CPL @1108 (85.4%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ then first read consumer reviews" "hybrid technology used in _" "_ install Mirror" "test drives of _" "_ cipa Mirror" "Ford models including _" "replacement Tail Lights for _" "_ is a compact crossover SUV" "MSN Autos Read reviews of _" "fuel efficient _" "_ is a compact SUV" "hybrid models like _" "_ is the one-owner SUV" "vehicles , such as _" "bigger vehicles such as _" "regular gas powered _" "Car Pricing Data exists for _" "you 're just researching _" "vehicles like _" "warranty info for _" "vehicles , including _" "vehicles , like _" "Vehicles such as _" "_ replace Side View Mirrors" "_ molded splash guards" "safety feature to ordinary _" "popular cars like _" "plug-in hybrid version of _" "Autos Read reviews of _" "hybrid vehicles such as _" "_ offers a small driver" "more fuel efficient _" "Used Car Pricing Data exists for _" "smaller vehicles like _" "_ has an exterior color" "_ is a full hybrid" "_ is the first SUV" "great safety feature to ordinary _" "hybrid vehicles like _" "main fact sheets for _" "crash test results for _" "vehicles such as _" "_ is a hybrid vehicle" "_ idles rough" "Data exists for _" "Car owners of _" "_ recalls listed at" "_ is a mid-size SUV" "Pricing Data exists for _" "feature to ordinary _" "gas-electric version of _" "_ install Side View Mirror" "interior colors available for _" "simple brief overview of _" ] using ford_escape
OE @874 (100.0%) on 21-sep-2014 [ ] using ford_escape
CMC @262 (100.0%) on 21-may-2011 [ SUFFIX=ord 3.00423 PREFIX=for 2.46772 LASTPREFIX=esc 2.13291 PREFIX=esc 2.12743 LASTPREFIX=es 2.02769 FIRST_WORD=ford 1.89875 PREFIX=es 1.76286 FULL_POS=JJ_NN -1.50134 WORDS -3.36064 CHARS -3.42519 ] using ford_escape
CPL @1105 (83.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "_ then first read consumer reviews" "_ install Mirror" "test drives of _" "Hybrid version of _" "plug-in version of _" "_ cipa Mirror" "Ford models including _" "replacement Tail Lights for _" "_ is a compact crossover SUV" "Tail Lights for _" "Nationwide listings for _" "MSN Autos Read reviews of _" "_ is a compact crossover" "_ is a compact SUV" "hybrid models like _" "_ is the one-owner SUV" "_ is a compact sport utility vehicle" "Car Pricing Data exists for _" "you 're just researching _" "warranty info for _" "hybrid-electric version of _" "_ replace Side View Mirrors" "_ molded splash guards" "safety feature to ordinary _" "popular cars like _" "plug-in hybrid version of _" "Autos Read reviews of _" "hybrid vehicles such as _" "_ offers a small driver" "Used Car Pricing Data exists for _" "_ has an exterior color" "_ is a full hybrid" "_ is the first SUV" "great safety feature to ordinary _" "_ is a versatile vehicle" "hybrid vehicles like _" "_ offers responsive handling" "drivers love _" "main fact sheets for _" "crash test results for _" "_ is a hybrid vehicle" "_ is a sport utility vehicle" "_ idles rough" "Data exists for _" "Car owners of _" "_ recalls listed at" "_ is a mid-size SUV" "Pricing Data exists for _" "feature to ordinary _" "gas versions of _" "gas-electric version of _" "_ install Side View Mirror" "interior colors available for _" "simple brief overview of _" ] using ford_escape