CPL @1103 (93.4%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "_ topped with" "starchy foods like _" "onion flavored _" "_ are delicious" "games , eat _" "I were eating _" "night we ate _" "bag of salted _" "dishes like _" "Other foods such as _" "_ contain gluten" "beer , eat _" "seeds , sesame _" "unhealthy processed _" "starchy foods , such as _" "variety of flavored _" "_ are golden brown" "_ cool completely on" "comfort foods like _" "milk , low-fat _" "_ served with" "snack foods like _" "_ are done baking" "starchy foods such as _" "I had n't eaten _" "we eat too many _" "salad with _" "eggs , organic _" "foods like _" "foods such as _" "vegetable oils such as _" "_ are high" "salty foods like _" "_ are baked daily" "_ were crispy" "_ stuffed with" "salty snacks like _" "can of _" ] using crisps
CPL @1099 (84.7%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "high fat foods such as _" "_ smothered in" "_ topped with" "acrylamide formation in _" "starchy foods like _" "foods , including _" "onion flavored _" "I were eating _" "night we ate _" "bag of salted _" "foods , like _" "Other foods such as _" "_ seasoned with" "unhealthy foods such as _" "_ have starch" "seeds , sesame _" "healthy snacks such as _" "such foods as _" "starchy foods , such as _" "Many foods , such as _" "comfort foods like _" "everyday foods such as _" "kids were eating _" "evening eating _" "flakes , puffed _" "_ are done baking" "ingredients except _" "_ were delicious" "vinegar flavored _" "fat foods such as _" "dishes such as _" "starchy foods such as _" "foods , such as _" "salad with _" "foods like _" "fried foods such as _" "foods such as _" "vegetable oils such as _" "salty foods like _" "snack foods including _" "bag of baked _" "salty snacks like _" "room eating _" "lower-fat versions of _" ] using crisps
CPL @1100 (97.5%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "cereals such as _" "_ topped with" "cook until _" "_ were tasty" "fruit flavored _" "starchy foods like _" "fire roasted _" "first couple of _" "seeds , sesame _" "_ taste better" "I was eating _" "foodstuffs such as _" "such foods as _" "few cans of _" "_ are golden brown" "drizzle of _" "ingredients except _" "carbohydrates , such as _" "carbohydrates such as _" "I do n't eat _" "sugar found in _" "starchy foods such as _" "foods , such as _" "_ are browned" "chocolate covered _" "vegetable oils such as _" "we ate _" ] using crisps
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of bakedgood:crisps bakedgoodservedwithbeverage beverage:chocolate ]
CPL @1103 (51.9%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "bag of yummy _" "nut filled _" "light snacks such as _" "snack products such as _" "potato stuffed _" "biscuits , plain _" "bars , homemade _" "_ taste exactly like" "starchy foods like _" "nice plate of _" "salty snacks such as _" "convenience foods such as _" "dense foods such as _" "low carb alternative to _" "jumbo bag of _" "snacks , such as _" "light snacks , such as _" "junk foods like _" "cheese flavoured _" "bag of salted _" "sofa eating _" "I ate too many _" "other snacks such as _" "breads , assorted _" "_ recipe without" "famous chocolate covered _" "_ are a light golden brown" "They make delicious _" "processed foods like _" "metal spatula , transfer _" "desserts such as _" "party foods like _" "snack food like _" "starchy food like _" "nibbles such as _" "chocolate over _" "snack alternative to _" "snacks , like _" "unhealthy foods such as _" "light snacks like _" "calorie versions of _" "spatula , remove _" "I started baking _" "chocolate , eating _" "carb alternative to _" "waffles , to _" "starchy foods , such as _" "_ are golden brown" "spatula , carefully transfer _" "toys , eating _" "convenience foods like _" "chips , salted _" "carbohydrate-rich foods , such as _" "Many foods , such as _" "snack foods , including _" "_ cool completely on" "packet of plain _" "spatula , transfer _" "comfort foods like _" "_ are wonderful treats" "high sugar foods such as _" "bag of plain _" "snack foods such as _" "earth baked _" "snacks such as _" "snack foods like _" "fresh home made _" "recipe for thin _" "_ keep well in" "_ are baked for" "_ feel firm" "I bake _" "_ contain no fat" "light foods such as _" "_ are done baking" "original recipe for _" "sweet snacks such as _" "snack food such as _" "Starchy foods , such as _" "sugar foods such as _" "small snacks such as _" "_ taste stale" "starchy foods such as _" "snack foods , such as _" "teddy bear shaped _" "He snacked on _" "_ are completely cool" "processed foods including _" "nuts , assorted _" "slices of sourdough _" "we eat too many _" "you eat too many _" "high-fat foods like _" "ranch flavored _" "fried foods such as _" "munchies like _" "_ are a great snack" "fat snacks like _" "she snacks on _" "salty foods like _" "Snack foods such as _" "fat snacks such as _" "_ are baked daily" "sofa , eating _" "snack foods including _" "you 're baking _" "bag of baked _" "salty snacks like _" "better snack than _" "desserts like _" "snack size bag of _" ] using crisps
CPL @1096 (99.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cake and fruit arg1" "arg2 mousse on arg1" "arg2 covered potato arg1" "arg2 bar or packet of arg1" "arg2 bars and potato arg1" "arg2 bars and bags of arg1" "arg2 covered peanut butter arg1" "arg2 bar or bag of arg1" "arg2 bar or a bag of arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" ] using (crisps, chocolate)
CPL @1096 (99.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cake and fruit arg1" "arg2 mousse on arg1" "arg2 covered potato arg1" "arg2 bar or packet of arg1" "arg2 bars and potato arg1" "arg2 bars and bags of arg1" "arg2 covered peanut butter arg1" "arg2 bar or bag of arg1" "arg2 bar or a bag of arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" ] using (crisps, chocolate)
CPL @1096 (99.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cake and fruit arg1" "arg2 mousse on arg1" "arg2 covered potato arg1" "arg2 bar or packet of arg1" "arg2 bars and potato arg1" "arg2 bars and bags of arg1" "arg2 covered peanut butter arg1" "arg2 bar or bag of arg1" "arg2 bar or a bag of arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" ] using (crisps, chocolate)
CPL @1096 (99.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cake and fruit arg1" "arg2 mousse on arg1" "arg2 covered potato arg1" "arg2 bar or packet of arg1" "arg2 bars and potato arg1" "arg2 bars and bags of arg1" "arg2 covered peanut butter arg1" "arg2 bar or bag of arg1" "arg2 bar or a bag of arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" ] using (crisps, chocolate)
CPL @1096 (99.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cake and fruit arg1" "arg2 mousse on arg1" "arg2 covered potato arg1" "arg2 bar or packet of arg1" "arg2 bars and potato arg1" "arg2 bars and bags of arg1" "arg2 covered peanut butter arg1" "arg2 bar or bag of arg1" "arg2 bar or a bag of arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" ] using (crisps, chocolate)
CPL @1096 (99.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cake and fruit arg1" "arg2 mousse on arg1" "arg2 covered potato arg1" "arg2 bar or packet of arg1" "arg2 bars and potato arg1" "arg2 bars and bags of arg1" "arg2 covered peanut butter arg1" "arg2 bar or bag of arg1" "arg2 bar or a bag of arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" ] using (crisps, chocolate)
CPL @1096 (99.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cake and fruit arg1" "arg2 mousse on arg1" "arg2 covered potato arg1" "arg2 bar or packet of arg1" "arg2 bars and potato arg1" "arg2 bars and bags of arg1" "arg2 covered peanut butter arg1" "arg2 bar or bag of arg1" "arg2 bar or a bag of arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" ] using (crisps, chocolate)
CPL @1096 (99.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cake and fruit arg1" "arg2 mousse on arg1" "arg2 covered potato arg1" "arg2 bar or packet of arg1" "arg2 bars and potato arg1" "arg2 bars and bags of arg1" "arg2 covered peanut butter arg1" "arg2 bar or bag of arg1" "arg2 bar or a bag of arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" ] using (crisps, chocolate)
CPL @1096 (99.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cake and fruit arg1" "arg2 mousse on arg1" "arg2 covered potato arg1" "arg2 bar or packet of arg1" "arg2 bars and potato arg1" "arg2 bars and bags of arg1" "arg2 covered peanut butter arg1" "arg2 bar or bag of arg1" "arg2 bar or a bag of arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" ] using (crisps, chocolate)