CPL @1105 (87.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "_ are delicious" "foods like _" "_ are served all day" "_ are served after" "_ topped with" "_ served with" ] using doughnuts
CPL @1112 (71.6%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "version of fried _" "homemade iced _" "olive oil , organic _" "Pour syrup over _" "we were eating _" "_ is served at" "cake , fresh _" "everything from fried _" "we made homemade _" "_ served each morning" "recipe for French _" "toast , fresh _" "fried foods such as _" "foods such as _" "such foods as _" "_ glazed with" "simple sugars such as _" "cinnamon baked _" "cheese , plain _" "bakery items such as _" "high-fat foods such as _" "cottage cheese , plain _" "recipe for glazed _" "custard filled _" "recipe next time I make _" "recipe sweetened condensed _" "_ served every morning" "baked goods , like _" "evening eating _" "pastries , such as _" "foods , such as _" "warm place until _" "coffee with fresh _" "recipe for round _" "Nutritional values in _" "_ marinated in" "cider , hot _" "foods , like _" "room eating _" "baked products such as _" "drinks , iced _" "pastries such as _" "coffee , plain _" "bag of stale _" "_ topped with" "foods like _" "_ smothered in" "brush tops of _" "_ are tender" "coffee , eat _" "hot , add _" "dishes such as _" "carbohydrate foods like _" "breakfast with fresh baked _" "kids were eating _" "carbohydrate foods such as _" "pastries , fresh _" "aroma of fresh-baked _" "jar of fresh _" "baked goods like _" "_ are done baking" "I were eating _" "vegetables such as _" "baked goods such as _" "baked goods , such as _" "foods , including _" "icing on _" "baked products like _" "_ seasoned with" "bread , green _" "_ were delicious" "We were eating _" "smell of freshly baked _" "_ simmered in" "basket of warm _" "bakery items like _" "bakery products such as _" "soft drinks , iced _" "smell of freshly-baked _" ] using doughnuts
CPL @1105 (99.1%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "_ are cooked through" "staple food is _" "side by _" "we ate _" "I do n't eat _" "plate of fresh _" "we were eating _" "kitchen preparing _" "volume of hot _" "soaks into _" "_ is served at" "chocolate covered _" "mixture over _" "fresh fruit , fresh _" "lots of fresh _" "staple foods such as _" "variety of fresh _" "_ served each morning" "carbs such as _" "cheeseburger with _" "coffee , fresh _" "We stopped for _" "such foods as _" "restaurants serving _" "sign above _" "taste of fresh _" "recipe for glazed _" "_ are made fresh" "recipe next time I make _" "favorite foods are _" "chocolate dipped _" "recipe for chinese _" "Chocolate covered _" "flavor of fresh _" "first couple of _" "bacon wrapped _" "glaze over _" "fry until _" "onions , hot _" "selection of fresh _" "recipes for baked _" "recipe for baked _" "recipe for fried _" "I love fresh _" "foods , such as _" "assortment of fresh _" "smell of stale _" "_ ' worth" "slotted spoon , transfer _" "carbohydrates , such as _" "carbohydrates such as _" "cream filled _" "more servings of _" "Nutritional values in _" "_ marinated in" "chicken , fried _" "I was eating _" "_ are served at" "drinks , iced _" "_ topped with" "honey glazed _" "_ are tender" "hot , add _" "spoon , remove _" "recipe for french _" "particles such as _" "selection of delicious _" "big can of _" "slotted spoon , remove _" "pudding with _" "supply of cheap _" "pan with _" "Pour mixture over _" "sugars such as _" "spoon , transfer _" "carbohydrates like _" "stir until _" "baked goods like _" "maple glazed _" "layer of sliced _" "_ are baked fresh" "_ are golden brown" "vegetables such as _" "baked goods such as _" "crispy fried _" "icing on _" "_ recipe in" "kinds of fresh _" "everything from fresh _" "_ are well coated" "beans , fresh _" "We were eating _" "food items like _" "_ baked fresh" "smell of freshly baked _" "_ are fried in" "recipe calls for _" "fruit , fresh _" "drizzle over _" "deep fried _" "We went out for _" "nutrients such as _" "_ taste better" "diet rich in _" ] using doughnuts
SEAL @174 (79.0%) on 08-dec-2010 [ 123 ] using doughnuts
OE @808 (99.9%) on 29-jan-2014 [ ] using doughnuts
CMC @1112 (100.0%) on 19-jul-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=nuts 1.89035 SUFFIX=nuts 1.64606 PREFIX=doug 1.39560 PREFIX=dou 1.31248 SUFFIX=ts 1.30015 LASTSUFFIX=uts 1.10816 SUFFIX=uts 1.08273 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.55035 CHARS -1.72015 WORDS -2.56099 ] using doughnuts
CPL @1100 (56.0%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "variety of baked _" "you ate too many _" "warm , dip _" "_ do melt in" "_ are provided each morning" "you bake _" "sheets of fresh _" "high-carb foods like _" "fat foods , such as _" "_ are popular treats" "we make homemade _" "crème filled _" "chocolate frosting for _" "Chicken flavored _" "Pour syrup over _" "sweets , such as _" "_ were baked on" "yeast leavened _" "_ have no preservatives" "oil for fresh _" "snack foods such as _" "yummy home made _" "you eat too many _" "yeast risen _" "_ are the new cupcake" "woman baking _" "savoury filled _" "big tray of _" "_ are baked daily" "vegan baked _" "wide variety of baked _" "TNT recipe for _" "_ look devine" "fresh fruit , fresh _" "warm , freshly made _" "_ recipe games" "v lla scented _" "icing covered _" "we made homemade _" "you 're baking _" "lemon filled _" "_ were delish" "apples , eating _" "breakfast items like _" "basket full of fresh _" "delicious heart shaped _" "_ are a light golden brown" "convenience foods such as _" "bagels , assorted _" "bread products like _" "toast , fresh _" "fried foods such as _" "chocolate over _" "cinnamon sugar on _" "scratch made _" "breads such as _" "commercial baked goods such as _" "coffee , fresh _" "_ recipe system" "_ are deep golden brown" "comfort foods , such as _" "crumbly texture of _" "creme filled _" "usual box of _" "_ are best eaten fresh" "simple sugars such as _" "tempting smell of _" "sweet treats like _" "waffles , fresh _" "jam filled _" "buns , sweet _" "original glazed _" "coffee , stale _" "Desserts such as _" "desserts like _" "pink box of _" "shops with fresh _" "_ cool completely before" "bakery items such as _" "bakery making _" "junk food , such as _" "_ baked by" "varieties of baked _" "hot , freshly made _" "I ate too many _" "_ are served after" "sweet filled _" "few chocolate covered _" "market frozen _" "enormous batch of _" "real box of _" "strawberry frosted _" "baked goodies like _" "_ are best eaten hot" "hours baking _" "sour cream makes _" "coffee , ate _" "counters filled with _" "tray piled with _" "_ are wonderful treats" "_ cool for at" "recipe for glazed _" "custard filled _" "_ are made fresh" "_ are traditionally served with" "_ frosted with" "_ are best eaten on" "_ are the new cupcakes" "We made homemade _" "dough , similar to _" "cookies , plain _" "veggie stuffed _" "sugar foods such as _" "recipe next time I make _" "raspberry filled _" "flour , making _" "They munched on _" "flowers , fresh baked _" "pudding filled _" "high sugar foods such as _" "I eat too many _" "baked goods , including _" "bakery fresh _" "students baked _" "baked goods , like _" "glaze over _" "Junk food like _" "dough , cut _" "cakes , fresh _" "sweets such as _" "carbohydrate foods , such as _" "bread pudding made from _" "comfort foods such as _" "lightest , fluffiest _" "dozen glazed _" "pastries , assorted _" "pastries , such as _" "Italian filled _" "I do n't eat many _" "_ contain soy flour" "_ baked from" "warm place until _" "snacks such as _" "snack foods like _" "Dip tops of _" "blueberry filled _" "Krispy Kreme glazed _" "sugary treats such as _" "sugary treats like _" "coffee with fresh _" "more servings of _" "recipe for round _" "sofa eating _" "Nutritional values in _" "dense foods like _" "cookies , fried _" "fast foods like _" "_ baked daily" "Creme filled _" "_ are lightly golden" "I frosted _" "baked products such as _" "homemade heart shaped _" "half-eaten box of _" "shipley s _" "powdered sugar while _" "paste filled _" "huge tray of _" "fresh home made _" "carb foods such as _" "pastries such as _" "bakery with fresh _" "box of powdered _" "bag of stale _" "honey soaked _" "snacks , such as _" "delicious filling for _" "chocolate glazed _" "_ recipe potato" "_ recipe world" "convenience foods , such as _" "chocolate frosted _" "breakfast foods like _" "basket of fresh _" "brush tops of _" "chocolate sprinkled _" "number of sugary _" "desserts such as _" "delicious assortment of fresh _" "little chocolate covered _" "chips , packaged _" "snack food such as _" "carbohydrate foods like _" "them baked _" "hot coffee , fresh _" "Nutella filled _" "prepared foods , such as _" "recipe for sourdough _" "breakfast with fresh baked _" "sweets like _" "plate of warm _" "sauces , fresh _" "sweet foods , such as _" "sugar crusted _" "we munched _" "spatula , slide _" "bakery products , such as _" "recipe suggests serving _" "_ often flavored with" "pastries like _" "platter of assorted _" "powdered sugar over _" "_ look just perfect" "glaze while _" "delicious home made _" "sandwiches , fresh _" "pizza crusts to _" "fresh made _" "carbohydrate foods such as _" "pastries , fresh _" "cre filled _" "chocolate cream filled _" "tops of warm _" "_ absorb too much oil" "aroma of fresh-baked _" "cake , filled _" "they bake _" "chocolate heart shaped _" "baked goods including _" "lla scented _" "fresh delivered _" "teas , along with _" "fried foods , such as _" "beer , eats _" "Jam filled _" "baked goods like _" "batch of vegan _" "different kinds of fresh _" "_ were not too sweet" "_ are done baking" "_ are very crispy" "glaze over hot _" "fried foods like _" "_ are baked fresh" "_ are golden brown" "_ are baked in" "items include homemade _" "_ finish baking" "boxes of stale _" "spatula , transfer _" "baked goods such as _" "baked goods , such as _" "sweet treat like _" "_ literally melt in" "drinks , fresh _" "glaze over warm _" "desserts , like _" "continental breakfast complete with _" "_ are best fresh" "icing on _" "_ are best eaten the day" "Kreme glazed _" "drizzle glaze over _" "_ were served after" "chocolate topped _" "_ are baked from" "sweet snacks such as _" "sweets , like _" "baked products like _" "fresh baked _" "banana slices over _" "powdered sugar on _" "spatula , remove _" "dozen of assorted _" "home made baked _" "chocolate glaze for _" "bakery also sells _" "bakery sells _" "_ are completely cool" "desserts include _" "_ Buy a box" "Easter egg shaped _" "many processed foods such as _" "sugary foods , such as _" "strawberry filled _" "_ are baked rather than" "powdered sugar off _" "jelly filled _" "_ have cooled for" "_ baked fresh" "smell of freshly baked _" "she bakes _" "nice selection of fresh _" "bakery for fresh _" "_ are super fluffy" "Dip top of _" "_ were made fresh" "sweet treats , like _" "snacks , like _" "chocolate icing on _" "box of stale _" "basket of warm _" "pastries , warm _" "top halves of _" "batter , making _" "recipe for old-fashioned _" "frosting over _" "drizzle over _" "bakery items like _" "_ recipe crimes" "Christmas stockings filled with _" "_ recipe result" "bakery products such as _" "warm , roll _" "light breakfast of _" "junk foods like _" "soda , eating _" "entire boxes of _" "drizzle over warm _" "sugar topped _" "syrup over _" "smell of freshly-baked _" "actual baking of _" "signature glazed _" ] using doughnuts
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of bakedgood:doughnuts bakedgoodservedwithbeverage agriculturalproduct:coffee ]
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 with freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 and drinking our arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and a large cup of arg2" "arg1 to have with our arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 and fresh brewed arg2" ] using (doughnuts, coffee)
OE @805 (100.0%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (doughnuts, coffee)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 eclairs and arg1" "arg2 or vanilla arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 cream filled arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 icing on arg1" ] using (doughnuts, chocolate)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 eclairs and arg1" "arg2 or vanilla arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 cream filled arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 icing on arg1" ] using (doughnuts, chocolate)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 eclairs and arg1" "arg2 or vanilla arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 cream filled arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 icing on arg1" ] using (doughnuts, chocolate)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 eclairs and arg1" "arg2 or vanilla arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 cream filled arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 icing on arg1" ] using (doughnuts, chocolate)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 eclairs and arg1" "arg2 or vanilla arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 cream filled arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 icing on arg1" ] using (doughnuts, chocolate)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 eclairs and arg1" "arg2 or vanilla arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 cream filled arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 icing on arg1" ] using (doughnuts, chocolate)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 eclairs and arg1" "arg2 or vanilla arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 cream filled arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 icing on arg1" ] using (doughnuts, chocolate)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 with freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 and drinking our arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and a large cup of arg2" "arg1 to have with our arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 and fresh brewed arg2" ] using (doughnuts, coffee)
OE @805 (100.0%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (doughnuts, coffee)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 eclairs and arg1" "arg2 or vanilla arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 cream filled arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 icing on arg1" ] using (doughnuts, chocolate)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 with freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 and drinking our arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and a large cup of arg2" "arg1 to have with our arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 and fresh brewed arg2" ] using (doughnuts, coffee)
OE @805 (100.0%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (doughnuts, coffee)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 eclairs and arg1" "arg2 or vanilla arg1" "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 cream filled arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 icing on arg1" ] using (doughnuts, chocolate)