MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of athlete:b_j__upton athleteflyouttosportsteamposition sportsteamposition:center ] using concept:athlete:b_j__upton
CPL @1104 (94.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "_ smacked a two-run double" "_ reached first on" "_ singled in" "_ signed a one-year deal" "next batter was _" "bunt by _" "_ 's homer" "sacrifice bunt from _" "two-run home run by _" "homers from _" "_ 's two-run single" "two-run homerun by _" "_ hits a sacrifice fly" "strikeout of _" "top prospects like _" "_ hit a grounder" "_ hit a two-run double" "leadoff single to _" "three-run homer by _" "same outfield as _" "_ led the offensive charge" "_ had an RBI" "leadoff single by _" "homerun by _" "benching of _" "_ 's grounder" "DD-year old righty swinging _" "flyout to _" "_ drew a two-out walk" "righty swinging _" "_ hit a D-run home run" "two-run home run to _" "_ singled with" "_ added an RBI single" "_ added an RBI double" "solo home run to _" "three-run homer to _" "spectacular catch by _" "_ went hitless in" "two-run homer by _" "walk-off home run to _" "players like _" "young players like _" "run was scored by _" "sluggers such as _" "solo shot by _" "_ misplayed the ball" "_ plays center field" "young player like _" "clutch hitting by _" "_ dropped a fly ball" "_ 's three-run homer" "Rose Award goes to _" "_ is the center fielder" "_ hit a solo home run" "_ hit back-to-back homers" "_ 's two-out grounder" "_ had an RBI triple" "sacrifice fly by _" "_ hit an RBI single" "_ added a solo homer" "guy like _" "_ homered for" "one-out walk to _" "leadoff double to _" "_ 's run-scoring single" "infield hit by _" "_ hit a two-run homer" "_ homered in" "_ 's bat" "old righty swinging _" "_ 's sacrifice fly" "_ 's one-out double" "_ launched a two-run homer" "fly ball by _" "_ hit a sacrifice fly" "_ legged out" "_ hit a two-run home run" "_ hit a fly ball" "home run by _" "_ hit a three-run homer" "home run to _" "hitter like _" "D-run shot by _" "_ 's RBI single" "_ hit a leadoff homer" "_ hit a D-run homer" "_ singled on" "_ was D-for-D" "_ 's one-out single" "_ 's three-run home run" "shortstop named _" "home runs by _" "_ added a solo shot" "player like _" "two-run homer to _" "homer by _" "_ drew a walk" "homers by _" "_ was caught stealing second" "two-run homers from _" "homer to _" ] using b_j__upton
SEAL @215 (99.9%) on 26-feb-2011 [ 12345678910 ] using b_j__upton
CMC @1085 (100.0%) on 08-dec-2017 [ LASTSUFFIX=ton 2.37865 POS=NN 2.08497 SUFFIX=j. 1.68449 SUFFIX=.j. 1.67251 SUFFIX=on 1.28444 LASTSUFFIX=on 1.03314 LAST_WORD=upton 1.00564 FULL_POS=NN_NN_NN -0.08497 CHARS -2.47979 WORDS -11.19883 ] using b_j__upton
CPL @1104 (92.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "_ smacked a two-run double" "_ singled in" "next batter was _" "bunt by _" "sacrifice bunt from _" "two-run home run by _" "_ hit the first pitch" "_ 's two-run single" "two-run homerun by _" "_ hits a sacrifice fly" "top prospects like _" "_ hit a grounder" "_ hit a two-run double" "leadoff single to _" "_ 's seventh home run" "three-run homer by _" "same outfield as _" "_ led the offensive charge" "_ had an RBI" "leadoff single by _" "homerun by _" "_ 's grounder" "DD-year old righty swinging _" "_ drew a two-out walk" "righty swinging _" "_ hit a D-run home run" "_ hit that home run" "_ got the Rays" "_ singled with" "_ then lined a single" "_ added an RBI single" "_ added an RBI double" "spectacular catch by _" "two-run homer by _" "walk-off home run to _" "run was scored by _" "sluggers such as _" "solo shot by _" "_ plays center field" "_ lined a two-out single" "_ dropped a fly ball" "_ 's three-run homer" "Rose Award goes to _" "_ is the center fielder" "_ hit a solo home run" "bunt from _" "_ hit back-to-back homers" "_ 's two-out grounder" "_ had an RBI triple" "sacrifice fly by _" "_ hit an RBI single" "_ added a solo homer" "_ homered for" "one-out walk to _" "leadoff double to _" "_ 's run-scoring single" "infield hit by _" "_ hit a two-run homer" "_ homered in" "old righty swinging _" "_ 's sacrifice fly" "_ 's one-out double" "_ launched a two-run homer" "_ hit a sacrifice fly" "_ hit a two-run home run" "_ hit a fly ball" "_ hit a three-run homer" "D-run shot by _" "_ 's RBI single" "_ hit a leadoff homer" "_ singled on" "_ 's one-out single" "_ 's three-run home run" "shortstop named _" "_ added a solo shot" "_ has been claimed off" "homer by _" "_ drew a walk" "_ was caught stealing second" "two-run homers from _" ] using b_j__upton
CPL @1115 (88.7%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "_ singled in" "next batter was _" "sacrifice bunt from _" "two-run home run by _" "_ 's two-run single" "_ hits a sacrifice fly" "top prospects like _" "_ hit a grounder" "_ hit a two-run double" "leadoff single to _" "three-run homer by _" "_ had an RBI" "leadoff single by _" "homerun by _" "_ 's grounder" "DD-year old righty swinging _" "_ drew a two-out walk" "righty swinging _" "_ singled with" "_ added an RBI single" "_ added an RBI double" "solo home run to _" "three-run homer to _" "sluggers such as _" "solo shot by _" "_ 's three-run homer" "Rose Award goes to _" "_ hit a solo home run" "_ hit back-to-back homers" "_ had an RBI triple" "sacrifice fly by _" "_ hit an RBI single" "_ added a solo homer" "_ homered for" "one-out walk to _" "leadoff double to _" "_ hit a two-run homer" "_ homered in" "old righty swinging _" "fly ball by _" "_ hit a sacrifice fly" "_ hit a two-run home run" "_ hit a fly ball" "_ hit a three-run homer" "_ 's RBI single" "_ hit a leadoff homer" "_ 's three-run home run" "shortstop named _" "_ added a solo shot" "homer by _" ] using b_j__upton
MBL @1116 (98.4%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of athlete:b_j__upton coachesteam geopoliticalorganization:tampa_bay_devil_rays ] using concept:athlete:b_j__upton
CPL @1111 (86.1%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "_ smacked a two-run double" "_ reached first on" "_ singled in" "next batter was _" "bunt by _" "sacrifice bunt from _" "two-run home run by _" "_ 's two-run single" "two-run homerun by _" "_ hits a sacrifice fly" "top prospects like _" "_ hit a grounder" "_ hit a two-run double" "leadoff single to _" "three-run homer by _" "same outfield as _" "_ led the offensive charge" "_ had an RBI" "leadoff single by _" "homerun by _" "_ 's grounder" "DD-year old righty swinging _" "_ drew a two-out walk" "righty swinging _" "_ hit a D-run home run" "_ hit that home run" "_ singled with" "top prospects such as _" "_ added an RBI single" "_ added an RBI double" "solo home run to _" "two-run homer by _" "walk-off home run to _" "sluggers such as _" "draft picks such as _" "solo shot by _" "_ plays center field" "_ 's three-run homer" "Rose Award goes to _" "_ hit a solo home run" "bunt from _" "_ hit back-to-back homers" "_ 's two-out grounder" "_ had an RBI triple" "sacrifice fly by _" "_ hit an RBI single" "_ added a solo homer" "_ homered for" "one-out walk to _" "leadoff double to _" "_ 's run-scoring single" "infield hit by _" "_ hit a two-run homer" "_ homered in" "old righty swinging _" "_ 's sacrifice fly" "_ 's one-out double" "_ launched a two-run homer" "_ hit a sacrifice fly" "_ hit a two-run home run" "_ hit a fly ball" "_ hit a three-run homer" "_ 's RBI single" "_ hit a leadoff homer" "_ hit a D-run homer" "_ singled on" "_ 's one-out single" "_ 's three-run home run" "shortstop named _" "_ added a solo shot" "homer by _" "_ drew a walk" "_ was caught stealing second" "two-run homers from _" ] using b_j__upton
SEAL @553 (75.0%) on 20-apr-2012 [ 12 ] using b_j__upton
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 centerfielder arg1" "arg2 outfielder arg1" "arg2 will listen to offers for arg1" "arg2 center fielder arg1" "arg2 outfielders arg1" ] using (b_j__upton, rays)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 shortstop arg1" "arg2 center fielder arg1" ] using (b_j__upton, devil_rays)
SEAL @49 (50.0%) on 06-feb-2010 [ 1 ] using (b_j__upton, rays)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 centerfielder arg1" "arg2 outfielder arg1" "arg2 will listen to offers for arg1" "arg2 center fielder arg1" "arg2 benched arg1" "arg2 outfielders arg1" "arg2 are willing to trade arg1" ] using (b_j__upton, rays)
Sempasre @1113 (75.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "J. Upton From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia ( Redirected from B.J. Upton ) Jump to : navigation , search B." ] using (b_j__upton, jump)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:athlete:martin~concept:athleteflyouttosportsteamposition" "Y~z-concept:athlete:todd_zeile~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:aaron_boone~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:chris_wright~concept:relatedto" "Y~z-concept:athlete:jason_lane~concept:relatedto" ] using (b_j__upton, center)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 centerfielder arg1" "arg2 outfielder arg1" "arg2 will listen to offers for arg1" "arg2 center fielder arg1" "arg2 outfielders arg1" ] using (b_j__upton, rays)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 centerfielder arg1" "arg2 outfielder arg1" "arg2 will listen to offers for arg1" "arg2 center fielder arg1" "arg2 outfielders arg1" ] using (b_j__upton, rays)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 centerfielder arg1" "arg2 outfielder arg1" "arg2 will listen to offers for arg1" "arg2 center fielder arg1" "arg2 outfielders arg1" ] using (b_j__upton, rays)
SEAL @49 (50.0%) on 06-feb-2010 [ 1 ] using (b_j__upton, rays)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 centerfielder arg1" "arg2 outfielder arg1" "arg2 will listen to offers for arg1" "arg2 center fielder arg1" "arg2 benched arg1" "arg2 outfielders arg1" "arg2 are willing to trade arg1" ] using (b_j__upton, rays)
SEAL @49 (50.0%) on 06-feb-2010 [ 1 ] using (b_j__upton, rays)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 centerfielder arg1" "arg2 outfielder arg1" "arg2 will listen to offers for arg1" "arg2 center fielder arg1" "arg2 benched arg1" "arg2 outfielders arg1" "arg2 are willing to trade arg1" ] using (b_j__upton, rays)
SEAL @49 (50.0%) on 06-feb-2010 [ 1 ] using (b_j__upton, rays)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 centerfielder arg1" "arg2 outfielder arg1" "arg2 will listen to offers for arg1" "arg2 center fielder arg1" "arg2 benched arg1" "arg2 outfielders arg1" "arg2 are willing to trade arg1" ] using (b_j__upton, rays)
Sempasre @1113 (75.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "J. Upton From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia ( Redirected from B.J. Upton ) Jump to : navigation , search B." ] using (b_j__upton, jump)
Sempasre @1113 (75.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "J. Upton From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia ( Redirected from B.J. Upton ) Jump to : navigation , search B." ] using (b_j__upton, jump)
Sempasre @1113 (75.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "J. Upton From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia ( Redirected from B.J. Upton ) Jump to : navigation , search B." ] using (b_j__upton, jump)
Sempasre @1113 (75.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "J. Upton From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia ( Redirected from B.J. Upton ) Jump to : navigation , search B." ] using (b_j__upton, jump)
Sempasre @1113 (75.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "J. Upton From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia ( Redirected from B.J. Upton ) Jump to : navigation , search B." ] using (b_j__upton, jump)
Sempasre @1113 (75.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "J. Upton From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia ( Redirected from B.J. Upton ) Jump to : navigation , search B." ] using (b_j__upton, jump)
Sempasre @1113 (75.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "J. Upton From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia ( Redirected from B.J. Upton ) Jump to : navigation , search B." ] using (b_j__upton, jump)
Sempasre @1113 (75.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "J. Upton From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia ( Redirected from B.J. Upton ) Jump to : navigation , search B." ] using (b_j__upton, jump)