vessels)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 as well as nervous arg1" "arg2 make up the circulatory arg1" "arg2 lining the respiratory arg1" "arg2 and the cardiovascular arg1" "arg2 and the nervous arg1" ] using (system, capillaries)