MBL @1084 (93.8%) on 07-dec-2017 [ Promotion of bacteria:v__cholerae bacteriaisthecausativeagentofphysiologicalcondition disease:cholera ]
CPL @1107 (73.7%) on 24-may-2018 [ "major virulence factor of _" "isolations of _" "antimicrobial resistance of _" "_ is the etiological agent" "bacterial pathogens including _" "SOS response in _" "selective medium for _" "Cholera is caused by _" "many pathogens including _" "Antimicrobial resistance in _" "Transcriptional profiling of _" "They were identified as _" "_ is the causative organism" "other bacteria such as _" "gene from _" "antibiotics against _" "biofilm formation by _" "biofilm development in _" "proteins produced by _" "_ isolates at" "transcriptome of _" "samples testing positive for _" "_ was isolated from" "chromosome of _" "pathogenic strains of _" "genetic analysis of _" "motility of _" "epidemic strain of _" "mutant of _" "pathogenicity island of _" "toxin produced by _" "synthases in _" "stringent response in _" "_ isolated during" "attenuated strain of _" "persons infected with _" "bacteria , including _" "adherence of _" "infectious cycle of _" "_ recently isolated from" "specific strain of _" "immune responses to _" "clinical isolates of _" "isolates of _" "genomic sequence of _" "infective dose of _" "particular strain of _" "epidemic strains of _" "gene expression in _" "_ causes cholera" "enterotoxin of _" "many strains of _" "bacterial pathogens , including _" "antibiotic resistance among _" "_ strain with" "mechanisms utilized by _" "pathogens such as _" "pathogens , such as _" "_ were resistant" "antibiotic resistance in _" "_ produces a toxin" "colonization with _" "natural population of _" "pathogenic species of _" "strains like _" "bacteria such as _" "resistance genes in _" "feces containing _" "illness is caused by _" "non-pathogenic strains of _" "virulence genes of _" "_ were grown in" "toxin secreted by _" "sigma factors in _" "quorum sensing in _" "regulon in _" "resistance in _" "virulence determinant in _" "molecular epidemiology of _" "disease caused by _" "responses against _" "serogroups of _" "bacteria , such as _" "_ were plated on" "sRNAs in _" "chromosomes of _" "operon of _" "DNA sequence from _" "pathogenicity of _" "RNAs in _" "pathogenic bacteria including _" "presumptive identification of _" "serotypes of _" "_ was first isolated in" "serogroup of _" "detection of pathogenic _" "natural reservoir of _" "genome sequences of _" "formation by _" "biotype of _" "biosynthesis in _" "_ were found among" "intestine by _" "_ was isolated by" "_ do not become ill" "multi-drug resistant _" "virulence of _" "_ isolates with" "_ is easily killed by" "virulence genes in _" "acid metabolism in _" "avirulent strain of _" "organisms , such as _" "pathogenic bacteria , such as _" "pandemic strains of _" "strains of _" "Virulent strains of _" "organism known as _" "pathogens including _" "_ is a natural inhabitant" "medium selective for _" "multidrug resistant _" "oral infection with _" "antimicrobial activity against _" "infection caused by _" "inoculation with _" "detection of toxigenic _" "_ isolates for" "protein expression by _" "biosynthetic pathway in _" "bacteria including _" "sensitive detection of _" "bacterial organism known as _" "cultures were negative for _" "pathogenic isolates of _" "pathogens other than _" "diarrhea caused by _" "different strains of _" "intestinal colonization by _" "isolates were identified as _" "certain strains of _" "complex produced by _" "overnight cultures of _" "activity against _" "virulence in _" "_ cultured in" "culture grew _" "_ isolates from" "_ is a human pathogen" "virulence factors of _" "bactericidal effect against _" "human immune response to _" "virulence factor of _" "spp. , including _" "_ is the causative agent" "_ is the bacterium responsible" "motility in _" "enterotoxin produced by _" "environmental isolates of _" "infection by _" "gene regulation in _" "_ isolates as" "low occurrence of _" "new strain of _" "complementation of _" "pathogens , including _" "virulence determinant of _" "_ is the bacteria" "neuraminidase from _" "infectious dose of _" "food contaminated with _" "hemolysin of _" "humoral immune response to _" "infection , caused by _" "factor production in _" "genes in _" "epithelial cells by _" "Mutational analysis of _" "prokaryotes , including _" "regulatory protein in _" "infection due to _" "flagella of _" "infection with _" "virulent strains of _" "filtrates of _" "toxigenic strains of _" "pathogens like _" "Quorum sensing in _" "phage typing of _" "virulence gene expression in _" "toxin of _" "antigens of _" "Pathogenic strains of _" "contamination with _" "_ is an important pathogen" "enterotoxins produced by _" "genes were expressed in _" "biofilm formation in _" "parasites like _" "recombination in _" "whole cells of _" "environmental strains of _" "enterotoxins of _" "gene was isolated from _" "_ are motile" "DNA fingerprints of _" "Persons infected with _" "Biofilm formation in _" "antibiotic resistance of _" "_ isolates in" "exotoxin from _" "serotype of _" "stress response of _" "resistance pattern of _" "agar for _" "operon in _" "antimicrobial resistance patterns of _" "outbreaks of _" "major virulence factors of _" "pilus of _" "resistance patterns of _" "diarrhoea caused by _" "toxin from _" "_ cultured from" "nonpathogenic strains of _" "susceptible strains of _" "immune responses against _" "infectivity of _" "_ are not pathogenic" "gene locus of _" "gene cluster of _" "_ were grown on" "biosynthetic gene cluster of _" "gene in _" "uptake systems in _" "virulence factors in _" "excellent activity against _" "isogenic strains of _" "several strains of _" "regulon of _" "pili of _" ] using v__cholerae
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is the bacteria that causes arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 is the causative agent of arg2" "arg1 is the etiological agent of arg2" ] using (v__cholerae, cholera)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is the bacteria that causes arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 is the causative agent of arg2" "arg1 is the etiological agent of arg2" ] using (v__cholerae, cholera)