CPL @1094 (98.9%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "coronary artery from _" "_ is cannulated with" "anterior wall of _" "Catheters were placed in _" "catheter positioned in _" "_ was hypoplastic" "artery arising from _" "right atrium to _" "artery arises from _" "cannulation of _" "clot in _" "coronary artery arising from _" "blood vessel called _" "incision is made in _" "occlusion of _" "proximal stump of _" "superior vena cava to _" "aorta into _" "thrombi from _" "posterior wall of _" "vena cava to _" "coronary artery arises from _" "right ventricle into _" "catheter was placed into _" "left coronary artery from _" "distention of _" "posterior aspect of _" "pulmonary valve into _" "large blood vessel called _" "catheter was placed in _" "cannula was inserted into _" "ventricle into _" "catheter inserted into _" "right ventricle via _" "embryologic development of _" "pulmonary artery to _" "mycotic aneurysm of _" "blood flow in _" "_ dissecting aneurysm" "lateral aspect of _" "ventricle via _" "right ventricle to _" "pulmonary artery from _" ] using main_pulmonary_artery
SEAL @704 (62.4%) on 27-feb-2013 [ 1 ] using main_pulmonary_artery
CPL @1095 (92.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "_ is hypoplastic" "_ is ligated" "coronary artery from _" "angioplasty of _" "end-to-side to _" "Catheters were placed in _" "catheter positioned in _" "_ was hypoplastic" "systolic pressure in _" "artery arose from _" "media layer of _" "catheter was inserted into _" "aorta to _" "_ was carefully dissected from" "artery arising from _" "left pulmonary artery to _" "right atrium to _" "distensibility of _" "anastomosis to _" "adventitia of _" "atrium to _" "aneurysmal dilatation of _" "dilatation of _" "aneurysm of _" "Dacron graft to _" "catheters were placed in _" "artery arises from _" "ventricle to _" "coronary artery arising from _" "plane posterior to _" "blood vessel called _" "cannula was placed in _" "occlusion of _" "proximal stump of _" "superior vena cava to _" "aorta into _" "thrombi from _" "stenosis of _" "smooth muscle cells of _" "coronary artery arises from _" "right ventricle into _" "catheter was placed into _" "_ was dissected free" "right pulmonary artery to _" "left coronary artery from _" "pulmonary valve into _" "large blood vessel called _" "catheter was placed in _" "dilation of _" "cannula was inserted into _" "_ is a rare anomaly" "ventricle into _" "ligation of _" "right ventricle via _" "pulmonary artery to _" "_ dissects into" "mycotic aneurysm of _" "_ dissecting aneurysm" "filling defect in _" "stenoses in _" "_ Increased thickness" "ventricle via _" "right ventricle to _" "pulmonary artery from _" "valve into _" ] using main_pulmonary_artery
CMC @189 (100.0%) on 15-jan-2011 [ PREFIX=arter 9.06268 PREFIX=arte 8.83443 PREFIX=art 5.80772 PREFIX=ar 4.94253 SUFFIX=ry 4.71771 SUFFIX=ary 3.45579 SUFFIX=rtery 2.27736 POS=NN -1.74280 CHARS -1.83810 WORDS -18.53931 ] using main_pulmonary_artery
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of artery:coronary_artery arteryarisesfromartery artery:main_pulmonary_artery ]
OE @830 (100.0%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using main_pulmonary_artery
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey