CPL @1111 (89.6%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "_ used car payment" "_ used cars maintenance record" "dollars off of _" "detailed classified listings of _" "classified listings of _" "_ used car price" ] using oakland_jeep
CMC @1116 (97.4%) on 05-sep-2018 [ PREFIX=jee 1.13920 SUFFIX=eep 0.91015 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 0.89459 SUFFIX=ep 0.84280 LASTPREFIX=jee 0.73699 PREFIX=je 0.66610 LASTSUFFIX=eep 0.60515 WORDSHAPE=Aaaa -0.14291 CHARS -0.88454 WORDS -1.98204 ] using oakland_jeep
CPL @1096 (89.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "_ used car payment" "_ used cars maintenance record" "dollars off of _" "detailed classified listings of _" "classified listings of _" "_ used car price" ] using oakland_jeep