CMC @1090 (100.0%) on 26-dec-2017 [ PREFIX=de 3.38887 SUFFIX=tt 3.05838 POS=NN 2.71165 LASTSUFFIX=er 2.60228 FIRST_WORD=matt 2.31895 PREFIX=mat 2.21705 SUFFIX=att 1.68585 LASTPREFIX=de -1.17542 WORDS -1.86119 CHARS -7.01391 ] using matt_den_dekker
CPL @1103 (98.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "_ 's bat" "home run by _" "_ had a two-run single" "_ had a run-scoring single" "_ led the hit parade" "_ had a three-run homer" "lead-off single to _" "_ had an RBI single" "_ delivered an RBI double" "_ hit an RBI single" ] using matt_den_dekker
SEAL @538 (75.0%) on 24-mar-2012 [ 12 ] using matt_den_dekker
SEAL @538 (87.5%) on 24-mar-2012 [ 123 ] using matt_den_dekker
CPL @1103 (97.7%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "three-run home run by _" "_ had a two-run single" "_ had a run-scoring single" "_ led the hit parade" "_ had a three-run homer" "lead-off single to _" "_ had an RBI single" "_ delivered an RBI double" "_ hit an RBI single" ] using matt_den_dekker
CPL @1103 (97.2%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "three-run home run by _" "_ had a two-run single" "_ had a run-scoring single" "_ led the hit parade" "_ had a three-run homer" "lead-off single to _" "_ had an RBI single" "_ hit an RBI single" ] using matt_den_dekker