CMC @1063 (99.9%) on 05-jun-2017 [ CHARS 3.96905 FULL_POS=NN_NNS 1.98196 POS=NNS 1.35128 SUFFIX=ma 1.34755 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_a 0.73829 PREFIX=myco 0.68985 PREFIX=myc 0.68963 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.91465 POS=NN -2.48276 WORDS -3.95879 ] using mycoplasma_pneumoniae
CPL @1096 (92.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "illness caused by _" "infection by _" "tract infection by _" "respiratory illness caused by _" ] using mycoplasma_pneumoniae
MBL @498 (93.8%) on 30-jan-2012 [ Promotion of bacteria:mycoplasma_pneumoniae bacteriaisthecausativeagentofphysiologicalcondition physiologicalcondition:infection ]
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with an organism called arg1" "arg2 with pathogens such as arg1" "arg2 with the bacterium arg1" ] using (mycoplasma_pneumoniae, infection)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with an organism called arg1" "arg2 with pathogens such as arg1" "arg2 with the bacterium arg1" ] using (mycoplasma_pneumoniae, infection)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with an organism called arg1" "arg2 with pathogens such as arg1" "arg2 with the bacterium arg1" ] using (mycoplasma_pneumoniae, infection)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with an organism called arg1" "arg2 with pathogens such as arg1" "arg2 with the bacterium arg1" ] using (mycoplasma_pneumoniae, infection)