CPL @1115 (96.8%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "_ is golden brown" "chocolate cake with _" "drizzle over _" "baked goods like _" "fork until _" "bake until _" "_ topped with" "spoonfuls of _" "birds of _" "foods , such as _" "_ garnished with" "restaurant serves _" "D/D cup of _" "knife inserted into _" "heat until _" "pan with _" "baking dish with _" "beans , Mexican _" "sugars like _" "knife inserted in _" "recipe for mexican _" "home baked _" "_ is cooked through" "_ poached in" "cancers of _" "mixture over _" "we ate _" ] using flan
CPL @1109 (54.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "egg recipes , like _" "desserts include _" "internet recipe of _" "me baking _" "original recipe for _" "_ is golden brown" "Popular desserts include _" "homemade treats like _" "cake , pecan _" "drizzle over _" "baked goods like _" "desserts , such as _" "thin knife between _" "Desserts such as _" "dessert such as _" "_ is a popular dessert" "_ is the perfect dessert" "homemade goodies like _" "homemade desserts including _" "desserts ranging from _" "desserts such as _" "fresh made _" "dessert similar to _" "dessert known as _" "Loosen edges of _" "nice plate of _" "thin knife around _" "sweets like _" "oven , then remove _" "I was baking _" "loaf of _" "last slice of _" "syrup over _" "desserts like _" "cake , similar to _" "chocolate glazed _" "good filling for _" "menu includes homemade _" "chocolate over _" "spatula , transfer _" "store-bought refrigerated _" "slice of home-made _" "large plate over _" "Loosen sides of _" "serving plate over _" "caramel topping on _" "traditional desserts like _" "caramel onto _" "mixture over warm _" "small sharp knife around _" "recipe for mexican _" "home baked _" "me home made _" "recipes ricotta _" "small knife around _" "Desserts , including _" "sweets , such as _" "caramel over _" "metal spatula , transfer _" "sweets such as _" "selection of baked _" "delicious egg recipes , like _" "cheese , homemade _" "you bake _" "_ have no hydrogenated oils" "warm , freshly made _" "you are baking _" ] using flan
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 topped ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 or strawberries and arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 with dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or fried ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" ] using (flan, cream)