CPL @1103 (88.8%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "young player like _" "younger players like _" "_ 's personal catcher" "_ 's obit" "rotation behind _" "players like _" "guy like _" "pitchers like _" "player like _" "_ led Philadelphia" "rookie named _" "solid outing from _" "_ takes the hill" "pitch he saw from _" "_ takes the mound" "first pitch he saw from _" "_ had an RBI single" ] using vance_worley
SEAL @185 (99.2%) on 06-jan-2011 [ 1234567 ] using vance_worley
MBL @1040 (93.8%) on 14-feb-2017 [ Promotion of athlete:vance_worley athleteplaysforteam blog:phillies ]
MBL @1116 (96.9%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of athlete:vance_worley athleteplaysforteam blog:phillies ] using concept:athlete:vance_worley
CPL @1115 (83.1%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "_ 's personal catcher" "pitchers like _" "rookie named _" "pitch he saw from _" "_ got the start" "first pitch he saw from _" "_ had an RBI single" ] using vance_worley
SEAL @619 (50.0%) on 28-jul-2012 [ 1 ] using vance_worley
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1103 (79.5%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "younger players like _" "_ 's personal catcher" "rotation behind _" "rookie named _" "_ takes the hill" "pitch he saw from _" "_ takes the mound" "_ had an RBI single" ] using vance_worley