CPL @1094 (97.0%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "certified dealers are posting White _" "certified dealers are posting Dupage _" "certified dealers are posting Sedgwick _" "replacement brakes parts are available for _" "you Start searching for _" "brakes parts are available for _" "dealers are posting White _" "full vehicle information about _" "Models Find used _" "dealers are posting Dupage _" "overwhelming amount of Dupage _" "dealers are posting Sedgwick _" "amount of Mystic _" "amount of Lehigh _" "amount of Dupage _" ] using infiniti_cars
OE @820 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using infiniti_cars
SEAL @132 (100.0%) on 23-jul-2010 [ 12345678910111213 ] using infiniti_cars
CMC @1115 (100.0%) on 26-aug-2018 [ SUFFIX=ti 3.39843 LASTPREFIX=car 3.14319 LASTSUFFIX=ars 2.97397 SUFFIX=ars 2.36491 LASTPREFIX=ca 2.15645 PREFIX=infin 1.91490 PREFIX=infi 1.84566 POS=NNS -0.92604 WORDS -2.64627 CHARS -2.71888 ] using infiniti_cars
CPL @1094 (95.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "inventories of used _" "large selection of used _" "cars , pre owned _" "dealership selling new _" "selection of used _" "cars , cool _" ] using infiniti_cars
CPL @1094 (97.1%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "certified dealers are posting White _" "great deals on used _" "Nissan used _" "certified dealers are posting Snohomish _" "dealers are posting Mahoning _" "certified dealers are posting Joliet _" "dealers are posting Larimer _" "certified dealers are posting Dupage _" "dealers are posting Dekalb _" "amount of Snohomish _" "certified dealers are posting Sedgwick _" "dealers are posting Manatee _" "replacement brakes parts are available for _" "dealers are posting Weld _" "certified dealers are posting Dekalb _" "dealers are posting Collier _" "Autos used _" "dealers are posting Canyon _" "you Start searching for _" "dealers are posting Hillsborough _" "certified dealers are posting Riverside _" "certified dealers are posting Multnomah _" "certified dealers are posting Skagit _" "brakes parts are available for _" "overwhelming amount of Snohomish _" "dealers are posting White _" "dealers are posting Lehigh _" "certified dealers are posting Weld _" "full vehicle information about _" "dealers are posting Hillside _" "dealers are posting Snohomish _" "certified dealers are posting Seminole _" "Models Find used _" "certified dealers are posting Canyon _" "dealers are posting Dupage _" "overwhelming amount of Dupage _" "certified dealers are posting Collier _" "dealers are posting Sedgwick _" "dealers are posting Mystic _" "certified dealers are posting Bexar _" "overwhelming amount of Lehigh _" "certified dealers are posting Manatee _" "inventories of used _" "dealers are posting Multnomah _" "dealers are posting Riverside _" "amount of Joliet _" "certified dealers are posting Hillsborough _" "certified dealers are posting Miami-dade _" "amount of Lehigh _" "dealers are posting Bexar _" "dealers are posting Livingston _" "dealers are posting Joliet _" "pre owned _" "dealers are posting Miami-dade _" "certified dealers are posting Larimer _" "vehicles such as used _" "certified dealers are posting Mystic _" "Research Used _" "prices for used _" "dealers are posting Seminole _" "certified dealers are posting Mahoning _" "certified dealers are posting Stanislaus _" "overwhelming amount of Joliet _" "amount of Dupage _" "overwhelming amount of Mystic _" "dealers are posting Skagit _" "deals on used _" "certified dealers are posting Lehigh _" "certified dealers are posting Hillside _" "dealers are posting Stanislaus _" "certified dealers are posting Livingston _" ] using infiniti_cars
CMC @1095 (93.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=ca 2.91789 SUFFIX=ti 2.04377 PREFIX=infin 1.77792 LAST_WORD=cars 1.75381 PREFIX=infi 1.74067 FIRST_WORD=infiniti 1.57347 PREFIX=inf 1.42544 POS=NNS -2.48646 WORDS -2.89095 CHARS -3.28793 ] using infiniti_cars
CPL @1094 (81.4%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "certified dealers are posting White _" "dealers are posting Palatine _" "car blogs about future _" "certified dealers are posting Snohomish _" "dealers are posting Mahoning _" "dealer invoices prices for _" "certified dealers are posting Joliet _" "dealers are posting Larimer _" "certified dealers are posting Dupage _" "dealers are posting Dekalb _" "amount of Snohomish _" "certified dealers are posting Sedgwick _" "dealers are posting Manatee _" "blogs about future _" "replacement brakes parts are available for _" "dealers are posting Weld _" "certified dealers are posting Dekalb _" "dealers are posting Collier _" "dealers are posting Canyon _" "you Start searching for _" "dealers are posting Hillsborough _" "certified dealers are posting Riverside _" "certified dealers are posting Multnomah _" "certified dealers are posting Skagit _" "brakes parts are available for _" "overwhelming amount of Snohomish _" "dealers are posting White _" "certified dealers are posting Jessamine _" "dealers are posting Jessamine _" "dealers are posting Lehigh _" "certified dealers are posting Weld _" "full vehicle information about _" "dealers are posting Hillside _" "dealers are posting Snohomish _" "certified dealers are posting Seminole _" "Models Find used _" "certified dealers are posting Canyon _" "dealers are posting Dupage _" "overwhelming amount of Dupage _" "certified dealers are posting Racine _" "certified dealers are posting Collier _" "dealers are posting Sedgwick _" "dealers are posting Mystic _" "certified dealers are posting Bexar _" "amount of Mystic _" "overwhelming amount of Lehigh _" "certified dealers are posting Manatee _" "additional performance parts for _" "dealers are posting Multnomah _" "dealers are posting Riverside _" "amount of Joliet _" "certified dealers are posting Hillsborough _" "certified dealers are posting Miami-dade _" "amount of Lehigh _" "dealers are posting Bexar _" "dealers are posting Livingston _" "dealers are posting Joliet _" "dealers are posting Miami-dade _" "certified dealers are posting Larimer _" "certified dealers are posting Palatine _" "vehicles such as used _" "invoices prices for _" "dealers are posting Racine _" "certified dealers are posting Mystic _" "Research Used _" "vehicle information about _" "dealers are posting Seminole _" "certified dealers are posting Mahoning _" "certified dealers are posting Stanislaus _" "overwhelming amount of Joliet _" "amount of Dupage _" "overwhelming amount of Mystic _" "dealers are posting Skagit _" "certified dealers are posting Lehigh _" "certified dealers are posting Hillside _" "dealers are posting Stanislaus _" "certified dealers are posting Livingston _" ] using infiniti_cars