MBL @683 (100.0%) on 15-jan-2013 [ Promotion of bacteria:aspergillus bacteriaisthecausativeagentofphysiologicalcondition disease:aspergillosis ]
SEAL @602 (54.8%) on 25-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using aspergillus
CPL @1115 (61.1%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "It is particularly effective against _" "spore counts of _" "microorganism called _" "sensitivity tests for _" "circadian clock in _" "Mutants of _" "colonization with _" "_ are pathogenic" "limited activity against _" "resistance in _" "pathogens including _" "pathogenic fungi such as _" "positive culture for _" "serodiagnosis of _" "infection due to _" "dehydrogenase in _" "recombinant strain of _" "_ were isolated from" "Diseases caused by _" "secretion by _" "infectious diseases caused by _" "various strains of _" "_ contaminated eggs" "nitrate assimilation in _" "pathogenic potential of _" "enzyme derived from _" "Real-time PCR detection of _" "_ cultured from" "fungi such as _" "pathogenic organisms such as _" "oxidase of _" "phagocytosis of _" "growth inhibition of _" "fungus known as _" "genera , including _" "infections , including _" "subtyping of _" "Functional analysis of _" "serum IgG antibodies to _" "isolates of _" "identification of pathogenic _" "cellulase from _" "micro-organisms such as _" "tissue infected with _" "keratitis caused by _" "organisms such as _" "_ isolates determined by" "cell wall of _" "patients infected by _" "_ sp. from" "_ isolates recovered from" "tests were positive for _" "infection caused by _" "infection such as _" "pathogens like _" "antibody levels to _" "strains such as _" "_ sp. as" "specific antibodies against _" "clinical strains of _" "PCR pathogen detection Real-time PCR detection of _" "Genes of _" "pathogens such as _" "pathogens , such as _" "antigens of _" "_ sp. in" "microbes such as _" "fungi like _" "immune responses against _" "It is not active against _" "gene in _" "infections are usually caused by _" "infections by _" "few isolates of _" "samples were negative for _" "ortholog in _" "enzyme from _" "pulmonary infection with _" "fungus named _" "responses against _" "molecular detection of _" "drug resistance in _" "Molecular detection of _" "gene expression in _" "_ cultured under" "inoculation with _" "contamination with _" "real-time PCR pathogen detection Real-time PCR detection of _" "thermostability of _" "different strains of _" "_ is often isolated from" "sinusitis due to _" "susceptibility testing of _" "excellent activity against _" "fungal infections caused by _" "toxin produced by _" "active infection with _" "sinusitis caused by _" "fungi called _" "pneumonia due to _" "reductase of _" "pathogenic species of _" "fungal disease caused by _" "mycotoxin produced by _" "organisms , such as _" "abscesses caused by _" "infections such as _" "several strains of _" "_ isolates from" "strains of _" "inflammatory response to _" "Molecular characterization of _" "infectivity of _" "_ isolated during" "Infections caused by _" "toxin production by _" "bacteria such as _" "_ is cultured in" "_ isolates resistant" "_ is a genus" "molecular subtyping of _" "biosynthetic pathway in _" "macrophage killing of _" "infections are caused by _" "organisms including _" "resistance mechanisms of _" "non-toxic strains of _" "genes in _" "Other organisms such as _" "invasive infection with _" "serious infections caused by _" "genotyping of _" "_ isolates in" "mechanisms against _" "infections caused by _" "lung infections with _" "resistant isolates of _" "infections with _" "fungi including _" "skin infections caused by _" "cases of invasive _" "fungi , such as _" "innate immunity to _" "cultures positive for _" "illness caused by _" "yeasts , such as _" "_ isolates for" "strains including _" "MICs for _" "strains like _" "toxins produced by _" "activity against _" "immune responses to _" "defense mechanisms against _" "toxins are produced by _" "clinical isolates of _" "non-pathogenic species of _" "drug resistance of _" "microorganisms like _" "lipase from _" "_ is an opportunistic pathogen" "host defense against _" "lung infections caused by _" "plasmid in _" "sepsis due to _" "inhibitory activity against _" "pathogens , including _" "invasive disease caused by _" "opportunistic pathogens such as _" "genera such as _" "IgG antibodies to _" "spores of _" "microorganisms such as _" "susceptible strain of _" "sporulation in _" "specific strains of _" "opportunistic organisms such as _" "yeast-like fungus called _" "vitro activity against _" "virulence of _" "vitro susceptibility of _" "virulence in _" "vitro resistance of _" "fungi , including _" "mice infected with _" "antigen tests for _" "transduction in _" "resistant pathogens such as _" "lyase from _" "infectious agents such as _" "agents active against _" "pathogen detection Real-time PCR detection of _" "infection with _" "animals caused by _" "_ isolates at" "microorganisms including _" "kinase in _" "ciprofloxacin against _" "protein derived from _" "antifungal activity against _" "culture positive for _" "pathogenic strains of _" "pulmonary infection caused by _" "Infection caused by _" "esterase from _" "pathogens include _" "fungus called _" "detection Real-time PCR detection of _" "disease cause by _" "coinfection with _" "environmental isolates of _" "organism called _" "biosynthesis in _" "human pathogens like _" "pneumonia caused by _" "colonizers such as _" "_ were cultured on" "PCR detection of _" "molecular typing of _" "isolate of _" "phytase from _" "organisms like _" "microscopic picture of _" "antigen of _" "Sinusitis caused by _" "vitro susceptibility testing of _" "PhyloFacts families containing _" "common organisms are _" "disease caused by _" "homologues from _" "non-pathogenic strains of _" "molecular characterization of _" "gene regulation in _" "incubation with _" "infection by _" "_ are pathogens" "_ was isolated from" "Nucleotide sequence of _" "airborne transmission of _" "resistance genes in _" "_ is the organism" "serology for _" "physiological properties of _" "proteases of _" "microorganisms , including _" "Molecular phylogeny of _" "DNA fingerprinting of _" "patients infected with _" "clinical strain of _" "infections due to _" "toxigenic strains of _" "PCR-based detection of _" "particular strain of _" ] using aspergillus
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 caused by the fungus arg1" "arg2 caused by species of arg1" "arg2 with the fungus arg1" ] using (aspergillus, infection)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 caused by the fungus arg1" "arg2 caused by species of arg1" "arg2 with the fungus arg1" ] using (aspergillus, infection)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 caused by the fungus arg1" "arg2 caused by species of arg1" "arg2 with the fungus arg1" ] using (aspergillus, infection)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 caused by the fungus arg1" "arg2 caused by species of arg1" "arg2 with the fungus arg1" ] using (aspergillus, infection)