CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 pounding in your arg1" "arg2 pounded in her arg1" "arg2 thundered in her arg1" "arg2 thudding in her arg1" "arg2 OUTSIDE its arg1" "arg2 pounded in his arg1" "arg2 beat in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in my arg1" "arg2 hammering in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in her arg1" "arg2 thundered in his arg1" "arg2 thudding in his arg1" "arg2 thumping in my arg1" "arg2 is beating out of my arg1" "arg2 beating against my arg1" "arg2 was beating out of my arg1" "arg2 was thumping in my arg1" "arg2 hammered against her arg1" "arg2 beating out of my arg1" "arg2 into the left arg1" "arg2 thundering in his arg1" "arg2 hammered in her arg1" "arg2 beating in your arg1" "arg2 thudded in his arg1" "arg2 pounding against my arg1" "arg2 was hammering in his arg1" "arg2 pounded against his arg1" "arg2 thudded in her arg1" "arg2 beating in his arg1" "arg2 pounding out of my arg1" "arg2 leapt in my arg1" "arg2 pounded against my arg1" "arg2 pounding against his arg1" "arg2 thumping in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in his arg1" "arg2 pounding against her arg1" "arg2 hammered in his arg1" "arg2 hammering in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in her arg1" "arg2 is pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounded against her arg1" "arg2 was pounding out of my arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 beating in my arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" "arg2 burst in his arg1" "arg2 hammering in his arg1" "arg2 slammed against her arg1" "arg2 pounded in my arg1" "arg2 thundering in her arg1" ] using (chest, heart)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 beating in his arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounding against my arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" ] using (chest, pulse)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 vessels below arg1" "arg2 vessels near the surface of arg1" "arg2 circulation in your arg1" "arg2 pump in your arg1" "arg2 pouring from his arg1" "arg2 streaming from his arg1" "arg2 spurting from his arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessels under arg1" "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 spurted from his arg1" "arg2 vessels beneath arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 gushing from his arg1" "arg2 vessels in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" ] using (chest, blood)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 by flexing your arg1" "arg2 and contract your arg1" "arg2 while squeezing your arg1" ] using (abdominal_muscles, chest)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and draw in your arg1" "arg2 to work the lower arg1" "arg2 while squeezing your arg1" "arg2 as you contract your arg1" "arg2 by flexing your arg1" "arg2 and biceps and arg1" "arg2 and contract your arg1" "arg2 as you squeeze arg1" "arg2 by squeezing your arg1" "arg2 while contracting arg1" "arg2 and washboard arg1" "arg2 and contracting your arg1" ] using (abs, chest)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 name embroidered on arg2" "arg1 logo on upper arg2" "arg1 mascot on arg2" "arg1 logo displayed on arg2" ] using (team, chest)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 vessels below arg1" "arg2 vessels near the surface of arg1" "arg2 circulation in your arg1" "arg2 pump in your arg1" "arg2 pouring from his arg1" "arg2 streaming from his arg1" "arg2 spurting from his arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessels under arg1" "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 spurted from his arg1" "arg2 vessels beneath arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 gushing from his arg1" "arg2 vessels in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" ] using (chest, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 vessels below arg1" "arg2 vessels near the surface of arg1" "arg2 circulation in your arg1" "arg2 pump in your arg1" "arg2 pouring from his arg1" "arg2 streaming from his arg1" "arg2 spurting from his arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessels under arg1" "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 spurted from his arg1" "arg2 vessels beneath arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 gushing from his arg1" "arg2 vessels in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" ] using (chest, blood)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 thundered in his arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" "arg2 hammered in her arg1" "arg2 slammed against her arg1" ] using (chest, breath)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 pounding in your arg1" "arg2 pounded in her arg1" "arg2 thundered in her arg1" "arg2 thudding in her arg1" "arg2 OUTSIDE its arg1" "arg2 pounded in his arg1" "arg2 beat in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in my arg1" "arg2 hammering in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in her arg1" "arg2 thundered in his arg1" "arg2 thudding in his arg1" "arg2 thumping in my arg1" "arg2 is beating out of my arg1" "arg2 beating against my arg1" "arg2 was beating out of my arg1" "arg2 was thumping in my arg1" "arg2 hammered against her arg1" "arg2 beating out of my arg1" "arg2 into the left arg1" "arg2 thundering in his arg1" "arg2 hammered in her arg1" "arg2 beating in your arg1" "arg2 thudded in his arg1" "arg2 pounding against my arg1" "arg2 was hammering in his arg1" "arg2 pounded against his arg1" "arg2 thudded in her arg1" "arg2 beating in his arg1" "arg2 pounding out of my arg1" "arg2 leapt in my arg1" "arg2 pounded against my arg1" "arg2 pounding against his arg1" "arg2 thumping in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in his arg1" "arg2 pounding against her arg1" "arg2 hammered in his arg1" "arg2 hammering in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in her arg1" "arg2 is pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounded against her arg1" "arg2 was pounding out of my arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 beating in my arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" "arg2 burst in his arg1" "arg2 hammering in his arg1" "arg2 slammed against her arg1" "arg2 pounded in my arg1" "arg2 thundering in her arg1" ] using (chest, heart)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 thudding in his arg1" "arg2 pounding in your arg1" "arg2 beating out of my arg1" "arg2 is beating out of my arg1" "arg2 hammering in his arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 beating in my arg1" "arg2 thumping in my arg1" "arg2 pounded in her arg1" "arg2 beat in my arg1" "arg2 hammering in her arg1" "arg2 beating in his arg1" "arg2 pounding against my arg1" "arg2 thudded in his arg1" ] using (chest, hearts)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 beating in his arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounding against my arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" ] using (chest, pulse)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 beating in his arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounding against my arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" ] using (chest, pulse)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 was thumping in my arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 thumping in her arg1" ] using (chest, anticipation)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 was thumping in my arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 thumping in her arg1" ] using (chest, anticipation)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 beating in your arg1" "arg2 burst in his arg1" "arg2 pounding in her arg1" "arg2 beat in my arg1" ] using (chest, love)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 beating against my arg1" "arg2 pounding in your arg1" "arg2 pounding in her arg1" ] using (chest, music)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 pounding in your arg1" "arg2 pounded in her arg1" "arg2 thundered in her arg1" "arg2 thudding in her arg1" "arg2 OUTSIDE its arg1" "arg2 pounded in his arg1" "arg2 beat in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in my arg1" "arg2 hammering in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in her arg1" "arg2 thundered in his arg1" "arg2 thudding in his arg1" "arg2 thumping in my arg1" "arg2 is beating out of my arg1" "arg2 beating against my arg1" "arg2 was beating out of my arg1" "arg2 was thumping in my arg1" "arg2 hammered against her arg1" "arg2 beating out of my arg1" "arg2 into the left arg1" "arg2 thundering in his arg1" "arg2 hammered in her arg1" "arg2 beating in your arg1" "arg2 thudded in his arg1" "arg2 pounding against my arg1" "arg2 was hammering in his arg1" "arg2 pounded against his arg1" "arg2 thudded in her arg1" "arg2 beating in his arg1" "arg2 pounding out of my arg1" "arg2 leapt in my arg1" "arg2 pounded against my arg1" "arg2 pounding against his arg1" "arg2 thumping in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in his arg1" "arg2 pounding against her arg1" "arg2 hammered in his arg1" "arg2 hammering in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in her arg1" "arg2 is pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounded against her arg1" "arg2 was pounding out of my arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 beating in my arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" "arg2 burst in his arg1" "arg2 hammering in his arg1" "arg2 slammed against her arg1" "arg2 pounded in my arg1" "arg2 thundering in her arg1" ] using (chest, heart)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 pounding in your arg1" "arg2 pounded in her arg1" "arg2 thundered in her arg1" "arg2 thudding in her arg1" "arg2 OUTSIDE its arg1" "arg2 pounded in his arg1" "arg2 beat in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in my arg1" "arg2 hammering in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in her arg1" "arg2 thundered in his arg1" "arg2 thudding in his arg1" "arg2 thumping in my arg1" "arg2 is beating out of my arg1" "arg2 beating against my arg1" "arg2 was beating out of my arg1" "arg2 was thumping in my arg1" "arg2 hammered against her arg1" "arg2 beating out of my arg1" "arg2 into the left arg1" "arg2 thundering in his arg1" "arg2 hammered in her arg1" "arg2 beating in your arg1" "arg2 thudded in his arg1" "arg2 pounding against my arg1" "arg2 was hammering in his arg1" "arg2 pounded against his arg1" "arg2 thudded in her arg1" "arg2 beating in his arg1" "arg2 pounding out of my arg1" "arg2 leapt in my arg1" "arg2 pounded against my arg1" "arg2 pounding against his arg1" "arg2 thumping in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in his arg1" "arg2 pounding against her arg1" "arg2 hammered in his arg1" "arg2 hammering in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in her arg1" "arg2 is pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounded against her arg1" "arg2 was pounding out of my arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 beating in my arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" "arg2 burst in his arg1" "arg2 hammering in his arg1" "arg2 slammed against her arg1" "arg2 pounded in my arg1" "arg2 thundering in her arg1" ] using (chest, heart)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 pounding in your arg1" "arg2 pounded in her arg1" "arg2 thundered in her arg1" "arg2 thudding in her arg1" "arg2 OUTSIDE its arg1" "arg2 pounded in his arg1" "arg2 beat in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in my arg1" "arg2 hammering in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in her arg1" "arg2 thundered in his arg1" "arg2 thudding in his arg1" "arg2 thumping in my arg1" "arg2 is beating out of my arg1" "arg2 beating against my arg1" "arg2 was beating out of my arg1" "arg2 was thumping in my arg1" "arg2 hammered against her arg1" "arg2 beating out of my arg1" "arg2 into the left arg1" "arg2 thundering in his arg1" "arg2 hammered in her arg1" "arg2 beating in your arg1" "arg2 thudded in his arg1" "arg2 pounding against my arg1" "arg2 was hammering in his arg1" "arg2 pounded against his arg1" "arg2 thudded in her arg1" "arg2 beating in his arg1" "arg2 pounding out of my arg1" "arg2 leapt in my arg1" "arg2 pounded against my arg1" "arg2 pounding against his arg1" "arg2 thumping in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 was pounding in his arg1" "arg2 pounding against her arg1" "arg2 hammered in his arg1" "arg2 hammering in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in her arg1" "arg2 is pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounded against her arg1" "arg2 was pounding out of my arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 beating in my arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" "arg2 burst in his arg1" "arg2 hammering in his arg1" "arg2 slammed against her arg1" "arg2 pounded in my arg1" "arg2 thundering in her arg1" ] using (chest, heart)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 thundered in his arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" "arg2 hammered in her arg1" "arg2 slammed against her arg1" ] using (chest, breath)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 pounded against her arg1" "arg2 pounding against his arg1" "arg2 thundering in her arg1" "arg2 hammered in his arg1" "arg2 hammering in her arg1" "arg2 pounding against her arg1" "arg2 thundering in his arg1" "arg2 pounding in her arg1" "arg2 thudding in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 thundered in his arg1" "arg2 thudding in his arg1" "arg2 thumping in her arg1" "arg2 is pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounded against his arg1" "arg2 pounding against my arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 pounded in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in your arg1" "arg2 thumping in my arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" ] using (chest, heartbeat)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 was thumping in my arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 thumping in her arg1" ] using (chest, anticipation)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 pounded against her arg1" "arg2 pounding against his arg1" "arg2 thundering in her arg1" "arg2 hammered in his arg1" "arg2 hammering in her arg1" "arg2 pounding against her arg1" "arg2 thundering in his arg1" "arg2 pounding in her arg1" "arg2 thudding in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 thundered in his arg1" "arg2 thudding in his arg1" "arg2 thumping in her arg1" "arg2 is pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounded against his arg1" "arg2 pounding against my arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 pounded in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in your arg1" "arg2 thumping in my arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" ] using (chest, heartbeat)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 beating against my arg1" "arg2 pounding in your arg1" "arg2 pounding in her arg1" ] using (chest, music)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 was thumping in my arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 thumping in her arg1" ] using (chest, anticipation)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is beating out of my arg1" "arg2 was pounding out of my arg1" "arg2 pounding in your arg1" "arg2 hammered in her arg1" "arg2 burst in his arg1" ] using (chest, heat)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 pounded against her arg1" "arg2 pounding against his arg1" "arg2 thundering in her arg1" "arg2 hammered in his arg1" "arg2 hammering in her arg1" "arg2 pounding against her arg1" "arg2 thundering in his arg1" "arg2 pounding in her arg1" "arg2 thudding in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 thundered in his arg1" "arg2 thudding in his arg1" "arg2 thumping in her arg1" "arg2 is pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounded against his arg1" "arg2 pounding against my arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 pounded in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in your arg1" "arg2 thumping in my arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" ] using (chest, heartbeat)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 beating in his arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounding against my arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" ] using (chest, pulse)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 beating in his arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounding against my arg1" "arg2 thumping in his arg1" ] using (chest, pulse)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 vessels below arg1" "arg2 vessels near the surface of arg1" "arg2 circulation in your arg1" "arg2 pump in your arg1" "arg2 pouring from his arg1" "arg2 streaming from his arg1" "arg2 spurting from his arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessels under arg1" "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 spurted from his arg1" "arg2 vessels beneath arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 gushing from his arg1" "arg2 vessels in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" ] using (chest, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 vessels below arg1" "arg2 vessels near the surface of arg1" "arg2 circulation in your arg1" "arg2 pump in your arg1" "arg2 pouring from his arg1" "arg2 streaming from his arg1" "arg2 spurting from his arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessels under arg1" "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 spurted from his arg1" "arg2 vessels beneath arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 gushing from his arg1" "arg2 vessels in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" ] using (chest, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 vessels below arg1" "arg2 vessels near the surface of arg1" "arg2 circulation in your arg1" "arg2 pump in your arg1" "arg2 pouring from his arg1" "arg2 streaming from his arg1" "arg2 spurting from his arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessels under arg1" "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 spurted from his arg1" "arg2 vessels beneath arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 gushing from his arg1" "arg2 vessels in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" ] using (chest, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 vessels below arg1" "arg2 vessels near the surface of arg1" "arg2 circulation in your arg1" "arg2 pump in your arg1" "arg2 pouring from his arg1" "arg2 streaming from his arg1" "arg2 spurting from his arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessels under arg1" "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 spurted from his arg1" "arg2 vessels beneath arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 gushing from his arg1" "arg2 vessels in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" ] using (chest, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 vessels below arg1" "arg2 vessels near the surface of arg1" "arg2 circulation in your arg1" "arg2 pump in your arg1" "arg2 pouring from his arg1" "arg2 streaming from his arg1" "arg2 spurting from his arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessels under arg1" "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 spurted from his arg1" "arg2 vessels beneath arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 gushing from his arg1" "arg2 vessels in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" ] using (chest, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 vessels below arg1" "arg2 vessels near the surface of arg1" "arg2 circulation in your arg1" "arg2 pump in your arg1" "arg2 pouring from his arg1" "arg2 streaming from his arg1" "arg2 spurting from his arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessels under arg1" "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 spurted from his arg1" "arg2 vessels beneath arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 gushing from his arg1" "arg2 vessels in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" ] using (chest, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 vessels below arg1" "arg2 vessels near the surface of arg1" "arg2 circulation in your arg1" "arg2 pump in your arg1" "arg2 pouring from his arg1" "arg2 streaming from his arg1" "arg2 spurting from his arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessels under arg1" "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 spurted from his arg1" "arg2 vessels beneath arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 gushing from his arg1" "arg2 vessels in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" ] using (chest, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 vessels below arg1" "arg2 vessels near the surface of arg1" "arg2 circulation in your arg1" "arg2 pump in your arg1" "arg2 pouring from his arg1" "arg2 streaming from his arg1" "arg2 spurting from his arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessels under arg1" "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 spurted from his arg1" "arg2 vessels beneath arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 gushing from his arg1" "arg2 vessels in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" ] using (chest, blood)