CMC @1058 (99.9%) on 16-may-2017 [ LASTPREFIX=award 1.26620 LASTPREFIX=awar 1.26582 LASTPREFIX=awa 1.26524 PREFIX=award 1.24847 PREFIX=awar 1.24649 LASTPREFIX=aw 1.24632 PREFIX=awa 1.24566 WORDS -0.91274 FULL_POS=NNS -1.68176 CHARS -1.74719 ] using awards
MBL @614 (100.0%) on 22-jul-2012 [ Promotion of awardtrophytournament:awards awardtrophytournamentisthechampionshipgameofthenationalsport sport:addition ]
CPL @1099 (81.8%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "Program offers competitive _" "International Scholarship Program provides _" "limited number of merit-based _" "limited number of graduate _" "him not winning _" "institutions receiving _" "_ recognise outstanding achievements" "_ include First Place" "schools have been awarded _" "He has won multiple _" "We have received numerous _" "He also won numerous _" "They have won several _" "He has won major _" "records , won _" "she has won numerous _" "competitions winning _" "championships , including _" "research has been supported by _" "She won numerous _" "_ including an Emmy" "financial need are eligible for _" "_ recognize writers" "_ recognise organisations" "_ recognize winners" "_ qualifying points" "Previous winners of _" "It was nominated for several _" "Mark has received numerous _" "She also received several _" "He won various _" "She won multiple _" "_ including the Pulitzer" "_ include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal" "_ recognise the efforts" "researchers receiving _" "other hand , winning _" "many have won _" "_ including the Grand Prize" "_ recognize women" "_ including the Nobel Prize" "month winning _" "_ include a cash award" "_ including Grammys" "Scholarship Fund offers _" "Manuel won _" "She has won countless _" "book won several _" "company has won numerous _" "classical pianist with _" "Scholarship offers _" "_ include a scholarship" "_ including a Gold Medal" "_ including first prize" "papers have won _" "receipt of numerous _" "bikes have won _" "advertisement during _" "He has also received several _" "He has obtained several _" "winners of many _" "_ are usually awarded in" "_ are awarded under" "_ fund travel" "_ are normally tenable" "_ cover all expenses" "_ were presented June" "_ show terrence" "_ were first given in" "records , win _" "_ include gift certificates" "_ recognize outstanding" "_ including the Newbery" "career , having won _" "awarding of such _" "_ are given once a year" "_ are offered annually in" "_ cover fees" "_ are presented each fall" "limited number of competitive _" "_ are small grants" "band has won numerous _" "award with other _" "applicants are considered for _" "_ including Grand Prize" "_ including the Silver Star" "_ including the Edgar" "students have received prestigious _" "agencies are not eligible for _" "David has won numerous _" "They have won multiple _" "Bay won _" "_ carry stipends" "students have won _" "franchise has won _" "he has won numerous _" "faculty applying for _" "them were awarded _" "teachers win _" "they always won _" "they started winning _" "I 've won numerous _" "He has also won many _" "_ including Best Film" "_ include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal" "_ include the Meritorious Service Medal" "_ including the Golden Lion" "She has also received several _" "She has also won numerous _" "He has received teaching _" "He also received numerous _" "Colts winning _" "products have won many _" "program provides annual _" "Center has received numerous _" "College have received _" "Foundation makes _" "children have won _" "contest receive _" "_ require a separate application" "_ including third place" "_ recognize creative" "_ honor the achievements" "_ are non-repayable" "New York winning _" "Hewitt won _" "Program provides annual _" "America wins _" "They won many _" "We have won various _" "Michael has won _" "We have n’t won _" "It has won numerous _" "franchises have won _" "automatic consideration for _" "baseball , winning _" "she has won many _" "_ carry a stipend" "_ are renewed annually for" "they ever won _" "_ are awarded each month" "number of four-year _" "He received multiple _" "Scholarship Fund provides _" "Awards Recipients of _" "firm has won numerous _" "investigator on numerous _" "great success , winning _" "fiction has won _" "work has won several _" "they have won many _" "Lawrie won _" "Endowment Fund provides _" "She has won numerous _" "_ recognize the year" "_ recognize outstanding projects" "We have won numerous _" "I had won several _" "Teams compete for _" "He has been honored with numerous _" "laureate of several _" "choreography has won _" "_ presented annually by" "_ recognize teachers" "_ recognize those companies" "_ recognize outstanding individuals" "_ are not awarded for" "company received many _" "variety of merit-based _" "_ covering full tuition" "_ including a National Endowment" "_ including Golden Globes" "he garnered several _" "We 've won numerous _" "_ recognize scientists" "_ including Outstanding Drama Series" "_ include cash awards" "nominating students for _" "ones win _" "several have received _" "_ were also given during" "_ recognize achievements" "_ recognize outstanding achievement" "honors include several _" "faculty members have won _" "Students are considered for _" "Crow won _" "He has won so many _" "It has won many _" "he has twice received _" "fourth round of _" "_ provide an annual stipend" "_ recognize alumni" "_ including Award" "students have won numerous _" "_ were granted based on" "books have won several _" "_ include the National Defense Service Medal" "_ presented annually in" "_ including the Points" "film received many _" "eligibility for need-based _" "company has received several _" "projects have won numerous _" "_ recognize the outstanding work" "he has never won _" "games win _" "_ are the Oscars" "_ celebrate outstanding achievement" "_ are granted per" "_ are renewable for" "_ pay full tuition" "_ recognise excellence" "I have earned many _" "He won several _" "She has been honored with numerous _" "Yankees winning _" "Sims won _" "We have won national _" "flat fee of _" "graduate students receive _" "_ cover travel" "projects have won _" "recipient of several international _" "they have won so many _" "students have received national _" "proud recipient of many _" "program are considered for _" "player has ever won _" "limited number of full-tuition _" "they never win _" "team has not won _" "they 've just won _" "students are winning _" "she has won multiple _" "recipient of many prestigious _" "scientists receiving _" "categories are eligible for _" "they are not winning _" "company won several _" "country win _" "crews have been presented with _" "_ were bagged by" "_ require financial need" "_ recognize academic achievement" "_ provide salary support" "_ recognize outstanding students" "_ include the Bronze Star" "_ include the Distinguished Service Medal" "_ recognize outstanding service" "_ presented annually at" "members have won numerous _" "faculty have received prestigious _" "_ are annual awards" "_ enable recipients" "_ are funded up" "_ are renewable on" "_ are potentially renewable" "_ including the Grand Jury Prize" "_ honoring excellence" "_ including BAFTA" "_ including a Gold Award" "_ including a Fulbright" "_ include full tuition" "families are not eligible for _" "_ recognize companies" "articles have won _" "_ include a cash prize" "_ including a bronze" "staff have received numerous _" "he never won _" "friends , win _" "they won many _" "financial aid , including _" "graduate students have received _" "fellowships , teaching _" "fund provides _" "_ have been presented annually since" "_ are also awarded for" "_ are need-based" "_ are disbursed by" "_ given annually by" "faculty receiving _" "faculty have won numerous _" "program has won many _" "scholarship fund provides _" "III won _" "Tebow won _" "_ are hosted each year" "_ are organised annually by" "foundation also gives _" "he has won many _" "former winners of _" "he has won countless _" "first televised _" "film received several _" "America , winning _" "Many students have received _" "They 've won numerous _" "It has received numerous _" "He has won several national _" "He has won several _" "Company has won numerous _" "He 's never won _" "Awards Provides _" "She has been awarded numerous _" "Stewart win _" "Scholarship Program provides _" "site has won numerous _" "titles have won _" "he won several _" "films win _" "projects have received numerous _" "Law , earning _" "He said winning _" "He has been honored with several _" "team to numerous _" "_ recognize businesses" "_ recognize organizations" "_ including the Man Booker Prize" "_ organising committee" "company has received numerous _" "participants competing for _" "financial aid are automatically considered for _" "film won many _" "_ including an Academy Award nomination" "film has won numerous _" "foundations offering _" "it has won numerous _" "_ have been given since" "_ are awarded annually at" "_ are made primarily on" "_ are not need-based" "limited number of partial _" "work has been recognized through _" "productions have won _" "company has won several _" "wardrobe malfunction during _" "she won several _" "staff have won _" "_ are made solely on" "_ are generally awarded by" "_ do not require repayment" "_ provide tuition remission" "_ recognize student-athletes" "_ including the National Endowment" "_ include the Purple Heart" "_ are earned if" "_ celebrate achievement" "_ are need-based awards" "winners of such _" "winner of countless _" "_ including a Grammy nomination" "_ including an Academy Award" "_ are awarded annually by" "_ including Honorable Mention" "team has won numerous _" "_ including the Silver Medal" "_ including several Emmys" "_ include the Bronze Star Medal" "wines are winning _" "we have won numerous _" "films have won _" "he has garnered numerous _" "wines have won _" "_ are normally awarded in" "_ recognize significant contributions" "she won various _" "winners of several _" "works have received numerous _" "wines have won many _" "recipients of multiple _" "site has received several _" "" ] using awards
SEAL @614 (50.0%) on 20-jul-2012 [ 1 ] using awards
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to the trophies and arg1" "arg2 to these academic arg1" "arg2 to these two major arg1" "arg2 to providing cash arg1" "arg2 to her numerous arg1" "arg2 to honorific arg1" "arg2 to these main arg1" "arg2 to these departmental arg1" "arg2 to winning several arg1" "arg2 to the honors and arg1" "arg2 to several music arg1" "arg2 to these cash arg1" "arg2 to Emmy arg1" "arg2 to winning cash arg1" "arg2 to numerous academic arg1" "arg2 to the two top arg1" "arg2 to other scholarship arg1" "arg2 to winning numerous arg1" "arg2 to these prestigious arg1" "arg2 to the IBMA arg1" "arg2 to any merit arg1" "arg2 to his many other arg1" "arg2 to his British arg1" "arg2 to the Gold and Silver arg1" "arg2 to the many individual arg1" "arg2 to the many major arg1" "arg2 to taking home arg1" "arg2 to winning top arg1" "arg2 to team and individual arg1" "arg2 to a litany of arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" "arg2 to her various arg1" "arg2 to receiving several arg1" "arg2 to the finalist arg1" "arg2 to the first place arg1" "arg2 to his Emmy arg1" "arg2 to these annual arg1" "arg2 to screenings and arg1" "arg2 to these professional arg1" "arg2 to handing out arg1" "arg2 to winning multiple arg1" "arg2 to the juried arg1" "arg2 to the monetary arg1" "arg2 to these latest arg1" "arg2 to the opportunity to win arg1" "arg2 to the scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to their cash arg1" "arg2 to being eligible for arg1" "arg2 to cash prizes and arg1" "arg2 to merit based arg1" "arg2 to the cash arg1" "arg2 to possibilities for arg1" "arg2 to receiving their arg1" "arg2 to the DD regular arg1" "arg2 to receiving many arg1" "arg2 to trophies and arg1" "arg2 to the judged arg1" "arg2 to the regular annual arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to winning two arg1" "arg2 to earning numerous arg1" "arg2 to the year end arg1" "arg2 to receiving other arg1" "arg2 to the three existing arg1" "arg2 to the certificates and arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 to earning cash arg1" "arg2 to numerous professional arg1" "arg2 to providing annual arg1" "arg2 to the usual cash arg1" "arg2 to the Emmy arg1" "arg2 to receiving cash arg1" "arg2 to the bestowal of arg1" "arg2 to numerous industry arg1" "arg2 to receiving multiple arg1" "arg2 to prizes and arg1" "arg2 to numerous web arg1" "arg2 there will be cash arg1" "arg2 to their gold arg1" "arg2 to these significant arg1" "arg2 to the licence arg1" "arg2 to her literary arg1" "arg2 to numerous industrial arg1" "arg2 to providing research arg1" "arg2 to teaching and research arg1" "arg2 to these named arg1" "arg2 to the EIC arg1" "arg2 to the normal range of arg1" "arg2 to these top arg1" "arg2 to announcing arg1" "arg2 to his MVP arg1" "arg2 to providing student arg1" "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to other grants and arg1" "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 to giving out arg1" "arg2 Apple filed arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 to these monetary arg1" "arg2 to the grants and arg1" "arg2 to his Grammy arg1" "arg2 to the four national arg1" "arg2 to numerous military arg1" "arg2 to receiving two arg1" "arg2 to other scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to her individual arg1" "arg2 to the Golden Eagle arg1" "arg2 to first place arg1" "arg2 to any other academic arg1" "arg2 to academic year arg1" "arg2 to winning many arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 to receiving academic arg1" "arg2 to these industry arg1" "arg2 to receiving numerous arg1" ] using (awards, addition)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" ] using (awards, years)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" ] using (awards, years)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" ] using (awards, years)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to the trophies and arg1" "arg2 to these academic arg1" "arg2 to these two major arg1" "arg2 to providing cash arg1" "arg2 to her numerous arg1" "arg2 to honorific arg1" "arg2 to these main arg1" "arg2 to these departmental arg1" "arg2 to winning several arg1" "arg2 to the honors and arg1" "arg2 to several music arg1" "arg2 to these cash arg1" "arg2 to Emmy arg1" "arg2 to winning cash arg1" "arg2 to numerous academic arg1" "arg2 to the two top arg1" "arg2 to other scholarship arg1" "arg2 to winning numerous arg1" "arg2 to these prestigious arg1" "arg2 to the IBMA arg1" "arg2 to any merit arg1" "arg2 to his many other arg1" "arg2 to his British arg1" "arg2 to the Gold and Silver arg1" "arg2 to the many individual arg1" "arg2 to the many major arg1" "arg2 to taking home arg1" "arg2 to winning top arg1" "arg2 to team and individual arg1" "arg2 to a litany of arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" "arg2 to her various arg1" "arg2 to receiving several arg1" "arg2 to the finalist arg1" "arg2 to the first place arg1" "arg2 to his Emmy arg1" "arg2 to these annual arg1" "arg2 to screenings and arg1" "arg2 to these professional arg1" "arg2 to handing out arg1" "arg2 to winning multiple arg1" "arg2 to the juried arg1" "arg2 to the monetary arg1" "arg2 to these latest arg1" "arg2 to the opportunity to win arg1" "arg2 to the scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to their cash arg1" "arg2 to being eligible for arg1" "arg2 to cash prizes and arg1" "arg2 to merit based arg1" "arg2 to the cash arg1" "arg2 to possibilities for arg1" "arg2 to receiving their arg1" "arg2 to the DD regular arg1" "arg2 to receiving many arg1" "arg2 to trophies and arg1" "arg2 to the judged arg1" "arg2 to the regular annual arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to winning two arg1" "arg2 to earning numerous arg1" "arg2 to the year end arg1" "arg2 to receiving other arg1" "arg2 to the three existing arg1" "arg2 to the certificates and arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 to earning cash arg1" "arg2 to numerous professional arg1" "arg2 to providing annual arg1" "arg2 to the usual cash arg1" "arg2 to the Emmy arg1" "arg2 to receiving cash arg1" "arg2 to the bestowal of arg1" "arg2 to numerous industry arg1" "arg2 to receiving multiple arg1" "arg2 to prizes and arg1" "arg2 to numerous web arg1" "arg2 there will be cash arg1" "arg2 to their gold arg1" "arg2 to these significant arg1" "arg2 to the licence arg1" "arg2 to her literary arg1" "arg2 to numerous industrial arg1" "arg2 to providing research arg1" "arg2 to teaching and research arg1" "arg2 to these named arg1" "arg2 to the EIC arg1" "arg2 to the normal range of arg1" "arg2 to these top arg1" "arg2 to announcing arg1" "arg2 to his MVP arg1" "arg2 to providing student arg1" "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to other grants and arg1" "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 to giving out arg1" "arg2 Apple filed arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 to these monetary arg1" "arg2 to the grants and arg1" "arg2 to his Grammy arg1" "arg2 to the four national arg1" "arg2 to numerous military arg1" "arg2 to receiving two arg1" "arg2 to other scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to her individual arg1" "arg2 to the Golden Eagle arg1" "arg2 to first place arg1" "arg2 to any other academic arg1" "arg2 to academic year arg1" "arg2 to winning many arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 to receiving academic arg1" "arg2 to these industry arg1" "arg2 to receiving numerous arg1" ] using (awards, addition)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" ] using (awards, capacity)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" ] using (awards, capacity)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" ] using (awards, florida)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" ] using (awards, florida)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" ] using (awards, capacity)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" ] using (awards, years)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to the trophies and arg1" "arg2 to these academic arg1" "arg2 to these two major arg1" "arg2 to providing cash arg1" "arg2 to her numerous arg1" "arg2 to honorific arg1" "arg2 to these main arg1" "arg2 to these departmental arg1" "arg2 to winning several arg1" "arg2 to the honors and arg1" "arg2 to several music arg1" "arg2 to these cash arg1" "arg2 to Emmy arg1" "arg2 to winning cash arg1" "arg2 to numerous academic arg1" "arg2 to the two top arg1" "arg2 to other scholarship arg1" "arg2 to winning numerous arg1" "arg2 to these prestigious arg1" "arg2 to the IBMA arg1" "arg2 to any merit arg1" "arg2 to his many other arg1" "arg2 to his British arg1" "arg2 to the Gold and Silver arg1" "arg2 to the many individual arg1" "arg2 to the many major arg1" "arg2 to taking home arg1" "arg2 to winning top arg1" "arg2 to team and individual arg1" "arg2 to a litany of arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" "arg2 to her various arg1" "arg2 to receiving several arg1" "arg2 to the finalist arg1" "arg2 to the first place arg1" "arg2 to his Emmy arg1" "arg2 to these annual arg1" "arg2 to screenings and arg1" "arg2 to these professional arg1" "arg2 to handing out arg1" "arg2 to winning multiple arg1" "arg2 to the juried arg1" "arg2 to the monetary arg1" "arg2 to these latest arg1" "arg2 to the opportunity to win arg1" "arg2 to the scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to their cash arg1" "arg2 to being eligible for arg1" "arg2 to cash prizes and arg1" "arg2 to merit based arg1" "arg2 to the cash arg1" "arg2 to possibilities for arg1" "arg2 to receiving their arg1" "arg2 to the DD regular arg1" "arg2 to receiving many arg1" "arg2 to trophies and arg1" "arg2 to the judged arg1" "arg2 to the regular annual arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to winning two arg1" "arg2 to earning numerous arg1" "arg2 to the year end arg1" "arg2 to receiving other arg1" "arg2 to the three existing arg1" "arg2 to the certificates and arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 to earning cash arg1" "arg2 to numerous professional arg1" "arg2 to providing annual arg1" "arg2 to the usual cash arg1" "arg2 to the Emmy arg1" "arg2 to receiving cash arg1" "arg2 to the bestowal of arg1" "arg2 to numerous industry arg1" "arg2 to receiving multiple arg1" "arg2 to prizes and arg1" "arg2 to numerous web arg1" "arg2 there will be cash arg1" "arg2 to their gold arg1" "arg2 to these significant arg1" "arg2 to the licence arg1" "arg2 to her literary arg1" "arg2 to numerous industrial arg1" "arg2 to providing research arg1" "arg2 to teaching and research arg1" "arg2 to these named arg1" "arg2 to the EIC arg1" "arg2 to the normal range of arg1" "arg2 to these top arg1" "arg2 to announcing arg1" "arg2 to his MVP arg1" "arg2 to providing student arg1" "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to other grants and arg1" "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 to giving out arg1" "arg2 Apple filed arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 to these monetary arg1" "arg2 to the grants and arg1" "arg2 to his Grammy arg1" "arg2 to the four national arg1" "arg2 to numerous military arg1" "arg2 to receiving two arg1" "arg2 to other scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to her individual arg1" "arg2 to the Golden Eagle arg1" "arg2 to first place arg1" "arg2 to any other academic arg1" "arg2 to academic year arg1" "arg2 to winning many arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 to receiving academic arg1" "arg2 to these industry arg1" "arg2 to receiving numerous arg1" ] using (awards, addition)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" ] using (awards, years)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" ] using (awards, years)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" ] using (awards, years)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to the trophies and arg1" "arg2 to these academic arg1" "arg2 to these two major arg1" "arg2 to providing cash arg1" "arg2 to her numerous arg1" "arg2 to honorific arg1" "arg2 to these main arg1" "arg2 to these departmental arg1" "arg2 to winning several arg1" "arg2 to the honors and arg1" "arg2 to several music arg1" "arg2 to these cash arg1" "arg2 to Emmy arg1" "arg2 to winning cash arg1" "arg2 to numerous academic arg1" "arg2 to the two top arg1" "arg2 to other scholarship arg1" "arg2 to winning numerous arg1" "arg2 to these prestigious arg1" "arg2 to the IBMA arg1" "arg2 to any merit arg1" "arg2 to his many other arg1" "arg2 to his British arg1" "arg2 to the Gold and Silver arg1" "arg2 to the many individual arg1" "arg2 to the many major arg1" "arg2 to taking home arg1" "arg2 to winning top arg1" "arg2 to team and individual arg1" "arg2 to a litany of arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" "arg2 to her various arg1" "arg2 to receiving several arg1" "arg2 to the finalist arg1" "arg2 to the first place arg1" "arg2 to his Emmy arg1" "arg2 to these annual arg1" "arg2 to screenings and arg1" "arg2 to these professional arg1" "arg2 to handing out arg1" "arg2 to winning multiple arg1" "arg2 to the juried arg1" "arg2 to the monetary arg1" "arg2 to these latest arg1" "arg2 to the opportunity to win arg1" "arg2 to the scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to their cash arg1" "arg2 to being eligible for arg1" "arg2 to cash prizes and arg1" "arg2 to merit based arg1" "arg2 to the cash arg1" "arg2 to possibilities for arg1" "arg2 to receiving their arg1" "arg2 to the DD regular arg1" "arg2 to receiving many arg1" "arg2 to trophies and arg1" "arg2 to the judged arg1" "arg2 to the regular annual arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to winning two arg1" "arg2 to earning numerous arg1" "arg2 to the year end arg1" "arg2 to receiving other arg1" "arg2 to the three existing arg1" "arg2 to the certificates and arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 to earning cash arg1" "arg2 to numerous professional arg1" "arg2 to providing annual arg1" "arg2 to the usual cash arg1" "arg2 to the Emmy arg1" "arg2 to receiving cash arg1" "arg2 to the bestowal of arg1" "arg2 to numerous industry arg1" "arg2 to receiving multiple arg1" "arg2 to prizes and arg1" "arg2 to numerous web arg1" "arg2 there will be cash arg1" "arg2 to their gold arg1" "arg2 to these significant arg1" "arg2 to the licence arg1" "arg2 to her literary arg1" "arg2 to numerous industrial arg1" "arg2 to providing research arg1" "arg2 to teaching and research arg1" "arg2 to these named arg1" "arg2 to the EIC arg1" "arg2 to the normal range of arg1" "arg2 to these top arg1" "arg2 to announcing arg1" "arg2 to his MVP arg1" "arg2 to providing student arg1" "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to other grants and arg1" "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 to giving out arg1" "arg2 Apple filed arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 to these monetary arg1" "arg2 to the grants and arg1" "arg2 to his Grammy arg1" "arg2 to the four national arg1" "arg2 to numerous military arg1" "arg2 to receiving two arg1" "arg2 to other scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to her individual arg1" "arg2 to the Golden Eagle arg1" "arg2 to first place arg1" "arg2 to any other academic arg1" "arg2 to academic year arg1" "arg2 to winning many arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 to receiving academic arg1" "arg2 to these industry arg1" "arg2 to receiving numerous arg1" ] using (awards, addition)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to the trophies and arg1" "arg2 to these academic arg1" "arg2 to these two major arg1" "arg2 to providing cash arg1" "arg2 to her numerous arg1" "arg2 to honorific arg1" "arg2 to these main arg1" "arg2 to these departmental arg1" "arg2 to winning several arg1" "arg2 to the honors and arg1" "arg2 to several music arg1" "arg2 to these cash arg1" "arg2 to Emmy arg1" "arg2 to winning cash arg1" "arg2 to numerous academic arg1" "arg2 to the two top arg1" "arg2 to other scholarship arg1" "arg2 to winning numerous arg1" "arg2 to these prestigious arg1" "arg2 to the IBMA arg1" "arg2 to any merit arg1" "arg2 to his many other arg1" "arg2 to his British arg1" "arg2 to the Gold and Silver arg1" "arg2 to the many individual arg1" "arg2 to the many major arg1" "arg2 to taking home arg1" "arg2 to winning top arg1" "arg2 to team and individual arg1" "arg2 to a litany of arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" "arg2 to her various arg1" "arg2 to receiving several arg1" "arg2 to the finalist arg1" "arg2 to the first place arg1" "arg2 to his Emmy arg1" "arg2 to these annual arg1" "arg2 to screenings and arg1" "arg2 to these professional arg1" "arg2 to handing out arg1" "arg2 to winning multiple arg1" "arg2 to the juried arg1" "arg2 to the monetary arg1" "arg2 to these latest arg1" "arg2 to the opportunity to win arg1" "arg2 to the scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to their cash arg1" "arg2 to being eligible for arg1" "arg2 to cash prizes and arg1" "arg2 to merit based arg1" "arg2 to the cash arg1" "arg2 to possibilities for arg1" "arg2 to receiving their arg1" "arg2 to the DD regular arg1" "arg2 to receiving many arg1" "arg2 to trophies and arg1" "arg2 to the judged arg1" "arg2 to the regular annual arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to winning two arg1" "arg2 to earning numerous arg1" "arg2 to the year end arg1" "arg2 to receiving other arg1" "arg2 to the three existing arg1" "arg2 to the certificates and arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 to earning cash arg1" "arg2 to numerous professional arg1" "arg2 to providing annual arg1" "arg2 to the usual cash arg1" "arg2 to the Emmy arg1" "arg2 to receiving cash arg1" "arg2 to the bestowal of arg1" "arg2 to numerous industry arg1" "arg2 to receiving multiple arg1" "arg2 to prizes and arg1" "arg2 to numerous web arg1" "arg2 there will be cash arg1" "arg2 to their gold arg1" "arg2 to these significant arg1" "arg2 to the licence arg1" "arg2 to her literary arg1" "arg2 to numerous industrial arg1" "arg2 to providing research arg1" "arg2 to teaching and research arg1" "arg2 to these named arg1" "arg2 to the EIC arg1" "arg2 to the normal range of arg1" "arg2 to these top arg1" "arg2 to announcing arg1" "arg2 to his MVP arg1" "arg2 to providing student arg1" "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to other grants and arg1" "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 to giving out arg1" "arg2 Apple filed arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 to these monetary arg1" "arg2 to the grants and arg1" "arg2 to his Grammy arg1" "arg2 to the four national arg1" "arg2 to numerous military arg1" "arg2 to receiving two arg1" "arg2 to other scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to her individual arg1" "arg2 to the Golden Eagle arg1" "arg2 to first place arg1" "arg2 to any other academic arg1" "arg2 to academic year arg1" "arg2 to winning many arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 to receiving academic arg1" "arg2 to these industry arg1" "arg2 to receiving numerous arg1" ] using (awards, addition)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" ] using (awards, years)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" ] using (awards, florida)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" ] using (awards, capacity)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to the trophies and arg1" "arg2 to these academic arg1" "arg2 to these two major arg1" "arg2 to providing cash arg1" "arg2 to her numerous arg1" "arg2 to honorific arg1" "arg2 to these main arg1" "arg2 to these departmental arg1" "arg2 to winning several arg1" "arg2 to the honors and arg1" "arg2 to several music arg1" "arg2 to these cash arg1" "arg2 to Emmy arg1" "arg2 to winning cash arg1" "arg2 to numerous academic arg1" "arg2 to the two top arg1" "arg2 to other scholarship arg1" "arg2 to winning numerous arg1" "arg2 to these prestigious arg1" "arg2 to the IBMA arg1" "arg2 to any merit arg1" "arg2 to his many other arg1" "arg2 to his British arg1" "arg2 to the Gold and Silver arg1" "arg2 to the many individual arg1" "arg2 to the many major arg1" "arg2 to taking home arg1" "arg2 to winning top arg1" "arg2 to team and individual arg1" "arg2 to a litany of arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" "arg2 to her various arg1" "arg2 to receiving several arg1" "arg2 to the finalist arg1" "arg2 to the first place arg1" "arg2 to his Emmy arg1" "arg2 to these annual arg1" "arg2 to screenings and arg1" "arg2 to these professional arg1" "arg2 to handing out arg1" "arg2 to winning multiple arg1" "arg2 to the juried arg1" "arg2 to the monetary arg1" "arg2 to these latest arg1" "arg2 to the opportunity to win arg1" "arg2 to the scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to their cash arg1" "arg2 to being eligible for arg1" "arg2 to cash prizes and arg1" "arg2 to merit based arg1" "arg2 to the cash arg1" "arg2 to possibilities for arg1" "arg2 to receiving their arg1" "arg2 to the DD regular arg1" "arg2 to receiving many arg1" "arg2 to trophies and arg1" "arg2 to the judged arg1" "arg2 to the regular annual arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to winning two arg1" "arg2 to earning numerous arg1" "arg2 to the year end arg1" "arg2 to receiving other arg1" "arg2 to the three existing arg1" "arg2 to the certificates and arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 to earning cash arg1" "arg2 to numerous professional arg1" "arg2 to providing annual arg1" "arg2 to the usual cash arg1" "arg2 to the Emmy arg1" "arg2 to receiving cash arg1" "arg2 to the bestowal of arg1" "arg2 to numerous industry arg1" "arg2 to receiving multiple arg1" "arg2 to prizes and arg1" "arg2 to numerous web arg1" "arg2 there will be cash arg1" "arg2 to their gold arg1" "arg2 to these significant arg1" "arg2 to the licence arg1" "arg2 to her literary arg1" "arg2 to numerous industrial arg1" "arg2 to providing research arg1" "arg2 to teaching and research arg1" "arg2 to these named arg1" "arg2 to the EIC arg1" "arg2 to the normal range of arg1" "arg2 to these top arg1" "arg2 to announcing arg1" "arg2 to his MVP arg1" "arg2 to providing student arg1" "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to other grants and arg1" "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 to giving out arg1" "arg2 Apple filed arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 to these monetary arg1" "arg2 to the grants and arg1" "arg2 to his Grammy arg1" "arg2 to the four national arg1" "arg2 to numerous military arg1" "arg2 to receiving two arg1" "arg2 to other scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to her individual arg1" "arg2 to the Golden Eagle arg1" "arg2 to first place arg1" "arg2 to any other academic arg1" "arg2 to academic year arg1" "arg2 to winning many arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 to receiving academic arg1" "arg2 to these industry arg1" "arg2 to receiving numerous arg1" ] using (awards, addition)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" ] using (awards, years)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has won numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has won many arg1" ] using (awards, years)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" ] using (awards, florida)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 he has received several arg1" "arg2 he has received numerous arg1" "arg2 she has received numerous arg1" ] using (awards, florida)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to grants and arg1" "arg2 to fellowships and arg1" "arg2 to scholarships and arg1" "arg2 to contests and arg1" ] using (awards, links)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in college arg1" "arg2 in major college arg1" "arg2 in both hurling and arg1" "arg2 in both basketball and arg1" "arg2 in American college arg1" ] using (football, awards)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" ] using (awards, article)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" ] using (article, awards)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" ] using (awards, article)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" ] using (article, awards)