CMC @1080 (100.0%) on 30-nov-2017 [ PREFIX=ch 2.11875 PREFIX=pi 1.75776 SUFFIX=rry 1.65689 SUFFIX=erry 1.49304 LASTPREFIX=pi 1.46008 LASTSUFFIX=ie 1.39792 PREFIX=cher 1.29431 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.55174 WORDS -0.80258 CHARS -3.33947 ] using cherry_pie
CPL @1103 (98.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "Spread half of _" "can of _" "recipes using _" "movies , eating _" "teaspoon of _" "other can of _" "I love sour _" "Pour half of _" "foods like _" "recipe using _" "aromas of black _" "_ stuffed with" "dough filled with _" "dessert recipes using _" "you lemons , make _" "homemade sour _" "_ served with" "you are using canned _" "_ filling cake" "Tbsp of _" "recipe for sour _" "lemons , make _" "bit of sour _" "_ filling recipes" "Spoon half of _" "_ filling recipe" "_ topping recipe" "_ is golden brown" "D-D/D cups of _" "oak , sweet _" "huge can of _" "_ topped with" "spices like _" "_ eating contest" ] using cherry_pie
SEAL @700 (56.4%) on 20-feb-2013 [ 1 ] using cherry_pie
CPL @1103 (65.1%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "flavors of sweet _" "bowl , combine _" "we had just eaten _" "Pour half of _" "foods like _" "jam , black _" "aromas of black _" "dough filled with _" "cake , sour _" "smell of fresh-baked _" "you lemons , make _" "hands you lemons , make _" "_ tastes like" "flavors of red _" "aromas of dark _" "recipes made with canned _" "tablespoon of _" "biscuits , sweet _" "Tbsp of _" "recipe for sour _" "ingredients except _" "_ is a popular dessert" "currants , black _" "lemons , make _" "bit of sour _" "Spoon half of _" "life hands you lemons , make _" "cherries , fresh _" "_ filling recipe" "_ topping recipe" "oak , sweet _" "Sprinkle mixture over _" "huge can of _" "_ topped with" "spices like _" ] using cherry_pie
CPL @1095 (99.7%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "mixing bowl , combine _" "we ate _" "? cup of _" "I used canned _" "chocolate cake with _" "mixture over _" "other ingredients except _" "_ remaining ingredients" "chocolate covered _" "small bowl , combine _" "bowl , combine _" "recipe whole _" "ingredients , except _" "whole can of _" "other can of _" "aromas of black _" "you lemons , make _" "I love fresh _" "hands you lemons , make _" "large bowl , combine _" "large can of _" "spoonfuls of _" "I cooked _" "tablespoon of _" "fruit such as _" "we cooked _" "recipes for sweet _" "cake made with _" "recipe calls for _" "recipe for sour _" "separate bowl , combine _" "ingredients except _" "lemons , make _" "bit of sour _" "organic materials such as _" "_ filling recipe" "_ topping recipe" "_ is golden brown" "I was eating _" "stir into _" "huge can of _" "few spoonfuls of _" "_ topped with" "spices like _" "few cans of _" "recipe for sweet _" "recipe called for _" "pan with _" "pudding with _" "_ eating contest" ] using cherry_pie
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with French vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with cold ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" ] using (cherry_pie, cream)