CPL @1111 (97.6%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "students living on _" "steaks , fresh _" "we sat down to _" "wide variety of delicious _" "parents over for _" "_ is served at" "salads , grilled _" "kitchen , eating _" "salads , fresh _" "sauce , black _" "urban areas like _" "gourmet flavored _" "plenty of cold _" "recipes for grilled _" "guests over for _" "I do n't eat _" "hot , cooked _" "beauty of real _" "_ contains antioxidants" "cheeses like _" "balcony with _" "ready , add _" "_ taste better" "I 'm getting to _" "cream , frozen _" "chicken , grilled _" "certain foods , such as _" "house is made of _" "_ were tasty" "_ baked fresh" "tablespoon of _" "delicious home cooked _" "rice , white _" "Salad Grilled _" "lots of fresh _" "cheese , grilled _" "walks in _" "recipe next time I make _" "we were eating _" "cheese such as _" "stream of hot _" "selection of delicious _" "slices of fresh _" "medium heat for _" "mixture over _" "olive oil until _" "recipes for white _" "We went out for _" "variety of frozen _" "we sat down for _" "baked goods like _" "favorite foods are _" "chocolate covered _" "I have always made _" "grains , like _" "wood fired _" "water , cold _" "_ garnished with" "oven roasted _" "long pieces of _" "wide variety of fresh _" "chicken , fresh _" "slice of stale _" "people over for _" "baked goods such as _" "cheeseburger with _" "recipe for green _" "spicy Italian _" "I even bake _" "Eat lots of _" "foods , such as _" "kinds of fresh _" "bake until _" "kitchen making _" "_ s day" "home delivered _" "quality fresh _" "bowl , combine _" "coffee , hot _" "products , frozen _" "you’re missing _" "milk , whole _" "I was returning _" "smell of stale _" "high heat for _" "evening includes _" "rice , fresh _" "food items like _" "home , ate _" "butter , fresh _" "restaurant serves _" "_ topping recipe" "_ is cooked through" "beans , Mexican _" "wood smoked _" "we ate _" "sauce , red _" "_ tossed with" "variety of healthy _" "foods , frozen _" "friend over for _" "staple food is _" "embassy in _" "Applewood smoked _" "I love fresh _" "We met for _" "thick piece of _" "upper surface of _" "_ catered by" "_ is golden brown" "selection of fresh _" "recipe for grilled _" "such foods as _" "cream after _" "carbohydrates like _" "taste of fresh _" "variety of fresh _" "tomato sauce , green _" "I was cooking _" "I was eating _" "selection of homemade _" "spaghetti with _" "glaze over _" "_ are made fresh" "recipe for mexican _" "beverages such as _" "_ are golden brown" "smell of freshly baked _" "_ are served at" "dessert after _" "home , eat _" "hot add _" "_ is browned" "delivery of fresh _" "wood burning _" "We were eating _" "lots of cold _" "quality frozen _" "planks of _" "sauce , green _" "_ is heated through" "pan with _" "variety of raw _" "_ are served daily" "ice cream after _" "home cooked _" "consumption of raw _" "we met for _" "more servings of _" "recipes for healthy _" "oven , cook _" "goods , frozen _" "fish , fresh _" "_ is served daily" "_ throwing incident" "_ dipping sauce" "couple tablespoons of _" "I were having _" "slice of white _" "recipe for chinese _" "luke warm _" "cooking time for _" "terrace with _" "sign above _" "solid piece of _" "square piece of _" "grains like _" "recipes for fresh _" "family over for _" "we cooked _" "_ making supplies" "thin piece of _" "walk after _" "evening enjoy _" "cold cooked _" "home baked _" "baking sheet with _" "good home cooked _" "cooking frozen _" "sausage stuffed _" "We stopped for _" "_ eating contest" "_ topped with" "blood sugar after _" "pan roasted _" "slice of fresh _" "certain foods like _" "I cooked _" "flat piece of _" "dairy products such as _" "calories come from _" "hickory smoked _" "ice cream , frozen _" "spoonfuls of _" "starchy foods like _" "drizzle over _" "deep fried _" "sprinkle with _" "rich foods such as _" "plenty of fresh _" "carbohydrates such as _" "carbohydrates , such as _" "fire roasted _" "family out to _" "diet rich in _" "restaurants serving _" "recipes for fried _" "red wine with _" "potatoes , white _" "grains such as _" "family out for _" "thing since sliced _" "skillet with _" "nice restaurant for _" "oil based _" "friends over for _" "plenty of hot _" "_ was served at" "I 'm cooking _" "recipe italian _" "chocolate , hot _" "tablespoons of _" "cook until _" "coal fired _" "salad , grilled _" "amount of warm _" "one ate _" ] using pizza
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and home made arg1" "arg2 and slice of arg1" "arg2 and a slice of homemade arg1" "arg2 and two slices of arg1" ] using (pizza, drink)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and slice of arg1" "arg2 and cake or arg1" "arg2 or hot chocolate and arg1" "arg2 and two slices of arg1" ] using (pizza, coffee)
Human feedback from estevam @465 on 08-dec-2011 [ "geek animaleatfood pizza", Action=(+animaleatfood) (from NELL.08m.465.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (geek, pizza)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 with smoked arg1" "arg2 with sliced smoked arg1" "arg2 on smoked arg1" "arg2 with slices of smoked arg1" ] using (salmon, pizza)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese on their arg1" "arg2 cheese on his arg1" "arg2 cheese onto arg1" "arg2 cheese melts and arg1" "arg2 cheese on your arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (pizza, mozzarella)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese on their arg1" "arg2 cheese on his arg1" "arg2 cheese onto arg1" "arg2 cheese melts and arg1" "arg2 cheese on your arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (pizza, mozzarella)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and slice of arg1" "arg2 and cake or arg1" "arg2 or hot chocolate and arg1" "arg2 and two slices of arg1" ] using (pizza, coffee)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and slice of arg1" "arg2 and cake or arg1" "arg2 or hot chocolate and arg1" "arg2 and two slices of arg1" ] using (pizza, coffee)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 or scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and strawberry ice arg2" "arg1 with caramel ice arg2" "arg1 and cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 and cookie dough ice arg2" "arg1 and hand dipped ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 or a scoop of ice arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 we had ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 or regular ice arg2" "arg1 and good ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 and a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 and soft ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 or chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or some ice arg2" "arg1 and fried ice arg2" "arg1 and cookies and ice arg2" "arg1 and cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or cake and ice arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 or a pint of ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 How to make ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 or a bowl of ice arg2" "arg1 and have some ice arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 or the ice arg2" "arg1 and of course ice arg2" "arg1 with ginger ice arg2" "arg1 on top of the ice arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 with a side of ice arg2" ] using (pizza, cream)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with freshly ground arg1" "arg2 sea salt and freshly ground arg1" "arg2 and season with salt and arg1" "arg2 with sea salt and arg1" ] using (black_pepper, pizza)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 with salt and arg1" "arg2 with freshly ground black arg1" "arg2 to taste with salt and arg1" "arg2 with sea salt and black arg1" ] using (pepper, pizza)
CPL @1105 (99.2%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 with naan arg1" "arg2 or freshly baked arg1" "arg2 or a loaf of arg1" "arg2 and homemade banana arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 or toasting arg1" "arg2 and home made arg1" ] using (bread, pizza)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and a slice of carrot arg1" "arg2 and a piece of chocolate arg1" "arg2 and some chocolate arg1" "arg2 and two slices of arg1" ] using (cake, pizza)
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey and New York City arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 England style arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" ] using (new, pizza)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey and New York City arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 England style arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" ] using (new, pizza)