CPL @1116 (96.5%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "large mixing bowl , combine _" "_ were tasty" "_ ' drive" "style fried _" "dish , combine _" "grains , including _" "bowl , add _" "half-cup of _" "fruit flavored _" "baking pan with _" "recipe calls for _" "home baked _" "I spilled _" "whole grains such as _" "bread , white _" "sugars such as _" "sprinkle with _" "gourmet flavored _" "baked goods like _" "baking sheet with _" "crispy fried _" "ingredients except for _" "homemade baked _" "icing on _" "_ are served at" "vegetable based _" "chicken soup with _" "food items like _" "dip for raw _" "variety of raw _" "large bowl , add _" "Nutritional values in _" "sauce served with _" "rich foods like _" "I was eating _" "pan with _" "kitchen making _" "beverages such as _" "_ turn golden brown" "starchy foods such as _" "certain foods like _" "onions with _" "stir until _" "_ are tender" "pudding with _" "hot , add _" "such foods as _" "_ were fired at" "D/D cup of _" "carbohydrates like _" "cream after _" "carbohydrates , such as _" "carbohydrates such as _" "bowl add _" "foods , such as _" "_ are browned" "ingredients except _" "bowl combine _" "rice , white _" "large bowl , combine _" "Pour sauce over _" "egg mixture over _" "grains , like _" "stew with _" "sauce , sesame _" "_ was served at" "starchy foods like _" "bowl , stir together _" "_ containing gluten" "bake until _" "I do n't eat _" "recipes for baked _" "sugars , such as _" "plate of fresh _" "chicken served with _" "_ are well coated" "chocolate dipped _" "kitchen , eating _" "houses are made of _" "more servings of _" "Eat lots of _" "grains , such as _" "beverages including _" "pulse until _" "recipe for homemade _" "_ topped with" "ingredients , except for _" "smell of stale _" "_ contain no saturated fat" "mixing bowl , combine _" "smoking , add _" "_ are carbohydrates" "ingredients , except _" "pint of _" "oil based _" "foodstuffs such as _" "_ recipe from" "baked goods such as _" "_ are fried in" "pan , combine _" "grains like _" "low , add _" "last couple of _" "mixing bowl , add _" "moisture content of _" "next couple of _" "fruits , raw _" "Administration took _" "bowl of plain _" "_ eaten during" "Bring plenty of _" "_ turn brown" "it resembles coarse _" "small bowl , stir together _" "medium bowl combine _" "food processor , combine _" "grains such as _" "_ baked fresh" "ready , add _" "sugar , powdered _" "small bowl , combine _" "_ crumbs with" "_ are golden brown" "_ contain carbohydrates" "recipe made with _" "bowl , combine _" "we ate _" "other ingredients except _" "butter until _" "mixture over _" "wide variety of delicious _" "bacon wrapped _" "processor , combine _" "white bread , white _" "_ not made with" "_ garnished with" "Pour mixture over _" "Chicken soup with _" "separate bowl , combine _" "_ recipe software" "people over for _" "favorite foods are _" "whole can of _" "carbs such as _" "few pinches of _" "chocolate covered _" "spaghetti with _" "we were eating _" "fiber rich _" "white rice , white _" "assortment of fresh _" ] using crackers
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of bakedgood:crackers bakedgoodservedwithbeverage agriculturalproduct:milk ]
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using crackers
CPL @1109 (51.3%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "light breakfast of _" "junk foods like _" "favorite foods were _" "carbohydrate foods such as _" "pudding mixture over _" "perfect spread for _" "recipes for flax _" "gourmet gift baskets filled with _" "plate of stale _" "mother was baking _" "_ recipe coffee" "baked products like _" "_ spread thinly with" "_ are very crunchy" "_ crumbs over" "_ are great alone" "whole wheat sesame _" "baked goods , including _" "_ tasted awesome" "_ taste exactly like" "almonds , savory _" "Delicious spread on _" "finger foods such as _" "toast , on _" "sticky foods such as _" "sweet things , like _" "crackers , hard _" "cheese , crunchy _" "house baked _" "sandwiches , savory _" "wonderful dip for _" "wine , delicious _" "doughs for _" "entire boxes of _" "cheddar cheese on _" "frosting over _" "fresh fruit , assorted _" "grain versions of _" "assortment of scrumptious _" "I was baking _" "Other foods , such as _" "syrup over _" "silver trays of _" "pâté with _" "carb alternative to _" "we munched _" "tray piled high with _" "salad dressings , to _" "she snacks on _" "sugar mixture over _" "hidden fats in _" "flour such as _" "fruit , plain _" "home baked _" "_ cool completely on" "great dip for _" "cheeses , delicious _" "I bake _" "cheese , homemade _" "starchy foods , such as _" "baked goods , like _" "dry foods , such as _" "Pour hot mixture over _" "processed products such as _" "chocolate , crunchy _" "cookies , fancy _" "I did bake _" "healthier snacks such as _" "excellent topping for _" "duck shaped _" "Avoid foods such as _" "baked goods like _" "grain products , including _" "fried foods , such as _" "fruits , whole-grain _" "cool whip on _" "breads , to _" "crisp , flaky _" "homemade baked _" "icing on _" "baked products such as _" "tasty topping for _" "soups , on _" "Snacks like _" "cookies christmas _" "cheese with homemade _" "banana slices on _" "_ thinly spread with" "_ hidden valley recipe" "dough into individual _" "holiday shaped _" "veggies , low-fat _" "toast , toasted _" "frosting onto _" "cream cheese , on _" "picnic baskets filled with _" "plate , served with _" "We ate mostly _" "peanut butter , like _" "Pour butter mixture over _" "cheeses , assorted _" "foods such as whole-grain _" "beans , whole-grain _" "baked items like _" "brown sugar mixture over _" "onion marmalade on _" "butter slathered on _" "kids decorated _" "buffet with assorted _" "boxes of stale _" "_ are a great accompaniment" "salty snacks such as _" "Nutritional values in _" "Snack foods such as _" "snacks , delicious _" "_ spread thickly with" "_ recipe discusses internet privacy" "bakery , making _" "solid foods such as _" "spread is delicious on _" "time I bake _" "soups are served with _" "apples , crunchy _" "ranch flavored _" "_ are a perfect snack" "batch of delicious _" "dips , on _" "_ turn golden brown" "cheese , savoury _" "tomato paste on _" "snack foods , such as _" "starchy foods such as _" "cooling rack until _" "cheese 'n _" "cheese , whole-grain _" "crispy , savory _" "box of yummy _" "_ are whole wheat" "_ are fertilized as" "plates of assorted _" "snack items including _" "light snack , such as _" "orange marmalade on _" "nice topping for _" "egg wash on _" "It is delicious on _" "gourmet foods including _" "toast , plain _" "tomato mixture on _" "sure you bake _" "sesame seeds on _" "high sugar foods like _" "sliced almonds over _" "sweet snacks like _" "rice , whole-wheat _" "Salads Served with _" "basil leaves on _" "_ are a great snack" "_ look yummy" "_ make an excellent accompaniment" "Animal shaped _" "cheese , whole-wheat _" "Processed foods such as _" "salty foods like _" "carbohydrate snacks such as _" "cookies , dry _" "cream cheese on _" "dip is great with _" "package of sweet _" "_ rolled fine" "coffee , assorted _" "bread , assorted _" "_ recipe computer" "_ make excellent snacks" "baked foods like _" "bakery products , such as _" "breads / _" "chips , baked _" "tapenade on _" "fresh backed _" "light snacks such as _" "It 's also delicious on _" "flour including _" "it is wonderful on _" "I buttered _" "fruit , wholegrain _" "grain products such as _" "sandwiches , on _" "package of delicious _" "line of gluten-free _" "biscuits / _" "biscuits , assorted _" "cakes , plain _" "It makes delicious _" "salmon , organic _" "raisin pecan _" "_ recipe connections" "_ provide more vitamins" "_ recipe bread machine" "rice , white _" "peanut butter , such as _" "grain products like _" "Poke holes in _" "creme filled _" "cookies , assorted _" "bakery items such as _" "bedtime snack of _" "Starchy foods like _" "Baked goods such as _" "_ get too soggy" "simple carbohydrates like _" "simple carbs like _" "snacks , such as _" "cereal , dry _" "_ are baked with" "egg mixture over _" "Starchy foods such as _" "_ were a little stale" "crunchy peanut butter on _" "cookies , plain _" "_ are best eaten within" "_ become soggy" "_ are baked in" "_ are finished baking" "sofa eating _" "mustard , on _" "half-eaten box of _" "homemade heart shaped _" "fruit , whole-wheat _" "gourmet treats such as _" "small snack such as _" "starchy foods like _" "vegetables , assorted _" "they bake _" "chips over hot _" "cheeses , savory _" "chocolates , tasty _" "cookies , organic _" "sauce , crushed _" "she buttered _" "whole wheat baked _" "_ recipe protection" "plate of small _" "potato mixture on _" "little cream cheese on _" "chicken , prawn _" "crackers , baked _" "cookies , savory _" "snack food such as _" "perishable foods like _" "I love savoury _" "many processed foods , including _" "biscuits , white _" "crabmeat served with _" "press remaining _" "recipe for plain _" "dairy-free recipe for _" "_ are made on-site" "edibles such as _" "salmon served on _" "_ looked really yummy" "olive tapenade on _" "chocolate mixture over _" "bag of stale _" "crab meat on _" "starchy foods , like _" "sausage , assorted _" "_ have no preservatives" "pretzels , baked _" "spatula remove _" "snack foods such as _" "dry items like _" "butter spread on _" "guests munched on _" "_ cool completely before" "Marmite on _" "texture in baked _" "small snacks like _" "It 's fried _" "It 's delicious on _" "more servings of _" "baskets of assorted _" "_ are lightly browned" "_ are the perfect snack" "milk chocolate covered _" "dough , cut _" "starches , including _" "_ baked by" "I ate too many _" "snack foods like _" "snack foods , like _" "snacks such as _" "He snacked on _" "couple batches of _" "bowl , combine crushed _" "crab mixture on _" "cookies , crunchy _" "flow wrapped _" "gourmet items including _" "It goes great on _" "caramel over _" "sour cream mixture on _" "snack size bag of _" "olives , assorted _" "potato chips , salted _" "salads , on _" "fruit , whole-grain _" "finger foods like _" "carbohydrate foods , such as _" "syrup mixture over _" "coffee , soft _" "goat cheese spread on _" "_ are slightly brown" "_ go fabulously with" "_ are very crispy" "_ are done baking" "breads , white _" "_ crumbs recipe" "refined carbohydrates , such as _" "rolling pin , crush _" "_ cool about" "delicious topping for _" "bags of stale _" "they nibbled _" "trays of assorted _" "_ contain no saturated fat" "oatmeal , whole-wheat _" "snacks consist of _" "cheese , various _" "processor , crush _" "salmonella found in _" "plate of assorted _" "pudding mixture on _" "recipe for flax _" "schmear on _" "great topping on _" "Starchy foods , such as _" "cream cheese , served with _" "chili served with _" "_ do look delicious" "crackers , whole-grain _" "great topping for _" "gourmet filled _" "snack items , such as _" "delicious spread on _" "biscuits , dry _" "chopped pecans over _" "cheese served on _" "_ are a good snack" "chocolate frosting over _" "_ cool a few minutes" "spatula , lift _" "Christmas treats such as _" "goat cheese over _" "baked goods , such as _" "baked goods such as _" "pepper , served on _" "recipes for savory _" "cheeses served with _" "biscuits , plain _" "bars , homemade _" "other snacks like _" "I 've never baked _" "vegemite on _" "_ are delicious plain" "chocolate spread on _" "cakes , shrimp _" "ciabatta to _" "chocolate over _" "cheese tray with _" "mix together crushed _" "gourmet items such as _" "paper plate of _" "_ are slightly browned" "spread is great on _" "cereals , wholemeal _" "cheese on sourdough _" "carbohydrates , found in _" "cereals , baked _" "cookies , baked _" "many processed foods such as _" "snacks , like _" "cream mixture on _" "cream cheese spread on _" "bread , sprouted _" "basket filled with delicious _" "couple of stale _" "breads , assorted _" "_ have no trans fat" "_ are always a welcome treat" "fruit , assorted _" "_ are baked until" "layer of soaked _" "non-perishable foods such as _" "light , flaky _" "many processed foods including _" "ribbon filled with _" "processed foods , such as _" "entire sleeve of _" "perfect dip for _" "light snacks like _" "lettuce served on _" "green onion on _" "brush tops of _" "breads , French _" "tasty dip for _" "homemade gluten free _" "foods like whole-wheat _" "gourmet treats including _" "sprinkle with crushed _" "jam spread on _" "grain , organic _" "_ have a wonderful texture" "cheese spread on _" "dense foods such as _" "flour gave _" "gift basket filled with delicious _" "cheese on white _" "She nibbled on _" "muffins , to _" "_ are completely cool" "_ contain trans fatty acids" "_ contain partially hydrogenated oil" "flour products such as _" "_ baked from" "_ are a serving" "_ are individually wrapped in" "_ contain peanut paste" "Great served on _" "_ are the ideal accompaniment" "fun shaped _" "snack packs of _" "tasty spread for _" "snack items like _" "fruit , tasty _" "basket of assorted _" "_ were a bit stale" "Many foods , such as _" "foods such as dry _" "dry foods like _" "doughs such as _" "box of stale _" "chocolate chips over _" "cheese spread for _" "cheese slices on _" "simple snac" ] using crackers
SEAL @622 (75.6%) on 07-aug-2012 [ 12 ] using crackers
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and a thermos of arg2" "arg1 and a glass of cold arg2" "arg1 and a tall glass of arg2" ] using (crackers, milk)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (crackers, milk)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and cream cheese arg2" "arg1 tartar with arg2" "arg1 on rye arg2" "arg1 and cream cheese on arg2" "arg1 with cream cheese on arg2" "arg1 served with an assortment of arg2" ] using (salmon, crackers)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 sandwiched between two graham arg1" "arg2 covered graham arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" ] using (crackers, marshmallow)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 sandwiched between two graham arg1" "arg2 covered graham arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" ] using (crackers, marshmallow)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 sandwiched between two graham arg1" "arg2 covered graham arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" ] using (crackers, marshmallow)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 sandwiched between two graham arg1" "arg2 covered graham arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" ] using (crackers, marshmallow)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and a thermos of arg2" "arg1 and a glass of cold arg2" "arg1 and a tall glass of arg2" ] using (crackers, milk)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (crackers, milk)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 cheese and chives arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" "arg2 cheese to spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese and spread on arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (crackers, cream)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 sandwiched between two graham arg1" "arg2 covered graham arg1" "arg2 and graham arg1" ] using (crackers, marshmallow)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other wheat arg1" "arg2 and many other food arg1" "arg2 and white flour arg1" "arg2 and other cereal arg1" "arg2 and other grain arg1" "arg2 and other flour arg1" "arg2 and milk arg1" "arg2 and dairy arg1" ] using (products, crackers)
CPL @1100 (99.9%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or crusty arg1" "arg2 and crusty French arg1" "arg2 or loaf of arg1" "arg2 and home made arg1" "arg2 and loaf of arg1" "arg2 or fresh baked arg1" "arg2 or freshly baked arg1" "arg2 or a loaf of arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and loaves of arg1" ] using (bread, crackers)