_1 (awardtrophytournament)
literal strings:
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- awardtrophytournament(100.0%)
- CPL @1094 (97.3%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "Shareware Views :DDDD( _" "base attack bonus of _" "(-D to _" "-D through _" "Freeware Views :DDDD( _" "call toll free _" "User notes _" "dexterity score was modified by _" "hot line at _" "FAX number is _" "range -D to _" "_ agree disagree Posted By" "times are gmt _" "contact customer service at _" "call toll free at _" "non-emergency line at _" "score was modified by _" ":Board Shareware Views :DDDD( _" "Shareware Views :DDD( _" "oxidation number of _" "Views :DDD( _" "call toll-free at _" "Fax number is _" "fax line is _" ":Misc Commercial Views :DDD( _" "Commercial Views :DDD( _" "Freeware Views :DDD( _" "Commercial Views :DDDD( _" "toll free at _" "times are GMT _" "Utilities :Misc Shareware Views :DDDD( _" "Misc Views :DDDD( _" "correlations range from _" "Views :DD( _" "plus-minus rating of _" "Demo Views :DDDD( _" "office phone is _" ":Misc Freeware Views :DDDD( _" ":Misc Shareware Views :DDDD( _" "-D , D, _" "toll-free at _" "Views :DDDD( _" "Department today at _" "Demo Views :DDD( _" "Shareware Views :DD( _" ] using _1
- CMC @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ FULL_WORDSHAPE=x0 29.49669 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=x0 27.94570 WORDSHAPE=x0 2.06934 POS=CD 1.25135 FULL_POS=CD 0.53501 WORDSHAPE= 0.08932 SHORT_WORDSHAPE= 0.08932 FULL_POS=. -1.71198 POS=. -4.18353 WORDS -12.62270 ] using _1