gingerbread_cookies (bakedgood)
literal strings: Gingerbread cookies , gingerbread_cookies , gingerbread cookies , Gingerbread Cookies
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visualizableobject (96.1%)
food (96.1%)
visualizablething (96.1%)
bakedgood (92.3%)CPL @1098 (84.1%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "candles , eat _" "girls decorate _" "I started baking _" "we make delicious _" "I have never baked _" "desserts such as _" "_ sandwiched together with" "kids decorated _" "home , baking _" "plate of fresh-baked _" "dairy-free recipe for _" "plate of warm _" "recipes for soft _" "_ are baking in" "_ look yummy" "_ recipe found in" "home baked _" "mother baking _" "I bake _" "aroma of fresh baked _" "I also baked _" "me bake _" "wife baked _" "warm batch of _" "day baking _" "you bake _" "ornaments , decorate _" "_ recipe discusses internet privacy" "plate of fresh baked _" "year I bake _" "white chocolate dipped _" "you 're baking _" "I am baking _" "gifts , baking _" "cider , eat _" "bakery making _" "pastries such as _" "desserts like _" "we do n't bake _" "you frost _" "kitchen , baking _" "children decorating _" "butter , delicious _" "scent of fresh baked _" "desserts , like _" "She was baking _" "me baking _" "_ are baked from" "icing covered _" "HUGE batch of _" "him bake _" "fresh baked _" "baked goods such as _" "_ recipe connections" "scent of freshly-baked _" "cookies Make _" "_ were baked by" "box of stale _" "I was baking _" "cream , crumbled _" "We 've been baking _" ] using gingerbread_cookies SEAL @109 (51.4%) on 24-may-2010 [ 1 ] using gingerbread_cookies CMC @1111 (100.0%) on 25-jun-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=cooki 4.05466 SUFFIX=ies 3.10517 LASTPREFIX=cook 3.05008 LASTPREFIX=coo 3.00909 SUFFIX=okies 2.74337 SUFFIX=es 2.34827 SUFFIX=kies 2.24816 LAST_WORD=cookies -2.00965 CHARS -7.52901 WORDS -9.99760 ] using gingerbread_cookies