SEAL @167 (78.5%) on 17-nov-2010 [ 12345678910 ] using shigella
MBL @556 (93.8%) on 26-apr-2012 [ Promotion of bacteria:shigella bacteriaisthecausativeagentofphysiologicalcondition physiologicalcondition:dysentery ]
CPL @1107 (73.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "infectious organisms such as _" "infections with _" "toxin is produced by _" "intestinal infection caused by _" "pathogens , like _" "pathogens including _" "bacterial pathogens , including _" "_ is increasingly resistant" "you are infected with _" "bacteria are _" "you have been diagnosed with _" "organisms , including _" "foodborne illness from _" "gene transfer from _" "_ have developed resistance" "type III secretion system of _" "_ were inhibited by" "virulence plasmid of _" "single isolate of _" "uptake system in _" "toxin from _" "illness caused by _" "_ causes fever" "_ isolates as" "other bacteria , such as _" "organisms such as _" "strains of _" "_ are gram-negative" "virulence factor of _" "virulence of _" "_ was first isolated in" "infecting strain of _" "infectious dose of _" "food contaminated with _" "bacterial species , including _" "antimicrobial resistance of _" "vitro activity against _" "resistance pattern of _" "serotype of _" "inflammatory response to _" "pathogen called _" "ribotypes of _" "infections caused by susceptible _" "live attenuated _" "nasty bugs like _" "_ isolates for" "epithelial cells infected with _" "virulent form of _" "widespread resistance of _" "harmful bacteria , such as _" "such bacteria as _" "bacterial infections like _" "bacteria known as _" "antibiotic resistance of _" "bacterial strains , such as _" "dysentery caused by _" "samples were negative for _" "bacteria including _" "diarrhea such as _" "gene in _" "drug resistant strains of _" "Molecular analysis of _" "PCR detection of _" "_ isolated during" "isolate of _" "infection like _" "microorganisms , like _" "Antibiotic Resistance in _" "carrier state of _" "people sickened by _" "other bacteria such as _" "chromosome of _" "various strains of _" "_ are bacteria" "_ causes diarrhea" "_ are Gram-negative" "_ confers resistance" "mutant of _" "foodborne illness caused by _" "bacteria , such as _" "isolates identified as _" "multiresistant strains of _" "isolation rate of _" "opportunistic pathogens such as _" "disease-causing organisms , including _" "certain strains of _" "common pathogens such as _" "recent outbreaks of _" "program searches _" "III secretion in _" "germs such as _" "_ is a bacterium" "invasive capacity of _" "gastroenteritis caused by _" "germ is _" "diarrheal disease caused by _" "antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of _" "antibiotics effective against _" "pathogens include _" "proteomic analysis of _" "bacterial infections such as _" "disease caused by _" "infections are caused by _" "enteritis caused by _" "_ is shed in" "emergence of multidrug-resistant _" "cultures grew _" "diarrhea include _" "patients infected with _" "_ is a bacterial infection" "bacterium such as _" "dysentery due to _" "poisoning due to _" "secretion in _" "_ is a bacteria" "clinical isolates of _" "culture is positive for _" "secretion by _" "bacterial pathogens , such as _" "mutant strains of _" "multi-resistant strains of _" "foods contaminated with _" "infections , including _" "intestine caused by _" "bacteria like _" "bacteria named _" "_ was isolated from" "III secretion system of _" "Other strains of _" "_ is a common infection" "_ is an important cause" "infection with _" "plasmid of _" "dysentery , caused by _" "_ have become resistant" "certain bacteria , including _" "bacteria , including _" "food poisoning by _" "resistant strains of _" "phenotypes of _" "resistance in _" "gene regulation in _" "infection by _" "identical strain of _" "infection caused by _" "outbreaks caused by _" "infections due to _" "serogroups of _" "pathogenic bacteria , including _" "gastrointestinal infection with _" "pathogens such as _" "pathogens , such as _" "resistant strain of _" "foodborne illness , such as _" "different strains of _" "virulence determinants in _" "toxin made by _" "virulent strains of _" "pathogen such as _" "infections caused by _" "_ is a gram-negative bacterium" "_ isolates over" "susceptible strains of _" "auxotrophic mutants of _" "bacteria such as _" "pathogenic bacteria such as _" "same strain of _" "rare strain of _" "_ develop diarrhea" "outbreak of _" "bacterial infection like _" "epithelial cells by _" "genes in _" "bacterial pathogens such as _" "organism called _" "acid resistance in _" "microorganisms such as _" "Many strains of _" "pathogenic strains of _" "actin-based motility of _" "samples tested negative for _" "persons infected with _" "infective dose of _" "stool culture for _" "coli than _" "germs , such as _" "people become infected with _" "pathogens , including _" "bacteria , called _" "motility of _" "_ isolates with" "_ is the bacterium" "_ is a Gram-negative" "_ are rod" "antimicrobial resistance among _" "Antimicrobial susceptibility of _" "Product is contaminated with _" "bacteria , known as _" "bacteria , like _" "beta-lactamases produced by _" "secretion system of _" "disease-causing bacteria like _" "_ causes disease" "pathogens like _" "organisms , such as _" "protective antigen of _" "organisms like _" "serotypes of _" "_ is pathogenic" "vaccine development against _" "germ called _" "enteric pathogens such as _" "phagocytosis of _" "infection due to _" "bacterium called _" "certain bacteria such as _" "bacteria called _" "food contaminated by _" "Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of _" "common bacteria such as _" "_ isolates resistant" "_ is a genus" "microbes such as _" "bacterial pathogens including _" "antigen of _" "diarrhea due to _" "_ is a germ" "susceptibility patterns of _" "_ is highly infectious" "Infections caused by _" "diarrhea caused by _" "cells infected by _" "illnesses caused by _" "Antimicrobial resistance of _" "multi-drug resistance in _" "many infections , including _" "crystal structures of _" "pathogenicity of _" "_ do not have symptoms" "gene from _" "toxin produced by _" "diarrhea , such as _" "cephalosporin resistance in _" "food poisoning due to _" "nonpathogenic strains of _" "reactive arthritis include _" "Antibiotic resistance of _" "_ are Gram-positive" "DNA fingerprints of _" "gram-negative bacteria , such as _" "macrophages infected with _" "isolations of _" "_ are diarrhea" "diarrhoea caused by _" "Food contaminated with _" "_ isolates from" "foodborne pathogens , including _" "enteric bacteria such as _" "_ isolates against" "studies have found _" "cultures positive for _" "Diarrhea caused by _" "_ are the causative agents" "other bacteria , including _" "arthritis are _" "_ is an intracellular pathogen" "susceptibility testing of _" "virulence factors in _" "_ isolates in" "virulence factors of _" "type III secretion in _" "person becomes infected with _" "_ sp. in" "REASON Product is contaminated with _" "cells infected with _" "_ sp. from" "culture positive for _" "different serotypes of _" "many strains of _" "outbreaks of _" "cell-to-cell spread of _" "_ is another bacteria" "_ is a bacterial organism" "People infected with _" "Antibiotic resistance among _" "invasive strains of _" "activity against _" "antimicrobial resistance in _" "bugs like _" "_ were resistant" "bacterial pathogens include _" "Toxins produced by _" "microbes , such as _" "organism such as _" "resistance patterns of _" "_ include watery diarrhea" "specific strain of _" "tract caused by _" "lipopolysaccharide from _" "drug resistance in _" "_ is the causative agent" "_ isolates obtained from" "antigens of _" "inhibitory effects against _" "pathogenic mechanisms of _" "harmful bacteria like _" "infections such as _" "contamination with _" "wild strain of _" "primary isolation of _" "arthritis include _" "pathogens included _" "possible contamination with _" "virulence genes in _" "tract infection by _" "feces containing _" "isolates of _" ] using shigella
OE @809 (99.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (shigella, diarrhea)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 bacteria that cause arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 may experience mild or severe arg2" "arg1 is a bacterium that causes arg2" "arg1 bacteria which can cause arg2" "arg1 food poisoning include arg2" "arg1 is a bacteria that causes arg2" "arg1 infections are characterized by arg2" "arg1 species cause arg2" ] using (shigella, diarrhea)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 bacteria may cause arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 bacteria to cause arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 or Salmonella arg2" "arg1 or Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 sonnei arg2" "arg1 flexneri arg2" "arg1 bacteria cause arg2" ] using (shigella, infection)
SEAL @527 (50.0%) on 08-mar-2012 [ 1 ] using (shigella, dysentery)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or Giardia arg2" "arg1 is the bacterium that causes arg2" "arg1 strains causing arg2" "arg1 causes bloody arg2" "arg1 flexneri arg2" "arg1 bacteria that causes arg2" "arg1 bacteria that cause arg2" ] using (shigella, dysentery)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 bacteria may cause arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 bacteria to cause arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 or Salmonella arg2" "arg1 or Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 sonnei arg2" "arg1 flexneri arg2" "arg1 bacteria cause arg2" ] using (shigella, infection)
OE @809 (99.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (shigella, diarrhea)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 bacteria that cause arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 may experience mild or severe arg2" "arg1 is a bacterium that causes arg2" "arg1 bacteria which can cause arg2" "arg1 food poisoning include arg2" "arg1 is a bacteria that causes arg2" "arg1 infections are characterized by arg2" "arg1 species cause arg2" ] using (shigella, diarrhea)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 bacteria may cause arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 bacteria to cause arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 or Salmonella arg2" "arg1 or Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 sonnei arg2" "arg1 flexneri arg2" "arg1 bacteria cause arg2" ] using (shigella, infection)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 caused by bacteria called arg1" "arg2 caused by a bacterium called arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" ] using (shigella, gut)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 caused by the bacteria called arg1" "arg2 caused by bacteria called arg1" ] using (shigella, small_intestines)
SEAL @527 (50.0%) on 08-mar-2012 [ 1 ] using (shigella, dysentery)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or Giardia arg2" "arg1 is the bacterium that causes arg2" "arg1 strains causing arg2" "arg1 causes bloody arg2" "arg1 flexneri arg2" "arg1 bacteria that causes arg2" "arg1 bacteria that cause arg2" ] using (shigella, dysentery)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 bacteria may cause arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 bacteria to cause arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 or Salmonella arg2" "arg1 or Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 sonnei arg2" "arg1 flexneri arg2" "arg1 bacteria cause arg2" ] using (shigella, infection)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are the causative agents of arg2" "arg1 bacteria cause arg2" "arg1 species causing arg2" ] using (shigella, bacillary_dysentery)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 caused by bacteria called arg1" "arg2 caused by a bacterium called arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" ] using (shigella, gut)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 caused by bacteria called arg1" "arg2 caused by a bacterium called arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" ] using (shigella, gut)