bob_gibson (athlete)
literal strings: bob gibson , Bob Gibson
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athlete (100.0%)MBL @1116 (96.9%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of athlete:bob_gibson athleteplaysforteam sportsteam:cardinals_27_23 ] using concept:athlete:bob_gibson CMC @910 (100.0%) on 05-mar-2015 [ LASTSUFFIX=son 2.90006 FIRST_WORD=bob 2.53739 SUFFIX=ob 2.40683 LASTPREFIX=gi 1.15463 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 1.13794 SUFFIX=on 0.86993 LASTSUFFIX=on 0.86445 WORDSHAPE=aaa -0.36189 WORDS -0.84845 CHARS -2.55297 ] using bob_gibson SEAL @198 (99.2%) on 06-feb-2011 [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ] using bob_gibson
personnorthamerica (100.0%)
personmexico (100.0%)CMC @922 (99.9%) on 30-apr-2015 [ SUFFIX=ob 2.98630 FIRST_WORD=bob 2.43714 LASTSUFFIX=son 1.36538 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.22569 FULL_POS=NN_NN 1.15874 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 0.80642 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 0.72173 WORDSHAPE=aaa -0.48730 CHARS -1.65924 WORDS -2.58075 ] using bob_gibson SEAL @242 (93.8%) on 23-apr-2011 [ 1 2 3 4 ] using bob_gibson
male (100.0%)SEAL @586 (75.0%) on 04-jun-2012 [ 1 2 ] using bob_gibson CMC @800 (100.0%) on 28-dec-2013 [ LASTSUFFIX=son 2.16983 SUFFIX=ob 1.95018 FIRST_WORD=bob 1.59520 POS=NN 1.27847 LASTSUFFIX=on 1.07861 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 1.05499 PREFIX=gi 0.77754 WORDSHAPE=Aaa -0.27328 WORDS -1.32102 CHARS -3.16059 ] using bob_gibson
coach (100.0%)SEAL @569 (75.0%) on 15-may-2012 [ 1 2 ] using bob_gibson CMC @895 (99.9%) on 10-jan-2015 [ SUFFIX=ob 2.57036 FIRST_WORD=bob 2.11958 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 1.48158 LASTSUFFIX=son 1.29259 LASTSUFFIX=on 1.03080 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.02424 SUFFIX=son 0.90721 WORDSHAPE=aaa -0.26245 CHARS -2.68105 WORDS -3.11388 ] using bob_gibson
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey visualizableattribute SEAL @851 (50.9%) on 27-jun-2014 [ 1 2 3 ] using bob_gibson
athleteplaysforteam cardinals_27_23 (96.9%)CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 were led by arg1" "arg2 teammates arg1" "arg2 hurler arg1" "arg2 pitcher arg1" ] using (bob_gibson, cardinals) SEAL @69 (50.0%) on 25-mar-2010 [ 1 ] using (bob_gibson, cardinals)
athleteplayssport baseball (93.8%)CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 related quotations spoken by arg1" "arg2 Hall of Fame pitcher arg1" ] using (bob_gibson, baseball) SEAL @168 (75.0%) on 17-nov-2010 [ 1 2 ] using (bob_gibson, baseball)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey athleteplaysforteam st__louis_cardinals (sportsteam)SEAL @218 (50.0%) on 11-mar-2011 [ 1 ] using (bob_gibson, st__louis_cardinals)
cardinals CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 were led by arg1" "arg2 teammates arg1" "arg2 hurler arg1" "arg2 pitcher arg1" ] using (bob_gibson, cardinals) SEAL @69 (50.0%) on 25-mar-2010 [ 1 ] using (bob_gibson, cardinals)
st__louis_cardinals (personmexico)SEAL @218 (50.0%) on 11-mar-2011 [ 1 ] using (bob_gibson, st__louis_cardinals)
st__louis_cardinals (personus)SEAL @218 (50.0%) on 11-mar-2011 [ 1 ] using (bob_gibson, st__louis_cardinals)
teamingame games CPL @1099 (75.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 won two out of three arg1" "arg2 win DD arg1" ] using (games, bob_gibson)