CMC @1046 (100.0%) on 30-mar-2017 [ PREFIX=arter 2.24848 PREFIX=arte 2.21868 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.17688 PREFIX=art 1.72227 LASTPREFIX=arter 1.56636 LASTPREFIX=arte 1.54866 LASTPREFIX=art 1.14015 SUFFIX=es -0.42883 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.50905 WORDS -9.27892 ] using carotid_arteries
CPL @1096 (96.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "Ultrasound examination of _" "_ supply blood" "(occlusion of _" "occlusion of _" "occlusive disease of _" "blood flowing to _" "_ feeding the brain" "calcium build-up in _" "MR angiography of _" "Doppler sonography of _" "calcified plaque in _" "ultrasound evaluation of _" "blood passing through _" "Blockages in _" "Calcium deposits in _" "Catheters were inserted into _" "Ultrasound assessment of _" "vessels are known as _" "atherosclerotic disease of _" "fatty buildup in _" "soft plaque in _" "CT study of _" "severe atherosclerosis of _" "arterial blockages in _" "plaque buildup in _" "_ carrying blood" "blood flow to _" "clot lodges in _" "echography of _" "spontaneous dissection of _" "blood clots form in _" "aorta between _" "abnormal sounds in _" "resonance angiography of _" "brain called _" "_ deliver blood" "_ bringing blood" "stenotic lesions of _" "stenoses of _" "small blood vessels around _" "stethoscope placed on _" "Doppler ultrasonography of _" "significant blockages in _" "cholesterol deposits in _" "blood clot lodges in _" "fatty deposits within _" "clots form in _" "medial layers of _" "clot occurs in _" "calcium deposits in _" "plaque from inside _" "perfusion via _" "_ are the main arteries" "embryologic development of _" "_ supply the brain" "Plaque buildup in _" "abnormalities of _" "_ serving the brain" "MR imaging of _" "plaque narrows _" "magnetic resonance imaging of _" "muscular layer of _" "_ are the blood vessels" "Blood flowing through _" "ultrasound examination of _" "ulceration of _" "atherosclerotic lesions of _" "patients with clogged _" "blood clots forming in _" "bruit over _" "blood surges through _" "blood flow problems in _" "plaque deposits in _" "blunt injuries to _" "organs , except for _" "_ carry oxygen-rich blood" "cialis without _" "noninvasive imaging of _" "surgeons open _" "side by _" "atherosclerotic changes in _" "_ supply oxygenated blood" "blood is flowing through _" "Blockages of _" "plaque build-up in _" "Doppler examination of _" "Doppler study of _" "plaque lining _" "Duplex ultrasound of _" "selective cannulation of _" "pseudoaneurysms of _" "dye is then injected into _" "blood flowing through _" "plaque buildup on _" "soft tissues surrounding _" "cholesterol plaques in _" "clots in _" "atherosclerosis occurs in _" "stenosis is narrowing of _" "intima-media thickness of _" "complete occlusion of _" "magnetic resonance angiography of _" "sonography of _" "permanent occlusion of _" "transient occlusion of _" "atherosclerotic narrowing of _" "narrowings of _" "dye is injected into _" "MRI scanning of _" "Ultrasonographic examination of _" "_ passing upwards from" "blood flow through _" "buildup of fat in _" "Ultrasound scan of _" "vascular beds , including _" "hardening of _" "_ supplying the brain" "angiography of _" "ultrasound study of _" "_ supplying the head" "significant stenosis of _" "fatty plaque in _" "_ providing blood flow" "Ultrasound scanning of _" "atherosclerotic plaque within _" "blood vessels called _" "malformation of _" "clot in _" "cannulation of _" "cholesterol buildup in _" "severe blockage in _" "arteries , including _" "Blunt trauma to _" "open clogged _" "contrast dye is injected into _" "CT scans of _" "blood clots in _" "_ carry blood" "stenting of _" "blood flow from _" "malformations of _" "ultrasound test of _" "open blocked _" "duplex scanning of _" "clear clogged _" "plaques form in _" "blood clot in _" "_ bring oxygenated blood" "fatty material in _" "duplex ultrasound of _" "_ supplying blood" "_ deliver oxygen-rich blood" "_ supply oxygen-rich blood" "patency of _" "blood flow within _" "_ supplying oxygenated blood" "_ were dissected free" "_ bring blood" "atherosclerosis affects _" "atherosclerotic plaque in _" "aneurysms of _" "arteries other than _" "microspheres into _" "ultrasound exam of _" "narrowings in _" "nerves in _" "CT angiography of _" "ultrasonography of _" "cross-clamping of _" "fatty plaques in _" "blood flow in _" "fatty build-up in _" "ultrasound scan of _" "dangerous blockages in _" "ultrasound studies of _" "aorta than in _" "progressive disease of _" ] using carotid_arteries
CMC @836 (100.0%) on 07-may-2014 [ PREFIX=arter 1.83474 PREFIX=arte 1.83024 PREFIX=art 1.69675 PREFIX=ar 1.55594 LASTPREFIX=ar 1.52746 LASTPREFIX=arter 1.48037 LASTPREFIX=arte 1.48037 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.11526 CHARS -4.13074 WORDS -5.42476 ] using carotid_arteries
SEAL @142 (100.0%) on 03-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using carotid_arteries
LE @1081 (82.5%) on 03-dec-2017
CPL @1094 (95.1%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "_ carry blood" "Doppler study of _" "_ are the vessels" "_ are the major arteries" "_ are the blood vessels" "_ are the main arteries" "_ were dissected free" "_ supply blood" "_ are arteries" "patients with diseased _" "hardening of _" ] using carotid_arteries
MBL @655 (100.0%) on 02-nov-2012 [ Promotion of artery:carotid_arteries arterycalledartery artery:arteries ]
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 that bring blood to arg1" "arg2 that carry blood to arg1" "arg2 in the neck that supply arg1" "arg2 bring blood to arg1" "arg2 feeding blood to arg1" "arg2 carry blood to arg1" "arg2 that feed your arg1" "arg2 supply blood to arg1" "arg2 can reduce blood flow to arg1" "arg2 deliver blood to arg1" "arg2 and arteries of arg1" "arg2 bring oxygenated blood to arg1" "arg2 that carry blood to your arg1" "arg2 which carry blood to arg1" "arg2 that supply blood to your arg1" "arg2 and arteries in arg1" "arg2 supplying blood to your arg1" "arg2 that feed blood to arg1" "arg2 which supply blood to arg1" "arg2 supply blood to your arg1" "arg2 that supply blood to arg1" "arg2 that take blood to arg1" "arg2 carrying blood to arg1" "arg2 and restore blood flow to arg1" "arg2 supplying blood to arg1" ] using (brain, carotid_arteries)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 carry blood to arg1" "arg2 that supply blood to arg1" "arg2 which supply blood to arg1" "arg2 supply blood to arg1" ] using (head, carotid_arteries)